Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Menopause and Weight Loss | 3 Ways to Burn Fat Again
Menopause is a time of hormonal changes that can have an impact on many aspects of your life – including weight loss or weight gain. In fact, I've received a multitude of questions lately on how someone going through menopause can increase fat burning in order to lose weight.
Today, I'm breaking down WHY many women begin to gain weight during menopause and 3 ways that you can start tapping into fat burning mechanisms again!












Disclaimer: This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a nutritionist-client relationship between Autumn Bates and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician, Nutritionist or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Autumn Elle Nutrition Inc. is not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain through this video or site.

Menopause is the time of a woman's life when her menstrual cycle stops permanently. While menopause brings on many changes, one major side effect can be weight gain. Menopausal women tend to become less active, have food cravings, and have an increased appetite. Because of these effects, it can be difficult for some women to lose weight after menopause, but there are ways you can burn fat again! Read on for three tips that will help you shed those extra pounds during this transitional period in your life!

1. Focus on Weight-Bearing Exercises

During menopause, it is important to incorporate weight-bearing exercises into your workout routine. These exercises help increase muscle mass, which helps you burn more calories daily. Not only that, but these types of exercises also build bones and strengthen joints. Examples of weight-bearing exercises include walking, running, biking, hiking, climbing stairs, or doing jumping jacks at home. If you are still concerned about falling during exercise due to dizziness or nausea, however (symptoms of menopause), do lower impact workouts at first like swimming laps in a pool or riding an upright exercise bike.

2. Eat Frequently Throughout the Day

As we age our metabolism slows down by a few percent every year–which means your body needs fewer calories, including less fat and sugar. Because of this, you have to be even more mindful about what you put in your mouth during menopause than ever before. It is important to eat frequently throughout the day so that your body has time between meals for an adequate amount of time to metabolize food and burn it as energy. To give yourself enough time between meals without feeling too hungry, aim to eat every 4 hours or so–about 3 main meals plus 2-3 snacks.

3. Maintain a Healthy Weight

For many women, the biggest complaint about menopause is that they gain weight. While certain foods may cause you to pack on pounds, it is possible to eat well and maintain a healthy weight. To do this, always fill half your plate with vegetables at each meal and aim for whole-grain carbs and lean proteins. If you need help losing those extra pounds around your waistline, try drinking green tea every day as it has been known to boost metabolism–just remember not to add sugar or cream!

Still Hungry?

If you follow these three tips during menopause, such as incorporating weight-bearing exercises into your workout routine and eating throughout the day so that your metabolism is high, then you will be able to jumpstart your weight loss after menopause.

Menopause is an event that can leave many people feeling like they’ve lost their edge. Whether it be the loss of monthly periods, fatigue, or weight gain, this article has provided you with 3 ways to turn back time and get your body in better shape again.

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. I was at school ( my job) and I was sitting while watching this when you said sitting too much causes stress 😂 I got up so quickly! But, I seriously try to walk around throughout the day anyway. I have low testostrone and I found this video helpful even though I am not in Menopause. Thanks!

    • Missleigh yes!! Getting those steps in 😉

  2. I’m a teen but still watching lol!! Love hearing what you say about things! I’m currently trying to get my period back, I’ve watched a lot of your videos they’re so super helpful!

    • Lola P 😂😂 thanks for the support!! Have you watched my Hormone Balancing series yet? That would be perfect for you!

    • Autumn Bates i currently am watching them! Super informative and helpful, thank you!!😁❤️❤️❤️

    • I have currently made use of this unique plan *2WeightLossFast. Com* for several days already as well as the results are fantastic. They provide me a lot of energy and also suppress my urge for food, however I don`t crash whenever they wear off which I love, and they don`t cause me to feel jittery. I did absolutely nothing special on my very own diet regime and I still manage to burned my unwanted weight to 7 lbs.

  3. I’m a “menopauser”. It didn’t really click with me until I listened to this video. I had trouble sleeping but since I’ve been doing you intermittent fasting for the past 6 or so months I’ve been sleeping better. Do you think my better sleep is related to my change to intermittent fasting?

  4. Omg! I needed this! You’re awesome. Thank you 😊 🙏🏻

  5. I would love more info on menopause. Specifically hot flashes and intermittent fasting. Thanks!

  6. Thank you so much for sitting still for this educational information. I just found your channel, and I find I am learning from your videos. However, I couldn’t properly take in the information on your walking versus jogging video because movement videos make me (it seems erroneous to say “motion sick.”) Those of is with “Blair Witch Project” illness, appreciate when educators make films on still set. 😨

    • I agree. A little less hand movements would be nice. Easier to focus on what is being said. Her excessive hand movements are distracting. Otherwise I love her videos. The information is in line with functional medicine.

    • I have currently employed this specific *2WeightLossFast. Com* for several weeks by now as well as the results are incredible. They give me a lot of strength as well as reduce my desire for foods, yet I do NOT quit when they wear off which I really like, and they also don`t make me jittery. I haven`t changed anything else I`m doing and also have lost 7 lbs. .

  7. Hi Autumn, thank you for the video. I want to get back into intermittent fasting again but I have never been able to exercise in the morning before a meal and i get home too late from work to exercise in the evening. this is the only thing stopping me from buying your program. any tips?

  8. What do I do if I see signs of starting menopause and you’re a nurse who works day and night shifts 😫 double whammy?!

  9. I’m postmenopausal at age 51 and on HRT including testosterone. It’s important to address the difference between ‘free’ testosterone vs ‘total’ testosterone.

  10. Iam SUPER grateful for your videos and knowledge!!! I struggled a year with 16 pounds over my comfortable weight and for the first time in a year (after trying other ideas from YouTube) I finally found a solution in your videos. This works ppl!! Thank you for helping me fulfillmy wellness goals 2019!!

  11. did not work for me fasting and my Testorine did not rise

  12. Way too choppy your editing and it’s like one giant run on sentence. Hard to watch.

    • Understand completely, I got Testosterone…. that is about it.

  13. Where’s the love?? I wonder if menopausal and pre-menopausal women just gorget to hit “like”. I know it’s often true for me. Love your videos!

  14. Well done, young lady! Thank you so much! 🙂

  15. You’re talking way too fast, it’s hard to follow, sorry had to turn it off.

    • My partner and i took the advice of a buddy and looked up *2WeightLossFast. Com* . It’s the best weight loss program I’ve actually seen and gives immediate results to users. I have personally already decreased 14 lbs in less than the first week.?

  16. Thank you Autumn! I missed this video somehow. These are important points and require a thoughtful look at our lives. And it requires some work! But it makes sense. Especially the walking. I find doing that more (I’m building up to it not in the best shape) helps with sleep etc…a domino effect if you will. Keto Coffee Cheers! ☕🙏

  17. Thanks Autumn. Great video. I have a lot of stress and I have steadily gained weight over the last few years. Your tips hopefully will help 😁

  18. If you could do a video like this regarding getting rid of baby weight, that would be awesome!!! 🤰

  19. I would like more teaching on how to stop the back pain from osteoporosis and how to increase bone density and reverse osteoporosis naturally. I have to take many herbal sleep aids to sleep and I still wake up every 2 hours. I am 5’6″ and weigh 120 lbs. but I have belly fat that I cannot loose. Please help. 🌹💗

  20. I have been doing everything you have said and I still can not get rid of the weight ☹️

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