Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
I'm taking you on my weight loss journey and sharing my experience with THE METABOLISM RESET DIET. Losing weight after 40 can be hard. I'm finding this diet makes it easy to lose weight fast.



Links to some grocery items and tools for this diet:

Organic PEA PROTEIN Powders (I go through about one pound per week)

Organic GREEN BANANA FLOUR (about 14 oz bag per week)

Organic STEVIA Extract (1 oz. will last 4 weeks and beyond)

WHEAT FREE Soy Sauce (no wheat allowed on diet)

Teeccino Dandelion Dark Roast –
Teeccino Dandelion Tea Sample Pack –
Teeccino Dandelion Tea Variety Pack –

NUTRIBULLET Blender (for blending shakes breakfast and lunch)

Brita WATER FILTER Pitcher (all water on diet is to be filtered)

Replacement FILTERS

MICROPLANE (for zesting citrus and grating ginger)

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Have you been trying to lose weight for a while now but nothing seems to be working? Are you sick and tired of spending your hard-earned money on diet plans that don't work? Have you ever heard about the metabolism reset diet plan, also known as the ketogenic diet? This is a great way to lose weight fast without feeling hungry or deprived. Read on if this sounds like something that would work for you.

There are many benefits to resetting your metabolism, not the least of which is losing weight fast. Losing weight can be hard because your body doesn't want you to lose it. The metabolism reset helps you overcome these obstacles because it has been proven that if you restrict your caloric intake for a certain amount of time, then after that period of fasting, the metabolic rate will increase again and additional fat will be burned off even more quickly. This is sometimes referred to as “metabolic damage” whereby the body will go into starvation mode and try to prevent further damage by slowing its metabolic rate. The whole point of this diet plan is to trick your body into thinking that there is no food available so the metabolism speeds up and then after some time, the metabolism will return to normal.

This diet is especially effective as an alternative to drastic starvation diets such as those used by people who suffer from eating disorders like bulimia nervosa and binge eating. These types of diets should never be attempted without consulting with a doctor or trained professional first because they can make you very sick and even cause serious health problems. However, this particular diet plan (metabolism reset) can help you lose weight fast and keep it off for good because once your body adjusts back to its regular metabolic rate, it won't slow down again in response to more food being available; instead, it will stay at that level until you reach the next calorie deficit to burn more fat.

eat nutritious foodThis means that you can eat whatever foods you want as long as those foods fit into the calorie deficit that is required for weight loss. You don't have to count calories or even give up any of your favorite food types. All you need to do is step on the scale and figure out your starting weight and then determine how many calories a day it will take to lose one pound of body weight per week (for an average person, this will be approximately 3,500 – if this seems like too much food at first, remember that it's better to start conservatively because once you've reached your goal, then you'll be able to eat more if desired). You then subtract 500 from that number to arrive at how many calories you should consume per day. If your starting weight is 200 pounds, then that means that to lose approximately 1/2 pound per week, you would need to only eat 1100 calories per day for weight loss.

Once you know your target calorie intake and have calculated what 10% of those calories will be, then you can begin making changes to your current lifestyle and workout routine. Make cardio exercise the first thing on your schedule every morning before anything because once your body has burned off its glycogen stores, it will be craving fuel and this is when you should feed your body to begin the process of metabolism resetting.

In this article, we’ve discussed the science behind metabolism resetting and how it can help you lose weight fast. We hope that these tips have been helpful in better understanding how your body reacts to a change in diet or exercise routine. If you enjoyed this post and want more information on other ways to achieve a healthy lifestyle, feel free to contact us!

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Congratulations sounds like things are working well. I start my day off with vinegar and water I take my vitamin D drops and a multivitamin I use Braggs organic vinegar. Good luck and stay the course

    • Thank you Leslie! I’ve heard of people starting out with vinegar and water. I’ve tried it and could never get used to the taste. The lemon water is so pleasant. I’m not sure which is better for you. xoxo

  2. Thank you Leslie! I’ve heard of people starting out with vinegar and water. I’ve tried it and could never get used to the taste. The lemon water is so pleasant. I’m not sure which is better for you. xoxo

    • Thanks Irene! Yes I was very surprised with the weight loss. Like anything new, it took a day or two for me to get into the groove of things, but it’s repetitive so it’s second nature now. xoxo

  3. If I understand this correctly, the purpose of this diet isn’t weight loss but resetting your metabolism so it’s easier to lose weight after these four weeks. That sounds like you need another weight loss plan in place starting week five, right? Do you have a second diet in mind? Also, could you show us what one of your shakes looks like and the consistency of it?

    • The purpose is to lose weight during the four weeks and then to have a higher metabolism after that so that you can maintain the weight loss and/or lose more. You’re only supposed to do this diet once a year but can do up to four times a year if you have another reason. Mine is high cholesterol. I would be happy if I lost during the diet and maintained or lost very slow in between. There is a maintenance chapter in the book where he gives you an idea of what to eat and what to limit when not on this diet. I have to really think about what I’m going to do. I may add some meat back into my diet because I’m thinking about cutting out wheat. Since I can’t eat dairy, cutting out all three seems too much especially when at a restaurant or at someone’s house. I will definitely do a video with the shake! xoxo

  4. Very interesting topic, Dear 🥰 if i’m doing Diet program, i used to do it without any guidance. it’s a good idea to do research about it first. TFS Dear

    • Thanks Cin! Let me know how your diet is going. I wish you well on it. xoxo

  5. Good job Jill! One of my “diet/eating” tips is: make a fist – take note of the size – your stomach is the size of your fist – ask the question: will all that food fit in my tummy? Stay the course Jill – you can do it.

    • That’s a great way to look at it! Thanks for the encouragement!! xoxo

  6. Very interesting and congratulations on your weight loss so far, 5 lbs is amazing for one week. I agree with you, whenever doing a diet it’s crucial to plan ahead and have a backup meal in the fridge or freezer in case you don’t have time to cook one night or whenever. It’s times like those that can really throw you off plan and you’ve got all the contingencies covered. 🙂 Looking forward to more updates!

  7. Wow 5 pounds! That’s great! Glad it’s been relatively easy for you and you haven’t been starving with this plan. That’s always a deterrent for me. Can’t wait to see what week two brings!

  8. What a terrific week 1! Not surprised that you lost 5lbs out of the gate, definitely your body is resetting. I have ordered the book, not for a quick fix and also ordered some of the dandelion tea. From what you have shared about the content of the book, there are many things to do that will make long term differences. Can’t wait (Amazon will have it here in 5 minutes) to learn more. Thank you for all the videos that you are doing and the range of topics.

    • Wow that is fast delivery Michele! I can’t wait to hear what you think!! xoxo

  9. Thanks for your review! Really appreciate you breaking it down :O) Much blessings!

  10. All human beings are lactose intolerant. 😉 – thanks for putting your experience out there. I will try your miso recommendation.

    • It does seem counterintuitive to drink milk into adulthood! I couldn’t drink cows milk even as a baby though. xoxo

  11. Meryl Streep!!

  12. Hi Jill, I did not find subsequent videos on your metabolism diet journey. Can you update how that went/ has been going?

    • Hi Jill, I did not find subsequent videos on your metabolism diet journey. Can you update how that went/ has been going?

    • @Jill Maurer Thank you, it was very helpful. I wish you could share your grocery list. I got the book but it is difficult to go through 400 pgs

  13. Super helpful Jill ! Thank you for sharing this! I’m beginning this journey and want to set myself up fir success!!

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