Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
WATCH 5 reasons you may be putting on weight around your mid section during menopause and how to combat it!

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During menopause, our bodies change in many ways. One of the most noticeable changes is the slowing down or cessation of menstrual cycles which can lead to weight gain and belly fat. Here are 5 tips for losing that belly fat during menopause:

1. Eat a healthy diet. Eating a balanced, healthy diet is one of the best ways to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. Make sure to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet, and avoid processed foods and sugary drinks.

2. Exercise. Along with eating a healthy diet, exercise is an important key to losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight throughout menopause. Make sure you are getting at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every day, along with strength training two or three times per week to help you lose belly fat during menopause.

3. Sleep more! While lack of sleep has been linked to obesity, research has also shown that people who don't get enough sleep tend to eat more than those who do get enough shut-eye. This may be because poor sleep habits can alter your metabolism which makes it harder for your body to break down calories after eating, causing the calories to stay in your system rather than burn off as energy.

4. Avoid alcohol. Too much alcohol can lead to weight gain, including belly fat. One drink per day for women is the limit.

5. Take a probiotic supplement. Probiotics have been shown to help improve digestion and overall gut health, both of which are important factors in maintaining a healthy weight. Look for a probiotic supplement that contains live cultures of bacteria such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis.

If you’ve ever struggled with weight gain during menopause, these five ways to lose belly fat may be just what you need. These simple adjustments can help your body process food better and keep the pounds off for good! Give them a try today to see if they work for you. Remember that it's important not to judge yourself harshly-it takes time for our bodies to adapt after all! What tips do you think are most helpful? Let us know in the comments section below.

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. This One Simple Method Has Never Before Been Revealed To The General Public Until Today.

  2. Are you struggling with any part of the menopause? Leave me a comment

    • Rachel Holmes all of it 😂😂😂😂

    • @Sharon Curran Ah Sharon have you been watching my videos to help?

    • I’m struggling and I’m only 38. I had to get both ovaries removed and that put me into full menopause. I’ve gained over 50 lbs.

  3. I have been doing strength training and eating clean 80% for 3 years prior to prior perimenapausal. My 11 abs has been replaced with bloated tummy. How to deal with the bloat?

  4. Thank u so much for the explanation😍 Now it makes more sense why I m losing concentration a lot more this year compared to last year. Also, I will need to pay more attention to my stress levels which in turn has/will affect my tendency to snack! Thank u so much!

  5. I am diabetic and finding hard with hot flashes and night sweats. Your video is very good. Full of information

  6. I’ve been exercising every day for 30 minutes, eating fresh and avoiding bread, cheese, anything processed and I’ve had no luck. I feel bigger for some reason and more stressed out. I’m tired all the time and I feel when I exercise it stresses my body out because I’m tired on top of exercising. The fatigue is what absolutely frustrates me more than anything. Run down and wiped out, all day, every day!

  7. How can I increase bone density and reverse osteoporosis? I want to walk more but my back aches so much. I tried taking Vit K7 but it gave me heart palpitations. I do take Solaray CALCIUM MAGNESIUM AND ZINC. I use bioidentical progesterone and estrogen. Thank you for your help. 💗🌹

  8. i will try it but do you think this works if you had a radical hysterectomy? i’m very upset over this weight gain

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