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Over forty and overweight?

So, your old diet tricks don't work anymore? That's because

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How to fight fat after 40

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Are you over forty and overweight? Have old diet tricks not been working for you lately? If so, then in this article, you will learn effective ways to lose weight now that are guaranteed to work!
Overweight and over forty?

If you are overweight and over forty, you probably have to realize that those old diet tricks such as the “starvation diet” no longer work. If they ever really did!

The starvation diet appears to be just what it says: Eat very little food and lose weight fast! The result is the body goes into starvation mode, which means burning fewer calories than usual, so it will hold on to every calorie possible for dear life. Result: Weight gain instead of loss.

Old methods: Not working?

It may look like a lot of us over forty are trying out different diets in an attempt to lose weight. But I'm sure many give up of two reasons, both based on physiology:

#1) They try the starvation diet and lose weight, but then they rebound on that lost weight! Because the starvation diet DOES NOT WORK in the long term and never did. The result: Weight gain instead of losing or maintaining a low weight.

#2) They give up after trying many diets for over forty! Because it is time-consuming and most people believe there is no way they can stick to them anyway.
Does this sound like you? If so, don't despair! There are proven ways to lose weight now that do work not just in the short term, but also in the long run. And they require only small changes from your old habits instead of total starvation or giving food completely!

Small but important changes!

These proven ways to lose weight now are small changes that make a big difference in the long term. Not only will you lose weight, but also maintain a healthy weight and age well into the future!

Here is how they work: They all revolve around hunger management because that's where it all starts. Hunger is THE most powerful biological mechanism which gets your body out of fat-burning mode and back into fat-storing mode if not managed correctly!

So what's the trick? Always eat when hungry and never get more food than your stomach can manage at one time. In other words, get more conscious about what you eat. The result: You will find yourself automatically eating less food while staying fit and lean!
Small changes with huge results!

The trick to a successful diet, however small the changes may be, is to make them permanent. That's why going on a diet and then going back to your old habits won't work. You need to change those bad habits for good ones if you want to keep the weight off once it's lost!

So what are these “old diet tricks not working for you anymore” which don't seem to work in the long run? Let's take a look:

Old Diet Trick #1: Counting Calories Doesn't Work!

If you have been following this advice ever since you were young, I'm sorry to tell you this but counting calories just doesn't work as well as it should in the long run! That's because calories are only half of the truth when it comes to losing weight.

So what is the other half? The quality of food you eat in each calorie counts more than the calorie number itself! So eating fewer calories in junk foods rather than healthy ones will do much better for losing weight in the long run!

Old Diet Trick #2: Skipping meals Doesn't Work either!

Skipping meals is another old diet trick that seems to work well for a while, but gets people back into fat-storing mode after all, no matter how many salads they eat later. What's wrong with skipping meals? When you skip a meal, your body goes into starvation mode and makes every effort to burn as few calories as possible.

Then when you eat that big meal later, it stores the extra food as fat because there is no way to burn it fast enough at that late hour! What's more? That calorie-burning machine just slows down even further with every skipped meal! Result: Weight gain instead of losing or maintaining a low weight.

So what about small snacks or light meals between meals I see so many people recommend here and there? Here's the truth: There is no need for snacks if your eating schedule allows you not to snack! I know this sounds hard to believe… But the truth is once again, regular large meals are much better for losing weight in the long run.

Does this mean you should never eat between meals? No, not at all! Just eat like a king for breakfast and lunch (as long as you don't go overboard), have a small dinner, and fast the rest of the day if you so choose. Result: Weight loss instead of weight gain or a constant struggle with your weight.

Old Diet Trick #3: Starvation Doesn't Work Either!

Starving seems to be yet another old diet trick that works for some people but has them gaining back their extra kilos once they are done depriving themselves of food. Here's why starvation doesn't work in the long run? The more you eat less food, the more your body tries to store any incoming calories as fat since it believes that is what's coming next… And it's right!

A whole new approach to fat-burning!

So what's the trick? How can you lose weight now, after 40, without starving yourself of food and without struggling like crazy with your body every day of your life? There is a whole new approach to eating which will revolutionize the way you see foods forever. It's called ” Eat Stop Eat “. With this new strategy, you'll find losing weight easier than ever before because it takes only 2 days out of 7 where your body gets used to burning stored fat for energy instead of incoming calories (and believe me, there are plenty of those!) Result: Weight loss without starvation or constant hunger pangs! So many people do not realize that their bodies were designed by nature to allow them to lose weight easily once they are done with that extra weight. Dieting for life wasn't part of the design.

If you’ve been struggling to lose weight, it may be time for a new approach. It can take some trial and error before determining what works best for your body type, but there are plenty of helpful resources out there to get started on the right track. Our article has provided some great tips that will help you stay motivated and keep up with healthy habits.

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat

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