Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
4 Daily Habits for Weight Loss – Free Video Series: …

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Here's the Problem with Weight Loss over 50:

Your body doesn't lose weight the same way at 50 as it did at 20 years of age.

For women, estrogen changes that come with menopause tell the body to store more fat because fatty tissue is able to make the estrogen your body craves.

So, losing weight over 50 is affected by hormones, but hormone changes are not the only issues you face.

As the years go by, your beliefs, priorities and focus change, and these factors must be considered if you want to get the pounds off with fewer struggles.

This video shows the new way of losing weight over 50

Forget the willpower struggle, crazy-long workout sessions, and fad diets that take over your life. These outdated strategies rob your life of the joy you’re trying to fine.

Losing weight over 50 in the 21st century involves what I call the 3 E’s…

Your weight loss plan must be: Enjoyable, Effective and Easy-to-Follow

You want to eat and move in a way that brings Enjoyment into your life.

You want to take steps that are Effective; your actions must be big enough to create results.

You want to find a plan that’s Easy-to-Follow.

Making a plan that is Enjoyable, Effective and Easy-to-Follow might sound like a tall order, but you can accomplish 80% of this goal by following just 4 habits on a daily basis.

I share these 4 daily habits for easier weight loss in this video series:



If you are over 50, then you have probably found that life has changed. You may be juggling work and family at the same time or maybe your children are grown up and living on their own. Either way, one thing is for sure: getting thin now that life has changed is not easy. However, if you take a closer look at how to get thin after 50 years old, then it will become much easier! Read this blog post to find out more about losing weight in your 50s.

#1. Prioritize Your Time

If you are trying to get thin after 50, you have less time than ever before! Most people who are over 50 years old have a family and a job. If this sounds like you, then your top priority may be focusing on work and family. So when is the best time for exercise? It is when there is nothing that needs to be done. If it means getting up at 4 am or staying up until midnight, then do it!

#2. Eat Healthy

Do not deprive yourself; instead focus on eating nutrient-rich foods like vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, and lean proteins. This will not only help you lose weight but also slow down the aging process!

#3. Get 10 Minutes Of Exercise A Day

When it comes to losing weight over 50 years old, exercising every day is ideal. But let's be honest; this can be very difficult with busy schedules! The good news is that getting 10 minutes of exercise a day can still make a difference in your health and well-being. For instance, if you climb up to the 3rd floor one minute faster each day, then you have worked out for 10 minutes! All kidding aside, small steps can lead to big things – literally. If you do not have time for a 30-minute workout, then do 10 minutes of exercise and slowly add more time to it over the next few weeks.

#4. Find A Support Group

Do your family and friends know that you are trying to get thin after 50? If they do not, then keep them in the loop! It can be hard enough to stay motivated on your own, but a support group of family and friends; it will make getting thin much easier. They will encourage you when you want to give up and help motivate you, so start this process today by telling them how important it is for you to lose weight!

So what does losing weight over 50 mean?

It means that there is no need to fret trying to get thin — just focus on doing what you can and enjoying life. If you have children, then take them out to the park or go to a museum. And when they leave home, enjoy that your schedule will open up even more!

#5. Prepare Meals In Advance

Preparing meals in advance is a great way of saving time and money but it also helps to get thin after 50! You can cook large batches of healthy food and freeze it so that you always have something nutritious on hand. This way, you will not need to worry about what you are going to eat when hunger strikes! Ordering take-out all the time means spending too much money and eating fast food items that are full of fat and calories. By cooking your food; you can save both money and calories.

#6. Know Your Limits

If you are like most people over 50 years old, then you do not have the same energy level as when you were younger. This is why it is important to know your limits; otherwise; you will be overwhelmed by trying to get thin after 50! For instance, if you need an afternoon nap every day because of fatigue, then sleep for 30 minutes instead of trying to stay up longer. Trying too hard to exhaust yourself can lead to injuries or just feeling depressed about lack of energy – neither one of these things will promote good health nor help with getting thin over 50.

#7. Use Smaller Plates

Using smaller plates will help you lose weight in midlife! When you use smaller plates, this tricks you into thinking that you are eating more than you are. Mind over matter is extremely helpful in losing weight so by using small plates, you can trick yourself into believing that your meal was larger than it was! This will help when getting thin after 50 years old.

eat nutritious food#8. Eat At The Table

If you eat at the table then you will feel satisfied with fewer calories. When talking to your family or friends; do not grab food and start eating while watching TV or checking email on the computer. Instead, sit down at the dinner table (or another place where all of your family members gather) and enjoy great conversation while having a healthy meal together!

You don't need to go on a crazy diet to get thin after 50; you just need to make small changes over time. By following these tips, you can start getting thin immediately without having to go through any discomfort or awkwardness! Give yourself the gift of good health by getting thin!

#9. Stop Eating At Unreasonable Times

When it comes to eating, humans are creatures of habit. This is why it is important not to eat at unreasonable times like late at night or if you are too upset about something that happened during the day. You want your meals to be nutritious so keep them balanced throughout the day and prepare snacks ahead of time if necessary! And do not eat when stressed because this will only lead to overeating so definitely avoid this behavior for the sake of losing weight over 50.

#10. Get Rid Of Your Gadgets!

When sitting down to watch television or movies, do not sit in your chair with all of your gadgets on your lap! Instead, put them away so that you are not tempted to grab snacks while watching TV. Not only will this keep you from eating too many starches and sugars, but it will also allow you to have better posture when sitting down for long periods! If you want to be amazed at how much easier it is to get thin after 50 years old then just try these tips one by one until they become a habit! Try each tip once a week until it becomes part of your lifestyle; the sooner better because every year counts when trying to lose weight.

#11. Embrace Your Social Life

After a long day at work, it can be tempting to stay at home and relax instead of going out with friends or attending a social event that you were invited to attend. However; staying active is one of the best things that you can do for your health as well as your waistline because it will make dieting easier! The last thing you want is to feel overwhelmed when trying to get thin after 50 years old so definitely keep this tip in mind if you want success!

#12. Stop Drinking Liquids With Meals

Staying hydrated is extremely important especially over 50 years old but there are times when it can be counterproductive! When sitting down for a meal, it is best to drink as little as possible so that you don't fill up on liquids and the food will absorb the water. Drink a glass of water between meals instead so that your stomach can properly digest what you ate and it will be easier to feel full after eating less food! And this means getting thin over 50!

If you want to lose weight over 50, you must understand the changes in your body and mind. We’ve provided some suggestions for how to make healthy food choices while eating out or traveling. There are many ways to get thin now that life has changed; this article should be helpful as you work on achieving your goals.

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Hello folks, I celebrate Christmas and for those of you that do I wish you all a very happy Christmas. Just an update on my progress since my last comment on 12-9-16. I weigh myself once a week, Friday mornings. Again, I don’t get excessive with the weighing thing. Today, 12-23-2016 I weighed in at 268 lbs. That is a loss of 39 lbs since Sept. 29th. I know some will say so what, you’re still overweight. You’d be correct. But I am DOING something about it. If you are reading this you probably have a weight issue. Whatever works for you please stick with it and keep trying. Go ahead and enjoy the holidays, I am. It is ok to take a break.

    • Marty Jewell You are doing great😁.
      I feel that it was very nice that you included mentioning ‘ if you celebrate Christmas’. I do but I know many who don’t. Very thoughtful of you. Best wishes. 😁

    • Marty Jewell .net.

    • Awesome!

    • Marty Jewell – Well done, keep it up

    • Marty Jewell well done. That’s amazing. I have no will power. ☹️

  2. Thank you!

  3. Great information!! Thank you…!!!

  4. Perfect.weight…only. .50..k .g
    My.searching is.perfact

  5. Gosh, I really lost the will watching this! Painful. I’m off to her more recent videos to see if she actually gets to the point more quickly.

    • This is a lifestyle, lots to learn. I just started, she’s very good and provides a lot of important information.

    • Susie Carpanini 😁. Sometimes you need to take it one ☝️ step at a time to achieve a dream. Hope you’re prepared to put in the work? Where you from? I’d like to know you.

  6. great video… Thank YOU!!

  7. Subscribed! Thank you for the excellent information and presentation.

  8. Turned 60 in August ‘18. So much harder. 30 down since March!!! Not going back!!!

    • Cyndi Manka That’s the spirit 💪. Where you from? I’d like to know you.

    • Hi, would love to know what’s working for u! Please share!

  9. Thank you. Makes a lot of sense. I can identify with many things you said.

  10. I’m down 25 pounds so far and still moving. It’s much slower than any diet predicts it should be, but finally going in the right direction! I’m 54 and have had 6 kids. It’s a thing!

    • Me too ,54 with 6 children 7 pregnancies
      The last two I had in my 30’s ,didn’t lose a pound until I did Atkins

    • What are u doing to keep the scale going down?

    • @Joyful Life I’m down about 55 pounds now and happy with where I am (except I REALLY want to see those abs!) 😂 I did a couple of vlogs about it. Let me grab you the links. Pretty simple, but SLOW. Took a year and a half. 😭

  11. You can sure tell by some of the comments which women are going thru the change….

  12. This Doctor knows how to talk to every day people. It’s a Joy to learn from her!!

  13. Thank you💐

  14. First of all Becky, you look fantastic. I’m 58 and have been up and down in weight through out my life. I’ve used food for comfort and filling boredom. I’m now at 275 lbs and feel awful, tired, knees bother me, my back, feet. I’m ready to let it go and going to listen to your videos for help. Thank you

    • Hi! At first I thought I had written what you are saying and then I looked at the name!! lol I was up around 225 for years!!! Lose a few gain it right back, lose my mojo and start again. I believe that after listening to helpful people like Dr. Becky and a lot of love and encouragement from my husband I am now at a place where I’m not in fear of not being able to control myself. I make sure I walk everyday (weather depending) and we walk on the weekends. Every morning at 4:30am, we practice our yoga for 20-25 minutes and start our day. I also do it on the weekends, once I cool down from the walks. This past Sunday, I weighed myself and I’m at 184 and my goal is to reach 140 by July 2020. One day at a time, one minute at a time if necessary. You have people who want to see you succeed, I’m one of them!!! Reach out if you want to chat! oxx

    • try keto… the older we get, the less we are suppose to eat

  15. I watched your 2019videos before this one. You definitely changed a lot much younger and thinner.

  16. i do keto im fat adapted, feel great everyday

  17. I loss 45 lbs for 10 months, I change my diet and I go to gym every night. And I am 50 years old

  18. Thank you for making losing weight and getting healthy Easy to follow and understand for us older women with stubborn belly fat!!we need you,Your awesome!!😍

  19. Believe me, Dr. Becky, you do still look good! Very much so. Your hubby is a very lucky gentleman!

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