Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
New Weight loss for women over 40 – Weight loss over 40 can be difficult. Why? If you continue to do exactly what you're doing right now, your body is going to look the same next week, next month and next year.

New Weight Loss For Women Over 40. Menopause. How To Lose Weight After 40 Years Old…

All too often the “change of life” results in unwelcome changes in the number on the bathroom scale. Why Weight Gain For Women Often Happens After 40… What is it about menopause that makes it so hard to keep off the weight? It's likely a mix of factors related to menopause and aging.

How To Lose Weight After 40 Years Old… Every year, it seems, the needle on the scale is a little harder to budge. You cut back on portion size; you say, “No, thank you,” to dessert; you sign up for a Zumba class — and yet your jeans size goes up and your energy level goes down. What's going on?

Hopefully you know by now that 2,000 calories per day of candy bars and soda pop will NOT produce the same result as 2,000 calories per day of chicken breast, broccoli and high quality carbohydrates.

This is exactly why calorie counting could just be one of the biggest nutrition myths EVER.

Weight loss for women over 40. As we age, our lives become more complicated, whether it's with children, with work, with aging parents, and so we have less time really to be more physically active and pay attention to what we're eating. Food is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in large portions that are relatively economical and so food is always around, and we tend to have more mindless eating and cut down on activities,” she says.

I am sure you have experienced this strange phenomenon for yourself and you know how frustrating it can be when your boobs and cheeks all but disappear while the fat on your hips and lower tummy doesn't seem to shrink even an inch.

In fact, there is a simple test you can perform RIGHT NOW to find out EXACTLY how fat will leave your body and where your worst trouble spots are: .

Body Part Specific 3 Phase Nutrition System that Balances Your Hormones, While Automatically “Burning Off” Stubborn Fat From Your Worst Problem Fat Areas, WITHOUT: Insane Workouts, Eating Zero Carbs, Taking Risky Drugs or Dangerous Supplements.

Even If You're Eating “Healthy”…

Your Current Diet Could Be Making Your Hormone Imbalance Problem WORSE If You Don't Know The EXACT Foods To Eat!

All calories are NOT created equal. For every food you eat there is a hormonal response that moves you in one of two directions- lean and healthy or fat and sick.

The WORST thing you can do is to follow one of those generic; one size fits all “calories in/calories out” type diet programs. These programs do NOTHING towards deactivating your fat storage enzymes or improving your hormonal balance and may actually cause you to gain fat in your trouble spots.

The solution is found in identifying your problem fat areas and the corresponding hormones that are the cause of your fat storage…and correcting the hormonal imbalance using targeted nutrition.

New Weight Loss For Women Over 40. Menopause. How To Lose Weight After 40 Years Old: .

weight loss for women over 40. How To Lose Weight After 40 Years Old. female fat loss. post menopause weight gain. hormonal weight loss for women over 40. menopause weight gain solutions. menopause and weight gain diet. Weight Loss After 40. 40, forty, over 40, over forty. weight loss for women over 40. How To Lose Weight After 40 Years Old.

New Weight Loss For Women Over 40. Menopause. How To Lose Weight After 40 Years Old

The metabolism indeed slows down as you age. This means that it will be more difficult to lose weight, but it doesn't mean you can't do anything about it! There are many ways to increase your metabolism and there are also some things you can do at home to help with this process. This blog post will outline a few of these methods by discussing how they work, what they involve, and who might benefit from them.

Exercise and Sports

Exercising and sports can both increase your metabolism and help you to lose weight. There are many different types of exercise, but the most effective ones include high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and strength training.

HIIT involves alternating between periods of intense activity such as sprinting and low-intensity activities such as walking or jogging. This type of workout helps to burn fat more effectively than other types because it keeps the body burning fuel for longer after the workout has ended.
Strength training is another great way to boost your metabolism because it builds muscle that consumes calories even while you're resting! Muscle also requires more energy as it is heavier than fat so this type of workout is beneficial to your weight loss.

Strength training can be done with free weights, resistance bands, machines at the gym, or even your body weight. As you get stronger and increase the number of reps you do each time then you will see improvement in your metabolism and overall health.

Sports such as yoga and pilates involve holding stretches for a long period which uses up calories and helps to boost your metabolism. Some forms of dancing such as Zumba also use similar techniques but they include periods of high-intensity movement too!


Eating healthy foods is vital when trying to lose weight because it means that is providing your body with everything it needs to function properly. If you aren't eating enough of the right nutrients then your body will not be able to burn fat efficiently, slowing down your weight loss.

When choosing what foods to eat, organic produce is generally a good choice as it usually contains more nutrients than produce that has been grown using traditional methods. You should also aim to have at least one meal that involves protein each day to build muscle and speed up your metabolism over time. Try to stay away from fast food meals when possible too because they are often high in saturated fats, salt, sugar, and calories.

A low-carb diet can help with weight loss because by avoiding these types of foods you will eliminate some cravings. This means that you are more likely to stick to your diet plan which will ultimately lead to better results. It is also vital that you drink plenty of water daily as it helps the body to function properly and can also help you lose excess weight by making you feel fuller.

Smaller Portions

If you are trying to lose weight then you need to make sure that the portions of food you eat are smaller than usual. One way which can help with this is finding ways around eating out at restaurants because they often serve larger portions than what is healthy or necessary! If dining out is impossible, then preparing your meals using healthier ingredients can be a great option for reducing calories without noticing the difference.

Lowering stress levels

When under stress, the body increases its production of a hormone called cortisol. This is a type of steroid that can make you feel hungry and crave certain foods which might not be healthy for your diet. Cortisol also makes it more difficult to lose weight because it helps to convert fat into energy so that you have more fuel available when trying to survive stressful situations.

Meditation has been shown to reduce cortisol levels in people by as much as 25% over time, making it easier for you to avoid consuming the wrong types of food. It can also help calm your mind so that you are less likely to reach for snacks or unhealthy food options at times where they are least needed.

Other methods include breathing exercises and mindfulness which can both improve your overall health and wellness. These types of techniques can help you to relax and reduce your stress levels, therefore making weight loss a simpler process.

We hope this article has helped you learn more about the new weight loss for women over 40 and how it differs from other diet plans out there. Feel free to contact us with any questions or comments!

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat

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