Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Losing Weight after 60: Get Back in Shape after the Dreaded “Middle Age Spread”

Why is losing weight after 60 so hard? After all, by the time we get to be 60-years-old, most of us have a good idea of how our diet and lifestyle affects us. But, if we are eating better and exercising, why do we have so much trouble getting in shape after 60? This phenomenon is often referred to as the “middle-age spread,” which develops around our hips and waist. My guest today has some answers! Visit Sixty and Me to read the full article:


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Disclaimer: None of the information in this video should be considered medical advice.

#LosingWeightafter60 #GetBackinShape #SixtyAndMe

Many people over the age of 60, and even some in their 50s, start to experience weight gain. Often this is due to a decrease in activity levels as we get older and an increase in our appetite from medication or other health conditions. Losing weight after 60 can help improve your quality of life by reducing joint pain and blood pressure issues, but it’s important to be realistic with yourself about how much you can achieve. This blog post will offer helpful tips on losing weight after 60 that will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle for many years to come!

1. Stay Active

Staying active is the number one way to lose weight after 60 and keep it off. If you don’t like going to a gym, there are many fun activities you can do at home such as biking and swimming. Even gardening counts as exercise! Find something that you enjoy doing and incorporate it into your weekly routine.

2. Eat Less Meat

High amounts of red meat can lead to high cholesterol levels and even heart disease, so be sure to decrease the amount of red meat in your diet. Instead, look for lean meats such as fish or turkey. Vegetarian alternatives will help you avoid animal fats found in traditional meals such as burgers, steaks, etc.

3. Use Nutrition Labels

Using nutrition labels when you cook makes it much easier to keep track of the number of calories you are consuming in a meal. The nutrition labels will tell you how much protein, fat, carbs, and sodium are in each serving so that you can plan healthy meals ahead of time.

4. Avoid Drinking Calories

Many people drink hundreds of empty calories every day in soda or alcoholic beverages. These drinks have no nutritional value whatsoever and can harm your health in the long term if consumed in excess. If you don’t want to cut them out completely, try limiting yourself to one calorie-filled drink per day so that your weight doesn’t skyrocket due to these extra “surprises” on your daily caloric intake!

5. Set Realistic Goals

Setting realistic goals is important when trying to lose weight after 60. If you set your expectations too high, you are likely to get discouraged early on and give up on your weight loss journey completely. Make SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound) goals that you can achieve within a certain amount of time. For example, if you want to lose 20 pounds in 6 months it would be more effective to make weekly goals rather than setting one large goal at the end of six months!

6. Track Your Progress

Tracking your progress while losing weight after 60 will help keep you motivated throughout the process. You can do this by weighing yourself every week or taking pictures of yourself before and after some time has passed. It can be difficult to notice results in the mirror, but seeing photos of your progress will make it much easier to stay on track.

7. Add Healthy Foods to Your Diet

A healthy diet should consist of a lot of fruits and veggies, fiber-rich foods such as whole-wheat bread and brown rice, etc. To avoid feeling hungry between meals, try snacking on nuts, fruit, or yogurt instead of unhealthy snacks like chips or candy bars that are loaded with calories! You’ll find that adding these items into your daily routine is very helpful for losing weight after 60 because they keep you full longer so you’re not tempted by unhealthy treats at every meal!

8. Avoid “Empty Calories”

As mentioned above, staying away from empty calories is an important part of losing weight after 60. You’ll find that soda and other sugary drinks can cause you to pack on the pounds incredibly quickly. If you must drink something with a lot of sugar, be sure to pair it with some food so that your body doesn’t digest all the extra sugar as fat!

9. Set Aside Time for Yourself

A healthy diet and exercise plan will not be very effective if you do not allow yourself time to relax after a long day at work or just overall stress in general. Try setting aside 30 minutes every day to unwind and clear your mind away from stressful thoughts and responsibilities. If you make relaxation a priority in your life and include it in your weight loss plan, you’ll find that losing weight after 60 becomes much easier!

10. Drink Plenty of Water

Water is an important part of any diet because it keeps your organs functioning properly and flushes out extra toxins from the body. Make sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day to stay healthy while losing weight after 60! You can also consume low-calorie beverages such as tea or diet soda if you are craving some caffeine but not calories!

There are many articles out there with advice on how to lose weight after 60. We’ve provided you with some of the best tips and tricks that can help make your journey back to a healthy weight successful. One thing is certain, though – it will take time, patience, dedication, and an understanding of what works for you as an individual. Is this article helpful? Do any of these points resonate with you or seem like they could be useful in getting started on your path towards healthier living? Let us know!

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Wonderful helps. Thank you so much, ladies. 🙂

  2. I think protein is missing from our diets. I have added back more protein.

  3. I have really been enjoying Sixtyandme. Keep up the good work! 😎

    • +Brenda Lindley Thanks very much Brenda – happy you are enjoying Sixty and Me!

  4. Very helpful thank you

  5. I eat a pretty good amount of fruits and vegetables but this video motivates me to go even harder with them ´;) It’s great to know how much good they really do for the body!

  6. , hi I enjoyed your video it was very informative please make some more thank you

  7. Thanks to you and Julie on the video of the middle age spread!!
    That was a very helpful video for some of our ladies!! Love & Huggs


  9. Thank you, I found this video very helpful and inspiring. I am nearing 64 and 300 lbs. @ 5’8″…..not good!

    • Dear Maurine, (sorry this is a long letter, but hope it might help)
      I’m 65, 5′ 7″ and weigh 114 pounds. I am at present totally unfit, having been bed bound on and of for over a year.My belly is also bigger. I am living in France, on a farm, and was used to working hard. All that changed over a year ago when I was bitten by a brown reclusive spider. I would not wish that on anybody! I did have several bites. Now over a year, and I have bouts when huge blisterst arrive.I am sure it goes back to this wee beastie which took a holiday in France, as the blisters were accompanied by dark red areas on the bite sites. Will it ever end? Nobody here knows anything about this spider. I did find the cukprit inbetween my sheets . On close inspection I saw this insignificant spider had 6 eyes and not 8 like most others. If I I had not noticed this and the shape of a violin I would never have known what had hit me. Being Scottish I still rescue spiders 🙂
      I am not sure what your diet cosists of, but it will be probably quite different from mine.
      I used to be very overweight. Finally I put all those extra pounds into a rucksack and carried it around everywhere. Taking out the pounds as I lost them 🙂 I wished all those decades ago I knew what I know now. All that effort whenI could have been feeling so much better without suffering in any way.
      If I mention vegan don’t throw your hands up in horror. I actually hate the word and prefer to call myself “a plant eater”. In fact I am probably an odd raw vegan, in that 80% of my greens e.t;c. come from the wild in the fields and woods around us. (My husband is a carnivore.) I do take my soja milk wiyh honey hot, too bad about loosing a bit of nutrients. I had been vegetarian since my son wanted to go vegetarian at the age of 10. I simply was too darn lazy in the kitchen to make 2 meals.
      Right now I have flab, no muscle as before, and sometimes it is difficult to get out of bed! I have never been to a gym in my life. Well in the far N. W. coast of Scotland where you could walk 45 miniutes to the only shop it would have looked a bit odd to say the least! Now at last being able to walk that is just what I am going to do. Every day if possible. Though the winter was terrible only 9 lovely days and nights without rain yill now. Crazy weather.
      Anyway back to this fruit and vegetables. I thought I would have withdrawel symptoms if I gave up cheese mostof all. Before I could have scoffed nearly a kilo I’m sure! However now over 3 years, and I have to admit I have never felt healthier or had more energy. Till the B.R.S. got me. Also I can say I never felt hungry at all. If I missed a green smoothie I really did miss it! As for the cheese it was only a few weeks before I realised that did not want it anymore than I wanted bread, cerial or eggs. If as on one occasion a friend put an omlete in front of me, I ate it feeling no guilt. Also I am not throwing out my leather boots coat or belt. I am very againt the animal industry, and can only pray conditions improve. The cruelty to animals never ends, in many other ways, one of the worst being racing. The list is endless, but people do not want to know the truth.
      O.K. to eat the wild plants, you have to know them. I started learning when I was 16. Now things are coming back to the old brain. There are so many easy ‘weeds’ that are so good for you, I do eat a lot of nettles and notice my husband has been having nettle tea for the last 6 months. I can tell you lots if you want to know! (
      The best thing of all on my diet is you can eat as much as you want without gaining any weight at all. I have mostly vegetables as our buget does not run to the exotic fruits alas. I would council just eat what fruit and vedge. that you like to start with. Try just 2 days a week, if you can manage go for 3. You will see a difference very soon. Also you will start to enjoy say carrot or beetroot juice for instance even if you thought you never would, time to try out other things. I opted out of coffee, though will have wine if I go out to friends for a meal.
      Fruit and vege pass through the stomache very quickly. Something like 20 mins. You almost never get bloated or have indigestion, and I do not need to add, you never get constipated. Oe what I used to suffer from acid reflux.
      So on other days eat those first before cheese e.t.c.. It might be easier if you live in a large family to eat apart to begin with. I am not sure. I never had a sweet tooth luckily, but would dive into a pack of crisps all too easily!
      Please give it a try, you have nothing to loose. If you do I would love to hear how you got on. If you like this no calorie counting method of loosing weight or living, buy a good juicer. It is much easier than munching through a coupke of kilos of carrots 🙂 In my magi mix I make what I call a “roughie’ A mix of finely chopped vege! for lunch. Avcados are great in this. Also it is very filling. Smoothies are all the rage it seems now, though I have just made up my own I am sure there are endless hints on the net.
      Oh! One other thing over 2 years ago I used to wear glasses, and now I do not need them. Not even for the little letters in the supermarket, which is just as well as I am allergic to colourings, perfume and make up e.t.c. 🙁 I am not sure what wild edible might be responsible, but I am very happy. Also out of curiosity more than anything else I did have a blood test just to see if I was lacking in anything. No everything was fine. No nad colesterol, no lack of B12 and so on. So that was good to know, and it was winter too.
      Bother, I well, thanks to one of my cats, the heavy wooden lid of the animal feed bin out in the stables drpped on the outside of my left hand and I have broken a knuckle. Well at least it was not my right hand. Oh dear you must be nearly falling asleep reading all this !!!
      I am no computer fan prefering any spare time to paint or enjoying nature/animals (think I was born loving animals! or read books. We have not had television for over 30 years! Somrtimes I would like to listen to my own language? I do miss all those incredible nature films too. We keep waiting for the flat screens to get cheaper. One day maybe.
      I must finish this before it becomes the length of a book 🙂 So take care, and courage. I give you my word it is easier than you think, and no rucksack needed 🙂 Try it and I know you will drop 2 sizes of clothes if you go green so to speak. Before summer too.

    • @2baSelkie t%

  10. Brilliant, thank you both. Very helpful.

  11. This was rather informative. Thanks ladies.

  12. I’ve heard and read that one’s metabolism doesn’t slow down as we age. I also know that exercise and lifting weights helps one to stay leaner and burn more fat as well. I’m one of those women who is active and tries to eat well but still cannot lose my stomach!!

  13. I like your cheerful face. You seem like such a nice and inspirational lady.

  14. Thank you. New Sub.

  15. Excellent info and yes cortisol goes straight to belly fat also lack of sleep. Now c’mon ladies and get doing your push ups who says no one at 60 can do push ups anymore ! hog wash it is that mentality that makes us old.Get down on the floor and start today if you can’t do one start on your knees or push up from something higher than the floor like a sturdy bench or ottoman. You can do it !!

  16. Great info thank you

  17. would like to see and hear more about this information on your show

  18. The middle age spread sucks! Thanks for the really useful tips 🙂

  19. I’m not 60 but I haven’t had a period in almost 5?years I don’t like sweets but craved alcohol and now I’m fat like really fat . How can I stop this craving? By the way my 52

  20. I l ove Salmon, but I will upchuck if I make my fish med to rare in the middle. Not doing it…shrug.

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