Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Looking for menopause weight gain solutions? Deborah Maragopoulos FNP will show YOU how to lose menopause belly fat fast.
When you were younger, it may have been easier to keep weight off but as you go through menopause, your metabolism slows down and it gets harder to keep that weight off.
You can begin to gain weight in places that you haven't before.
There are some very simple steps to start taking control of menopause weight gain that you can start doing today.
Are you ready to lose that menopause belly fat fast?
Let's dive in!

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When it comes to menopause, many women worry about the changes that will take place in their bodies. One of the most common concerns is weight gain. While it is true that some women do experience weight gain during menopause, there are ways to combat it. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best tips for avoiding menopause weight gain. Read on to learn more!

1. Try Avoiding Sugar

Sugar in large quantities can have a significant impact on the weight of menopausal women. Because sugar is not filling, it will often leave you feeling hungry shortly after you eat. This can increase your appetite and, over time, lead to weight gain. Limiting the intake of simple sugars may help reduce this problem.

2. Eat More Whole Grains

Whole grains are good for any diet because they provide fiber and nutrients without too many calories. They also make people feel more full, which helps with portion control and avoiding overeating during meals or snacks throughout the day. Eating whole grains like oatmeal and brown rice instead of processed bread and pasta can be very beneficial for menopausal women who want to avoid weight gain.

3. Experiment with Different Protein Sources

Protein is very important for the human body, and it is an especially good choice for menopausal women because of its high satiety factor. Many protein sources are low in calories and relatively easy to prepare, making them excellent choices when trying to maintain a healthy diet and avoid weight gain during menopause. Chicken, fish, beans, and lentils are great options of protein that you can experiment with at home or try out at restaurants!

4. Try Cutting Out Red Meat

Many menopausal women think that red meat is the best protein source because it is high in iron, zinc, and B vitamins. However, it also comes with a lot of saturated fat. If you are concerned about weight gain during menopause, you should limit your intake of red meat to just a few times per week.

5. Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking plenty of water is important for everyone's health, but it can be especially helpful for keeping weight gain at bay during menopause. Drinking water throughout the day will help keep your body hydrated, which can improve moods and reduce hunger pangs. Drinking water before meals can also help with taking smaller portions when eating!

6. Remember Sunlight is Important

Just as with water, getting enough sunlight is important for everyone. However, it can be especially helpful during menopause because lack of sun exposure has been linked to the development of depression and other mental health issues. Getting enough vitamin D from sunlight can help reduce problems like these, as well as regulate hormones related to weight gain.

7. Avoid Portion Distortion

One of the most common causes of weight gain during menopause is portion distortion – that is, eating more than you need because your perception of a normal serving size has changed over time. To avoid this problem, try cooking at home instead of going out to eat or buying pre-made meals from a store. You will have more control over the ingredients in your food and can portion out servings more easily this way!

8. Make Sure to Exercise Daily

Don't forget that exercise is an important part of any healthy weight loss or weight maintenance plan, including during menopause! Even if you only have time for a quick walk around the block before dinner, at least make sure you are getting some daily movement. Try using our tip tracker app to count your steps, so you know exactly how much activity you are getting each day!

9. Remember to be Patient with Your Weight Loss Plan

It's important not to get discouraged when trying to lose weight during menopause. Take measurements along the way and establish realistic goals for yourself .'t expect results overnight – losing 1 pound per week is a healthy goal that you can be proud of! If you are just beginning an exercise routine, don't expect to see results right away. You need time for your body to adjust to the increased activity levels and burn fat at a higher rate, so trust in yourself and remember that slow progress is better than no progress.

10. Try Eating More Green Vegetables

Eating green vegetables like broccoli or spinach can be very helpful during menopause because they are high in minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. This means that including more veggies in your diet can help improve how you look and feel overall. It may even help with weight management by reducing anxiety or depression related to hormonal changes!

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Don’t forget to sign up for my FREE Hormone Reboot Training!➡️

  2. This video is absolutely a God send. I feel like this information was exactly what I needed to help me balance out my new fluctuations in life recently. It’s been a scary, bumpy adjustment especially with type 1 diabetes and trying to be a good Mommy to 4 kiddos and happy wife. Thank you

    • Molly B I’m happy you learned so much!

  3. Dr Deborah, should I take melatonin supplements to help with my poor sleeping habits?

    • Emily Ziegler I only recommend melatonin after you’ve cleaned up your sleep habits and the for a only short period of time

    • @Deborah Maragopoulos FNP thanks for your reply! Good to know!

  4. But if you exercise that much, your body may produce more cortisol which also can increase your body fat, isn’ t it?

    • ya xiu exercise early in the day matches healthy cortisol production and raises your metabolism to lose body fat

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