Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Reach your goals, whether it's weight loss or better fitness with this one tip… and it's specific for women over 40.

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If you are a woman who is over 40, then there may be some things that you should know about your weight loss and fitness goals. It's not as easy to lose weight and it can take longer than when you were younger, but if you follow these tips then reaching those goals isn't impossible.

1. Focus on diet

One of the biggest things that you have to focus on when you are over 40 is your diet. You should include more protein, fiber, and other nutrients to get your metabolism going. You also want to watch the number of calories that you're eating every day so it doesn't add up too much extra weight for you to lose. If you're not sure what a good calorie intake is, then speak with a medical professional about this information.

2. Do cardio exercises

When it comes to cardio exercises, focus on doing them three times a week because at this age they can help reduce stress levels and make your feel better overall which will help with weight loss goals as well. Just make sure that you're not overdoing the cardio and you're eating healthy. You don't want to use cardio as a replacement for eating right and that is going to burn out your body too quickly at this age.

3. Strength training

Another thing that you should do is strength training two times a week, but it's best if you go four times a week because there are more benefits from it overall. You'll stay toned and your metabolism will be boosted by keeping up with strength training exercises at least twice a week. If you can go four times then do so, however, if not then just focus on two of them weekly.

4. Don't avoid weight lifting

When it comes to women who are over 40, they usually avoid weight lifting because they think that it's going to make them look bigger. The truth is that if you incorporate strength training exercises into your routine, then you'll be toning up and not gaining weight or looking bigger. You probably won't be as toned as a younger person who lifts weights regularly but at this age, it's good enough.

5. Do yoga

Yoga is another type of exercise that women over 40 should do because it helps with flexibility and stress reduction which will help with staying fit overall. After all, you're less likely to gain weight and more likely to stay focused on what your fitness goals are. So do yoga two or three times a week and include the other exercises we mentioned here to reach those goals for your weight loss and fitness journey.

With the right knowledge, tools, and support you can reach your weight loss or fitness goals. This article provides some essential information for women over 40 who are trying to lose weight. It includes a variety of tips on how to eat well, exercise more, get enough sleep and reduce stress levels so that you feel good about yourself again. If this seems overwhelming then consider hiring a personal trainer or joining an online program to help keep you motivated during your journey. You deserve it!

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. I’m so grateful we connect Pj! Thank you!! ❤️ can’t wait to see your new plan!

  2. Love from the Netherlands ♥️

  3. Three loud cheers for balance from Nova Scotia. I can’t wait for next week’s video.

  4. I just found your channel this morning. I am in my late 50’s and am so happy I found you. I need help and feel like I will get it following your channel! Thank you so much!!

  5. New Patreon here! Love this but please don’t take away your hardcore workouts!!!! I love them but I understand the need for balance as well.

  6. I’m a libra, I am all about balance! Thanks for the motivational pep talk and loved the f’in bleepers!!

  7. Giving myself permission to balance everything, looking forward to the next video! Thanks from Oregon

  8. I have just started you 21 day fitness challenge yesterday! 2 workouts down! Legs hurt but really good – thank you 😀

  9. Love your humor. Those dang lawn mowers. I can’t hear them.

    • I think Thursdays, which is when I film, is international lawn mowing day, every week.

  10. You are so right! Love this concept! This is how I have been living my life for the past 6 years and I have been much happier than beating myself up. And surprise, surprise, I am in the best shape I have been in my whole life. I could stand to tone up a bit more but I want to enjoy my life, not just worrying about diet and exercise constantly. It is a lifestyle, so it is something that will be sustainable and fit into your life.
    I have done intermittent fasting and that has really helped me to be in tune with my body and eat when I am hungry, not because it is “breakfast” time or lunch time or bored time.
    Thank you for your great advice and as always I love your workouts!❤️

  11. i love the idea of finding your balance, been doing different diets for probably 55 years . In dec will be the big 70. Love my protein, but not crazy of veg.

    • Haha… I am married to man who also loves his protein and is not crazy about the veg 😂

  12. You’re the best!

  13. Hey PJ thanks for this VLOG really enjoy it. Can’t wait for the programme you mentioned. Have been doing your workouts since Dec 2019 and I feel fantastic and confident about myself. Hugs, Lisa (South-Africa)

    • Wow!! Thank you for your support and I am so happy the workouts are helping ya Liza.

  14. Thank you that was uplifting. I’ve lost 17 pounds and kept it off for 2 years but am 49 and struggling with life changes and can’t seem to maintain. I work out 6 days a week and eat healthy. I would like to push past this plateau

  15. Can’t wait to see what you’re working on!

  16. Portugal 🇵🇹!!!! The bloopers at the end 🤭

  17. I’m 60 and SO glad I found you! I’m fairly fit and active and have been looking for routines that challenge me without making me feel like a weak old lady. I get my sweat on and feel that fabulous burn with you and love every second! Thank you!

  18. Great video…love your work can’t wait for the next one!! I live in New Zealand where we are kicking Covid19 butt😊during lockdown I’ve been working out with you and I want to thank you it’s been amazing and I’m hooked❤️

  19. Well said PJ! Totally agree with you 😘

  20. You had me at ‘Balance’…

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