Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
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The Real Reasons Why You Can't Lose Weight After 50 are an integrated bunch of more than eating and exercise. This holistic approach to weight loss and management will have you rethinking where you need to change and how to get off the plateau.

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If you are over the age of 50, it can be extremely frustrating when you are trying to lose weight. You may feel like all your hard work is not paying off, or that maybe there is something wrong with your body that prevents fat loss. This article will go through some reasons why people who are past their midlife years have difficulty losing weight and what they should do about it. Some of the most common issues include thyroid problems, lack of sleep, menopause, and medications. If you think one of these factors might affect your ability to lose weight after 50 then read on for more information.

Thyroid Problems

The thyroid is a gland in the throat that releases hormones into the body. These hormones help to regulate things like metabolism and energy levels. Thyroid problems can occur when you hit middle age, especially if it has been a while since your last checkup with the doctor. If this condition goes undiagnosed or untreated, it can cause difficulty in shedding pounds. In some cases, people will try many different diets and exercise programs but never see changes because they don’t understand what is going on under the surface of their bodies. A simple blood test from your physician can give them an idea of how active your thyroid is so they can offer more helpful suggestions on how to lose weight after 50 without having to struggle.

Lack of Sleep

People sometimes fail to realize how much sleep they are getting until it starts to dramatically affect their lives. Not only do you feel tired and groggy throughout the day, but losing sleep can lead to weight gain instead of loss. When your body gets too little sleep, cortisol levels increase in your body, which encourages fat storage and makes it harder for you to lose weight. Try to get a solid 7-8 hours each night so that your metabolism stays normal and balanced so you can lose weight faster after 50 years old.


During this life stage, women experience many changes within their bodies as well as emotionally. Menopause is often accompanied by mood swings and cravings that encourage unhealthy eating habits. Even though this is a natural process that happens to all women, it doesn’t mean that you have to give up on your weight loss goals when menopause hits. There are steps you can take to become healthy and fit once again after going through this stage in life. The first thing you should do if trying to lose weight after 50 while going through menopause makes a conscious effort to watch what you eat by keeping a diet journal. Keep track of the foods that trigger cravings so that you know which ones you need to avoid during menopause if losing weight after 50 is difficult for you.


If you have been taking medication for several years then chances are good that your body is used to it and doesn’t work as well anymore. Many medications can interfere with the way that your metabolism works which makes it extremely difficult for you to lose weight after 50. This is especially if you take medication every day, such as blood pressure meds. Others, like painkillers and antidepressants, might cause you to gain weight if taken long-term. Your doctor may be able to adjust these medications so they do not affect your ability to lose weight after 50 years of age.

If you are struggling with losing weight or giving up on your goals try changing some of the things described above to get back on track again. No matter how old you are, there is always room for improvement and getting fit is something you can do with a little determination and a lot of patience.

Not losing weight during menopause is frustrating, but there are plenty of things that you can do to make your journey easier. One thing that hasn't been mentioned in this article is losing weight after 50 through dieting. Your body performs certain functions differently as it gets older than it did when younger, such as the aging process on foods you eat. Eating whole foods will go off faster during this period, so if you want to keep those pounds off then try cutting down your meals into five small ones instead of just three larger ones. You will find that those stubborn pounds fly right off! On the other hand, if taking more medication and are not well enough to manage your life daily, why not consult with the best medical weight loss clinics. They'll help you out.

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. So pretty in ur age.. wish i could be like u 🙂

  2. Thank You for your insight and encouragement. Ive been feeling like I don’t know the person Ive become. Im over 50, fully in menopause, and my body is changing everyday. Mainly because Im not actively living. I have began to reduce the stress in my life and listening to my body. I am ready to give myself a chance to be healthy, active, and well. Your information seems to be very helpful and insightful so I will be looking forward to learning and hearing more from you. Thanks for what you do.

  3. I’m a 62-year-old woman, and have lost 37 pounds since October. It’s not as fast as it used to be, but it’s happening. I wish older people wouldn’t give up on trying to lose weight. I’m not selling anything, just counting calories, eating more nutrient-dense food, walking and beginning strength training. I do agree that adequate sleep and stress management are really overlooked components of weight loss. Also, if you have to consult anyone about nutrition, make sure it’s a registered dietician. In many places, anyone can call himself a nutritionist. Scary. Great video!

    • +Betty Christidis

      grapes are too heavily sprayed…always give me a rash.

    • affectivity thank you so inspiring congratulations!

    • Also make sure that you eat three meals a day. I find a lot of women tend to only eat one or two meals a day thinking that will make them lose weight!

    • @Betty Christidis no no no no one should eat three healthy balanced meals a day with at least two nutritious snacks. Eating one meal a day slows down your metabolism and is not good for you!

    • affectivity – It doesn’t help when a fitness pro titles her video “why you can’t.”

  4. you can lose weight after 50. i am 62 and lost a stone in the last year. my girlfriend is 61 and she lost 3 stone in the last 18 months! Neither of us are now classed overweight.

    • +Dennis Nowland You absolutly can Dennis! Congratulations! We don’t gain weight and slow down due to a’s habits and slowing down that age us.

  5. Thanks so much. I just talked to my doctor today. I was having some RA symptoms, so I went vegan and stopped eating sugar, wheat and alcohol. I’ve also started walking for over an hour a day every other day. She said it’s very hard to loss weight at this age. No sh*t! I guess because she’s overweight too. Well, I will unlock this. I also told her I had a goiter and that I wanted my thyroid checked. She said that’s not it. Doctors are just not good listeners so much of the time.

    • Have you heard of glandulars? I am 66 years old, i had hysterectomy age 21, hormonal stuff, endocrine system ages as we age. Check out this blog post.

    • Soulfulveg, so sorry to hear of your diag. Having a diag that you know will change your life as you knew it is hard to swallow but we learn to work around it. I have Fibromyalgia and it took a while a long while to get in to the gym. Of course my exercises are modified we can lose weight went from 163 and now 124 but i have been stuck at the same weight for 3 months I have a goal number but just frozen in time. These diets give you a caloric intake that is so high what woman can eat 1200 a day. You exercise and eat clean and stall. Good luck to you hon and I know you will do great.

    • SoulfulVe

    • your doctor is a loser, get rid of her. She is fat so don’t listen to her.

    • … said the wolf …

  6. Thank you. You’re brilliant at explaining things so well and have helped me.

  7. It would have been so great had you titled this, “How you CAN lose weight after 50”. I almost didn’t watch the video, because the title was negative and defeatist. Always a great idea to start with positive thought forms…Mind…THEN…Body…Good luck! 🙂

  8. I am a 52 year old woman who quit using sugar 4 years due to my crumbling teeth. I was 212lbs 4 years ago. I now weigh 170-75.

    • Congrats!

    • Yeah, cut sugar and the weight comes off. Free

    • Kill sugar completely and it flies off at a faster rate.

    • diane Wilkins congratulations! How is it possible to cut all sugar out?

    • diane Wilkins Congratulations 🎈🎊🎉🍾. Where you from? I’d like to know you.

  9. oh but I have! I’ve lost 30 pounds in 6 months. ketogenic diet to the rescue. I am 52.

  10. So glad I found this channel! Like you were reading my mind.

  11. “You’ve got to build the foundation, then you can build the penthouse.” No, no, there’s many floors between the foundation and the penthouse, and they’re all the same.

  12. Pretty awesome site! I just found you and you know your fitness! Thanks, wish I could get a G.S. Thin Mint Protein…

  13. I’m 65 and I’ve just lost 12 lbs in 10 weeks and intend to lose another 7 lbs.

  14. I turned 50 last August. I have been on a weight loss journey for 6yrs. I have lost 160lbs so far and 30 of those I have lost since turning 50. I have about 40-50lbs more to remove and it will go the same way the rest of it has gone. A plant-based lifestyle is what works best for me.

  15. I used to believe this. When I was 57 I weighed 352 pounds and was resigned to always being fat. Today I’m 59 and weigh 167 pounds and in the best shape of my life. Don’t give up because of age.

    • Beating Obesity what did you do to loose weight?

    • Beating Obesity congratulations! I’m at that point destined to be fat, what did you do to lose?

    • @Flipping50 A better title for this video would be: Real reasons it’s harder to lose weight after 50.

    • @Diana Foster That’s true as for the content and message but I’ve found over 30 years this is the way women look for the answer – they can’t lose weight and they’re asking the question. So in order to help more women the title reflects what they’re saying to themselves. DARN RIGHT IT’s NOT TRUE… only true because of following the wrong research and exercise protocols based on men!

    • @nevets so do i

  16. I’m 58. My wife post menopausal and 56. We read Dr Mark Hymans book, and lost 54/36 lbs respectively and kept it off. Lipid panels and all other blood work has come back absolutely perfect. Blood pressure meds gone. Arthritis much reduced. Just feel good. High energy. At least 12 hours between supper and breakfast. Sleep great. No morning fog. Keto for me thanks. Proof living it.

  17. My friend is 75 years old just lost 25 kilos gradually in a yeR!

  18. re: good sleep, you must consider harmful effects of EMFs on physiology, – this is a must, especially with 5G coming in.

  19. I’m not watching this video. I’ve been exercising a little while and just recently cut back on sweets and fried foods. I’m 61 and just lost 6 pounds. The title of this video is so wrong.

    • Jubilie Joy – I’m watching it right now. She seems to be saying “why it’s difficult” to lose weight rather than “why you can’t.”

    • Jubilie Joy Just keep going and losing those pounds. Where you from? I’d like to know you.

  20. I’m 54 …cut sugar and walk 45 minutes per day and lost 14 pounds in 12 weeks

    • Lolita Morris with no sugar how do you have the energy to walk so much?

    • Lolita Morris Congratulations 🍾🎊🎈🎉. Where you from? I’d like to know you.

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