Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Do you need some practical tips to jumpstart your weight loss after 50? Here are 10 low carb/high-fat food swaps we've made in our home.

After the age of 50, it is challenging to change the way we eat because we have established our likes and dislikes.

But, if your food choices are blocking your ability to lose weight, youโ€™ll want to find food swaps that taste great and keep you in a fat-burning mode.

In this video, I share some favorite comfort food swaps for things like mashed potatoes, rice, and pizza as well as a few full-fat items that we routinely use in our kitchen and recommend to clients as a Health Coach.

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More Videos by Dr. Becky:

Losing Weight After 50 (Part 1): Metabolic Issues

Losing Weight After 50 (Part 2): 7 Fat Loss Strategies that Work

5 Low-Carb, High-Fat Foods to Eat Every day:

Best Cooking Oils for Low-Carb or Keto Lifestyle

Dr. Becky Gillaspy graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1991. After the birth of her daughter, she left private practice and accepted her first teaching position at a career college, and then went on to teach online courses for Ashford University and The University of Phoenix. Through the years, she has taught a variety of health-related courses, including anatomy, physiology, and nutrition. Her YouTube Channel shares insights and research into the how to lead a healthy lifestyle. It is offered for informational purposes only. Do not change your diet, medication, or other health practices without your doctor's consent.

Losing weight after 50 is a challenge. Many of us have tried to eat less and exercise more, but we often find that it's difficult to maintain this lifestyle change for any length of time. Many people gain weight as they age because their metabolism slows down naturally with age. This article will provide some low-carb/high-fat food swaps that can help you lose weight after 50!

1. Reduce Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are our body's first choice for the quick energy it needs throughout the day. They give us an immediate energy boost which often makes it difficult to stop snacking between meals. That's why many diets will recommend avoiding all forms of carbohydrates, but you should instead focus on limiting your intake of high-carb foods like bread and pasta. By switching these out for proteins and fats, you can keep yourself satisfied longer because they contain fewer calories per gram than carbohydrate foods do (a fact that also boosts weight loss). Swap heavy carbs with keto-friendly vegetables like spinach, cauliflower, green beans, etc.

2. Don't Fear

If you want to lose weight, try reducing your intake of high-fat foods like butter, olive oil, and cheese. These are also high in calories so you'll want to eat them sparingly if you're trying to lose weight! Like carbohydrates, these fats give us an immediate energy boost compared to protein or fat which keeps us feeling full for longer.

3. Be Picky with Protein Sources

Try switching out higher-calorie proteins like meats and cheeses with lower-calorie options like fish, nuts, tofu (made from soybeans), etc. A serving of fish will contain fewer calories than a chicken breast or burger patty but provide the same amount of protein (around 20 grams per serving). Though it is always best to keep an eye on how much meat/protein you are consuming because it is easy to over-consume.

4. Watch Out for Healthy Fats

‘Sure, removing fats from your diet will help you lose weight instantly, but healthy fats are essential for our body and mind health so we want to avoid eliminating all of them! Good sources of healthy fat include seafood, eggs, nuts/seeds, and olive oil (but use it sparingly). By keeping a variety of these foods in your diet you can keep up with the natural demands of your body and ensure that your brain stays at its best! You should also take into account that not everyone loses weight after 50!

5. Cut Back on Dairy Intake

Many people love cheese and ice cream, but there is no reason to completely cut these out from your diet if you're trying to lose weight. Instead, try to limit each serving of these items and aim for just one or two servings per day. You might be surprised that you can still lose weight even with a small amount in your diet!

6. Green Tea is Your Friend

Green tea has been shown in studies to boost the metabolic rate (body's calorie-burning capabilities) by up to four times which means more calories burned and less leftover for storage! It also contains antioxidants that will help eliminate harmful free radicals from your body and reduce your risk of developing cancer. Plus, drinking green tea has been linked to lower cholesterol levels and it may help prevent diabetes (a disease that often plagues people after 50)!

eat nutritious food7. When Eating Out, Split an Entrรฉe

One of the easiest ways to cut back on your caloric intake is by sharing an entrรฉe with a friend. Restaurants are notorious for giving their customers more food than they can eat, so order off the kid's menu or tell your waiter you'd prefer half of an adult portion for your meal.

8. Be Aware of Condiment Portions

Many condiments that we use for meals are high in sugar/fat which means more calories! Be careful with ketchup, barbecue sauce, ranch dressing, etc. Even if you're pouring it on vegetables like broccoli or green beans, each serving will still contain some oil and calories that count towards the total amount consumed throughout the day.

9. Make Fruit Portable

It's easy to over-consume fruit because it's so tasty and you can eat it anywhere! Put your fruit in small containers to make it easier to control portions. A little goes a long way when served alongside other foods like yogurt, oatmeal, etc.

10. Chew Slowly

When you chew your food slowly, your body digests your food better which helps boost metabolism (the rate at which calories are burned). If you're not chewing properly then you'll end up eating more than what you need! This is especially the case with fatty foods because they take longer for our brains/bodies to register how much we've eaten. Plus, chewing slower will allow you to stop before feeling too full (which happens easily if we continue eating after this point).

11. Get Moving!

As anyone past 50 will tell you, exercise is the only way to go if you want to lose weight (and feel better). Try taking a walk or going for a run in your neighborhood or on a nearby trail. There are many easy ways to get moving and stay healthy while practicing self-care!

We hope this post has been helpful in your journey to a healthier lifestyle. If you have any questions or want more information, feel free to reach out and we would be happy to answer them for you!

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Another Great Video to encourage and educate!!! Thank you.

  2. I’m an old guy and I’m pretty set in my diet. However, I’m so annoyed that our so called Health departments/ food authorities have allowed so much adulteration of food. Half the honey is phoney (replaced with high fructose corn syrup) milk is loaded with permeate (ie the junk left after cheese is made) and them put back into milk (ie loaded with lactose), even peanut paste is filled with vegetable oil in place of peanut oil and has sugar in it. I used to love canned sardines (or other fish) which used to be sold in its own oil. Now fish oil replaced with “crap” – sometimes spring water or vegetable oil, so they can flog off the fish oil in capsules no doubt Even olive oil is often replaced by generic vegetable oil!

  3. Hi Dr. Becky,
    I’m only 49 ๐Ÿ˜‰ but I love to watch your educational videos. Started to watch my carbs a few months ago. Have a great day! ๐Ÿค—

  4. An egg yolk and a dab of cream cheese added to the mashed cauliflower makes a world of difference. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    • cooked egg yolk? or leave it raw? will the food processing add enough heat to kill any bacteria?

    • I’ll have to try that, I use roasted garlic.

  5. I love that Cesar salad dressing, it’s the only one that I found with avocado oil instead of soybean oil or canola oil ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Thanks ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿค—

  7. This is very helpful, thanks!!

  8. Thank you! Great Information๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  9. Thank you for this series, Dr. Becky, very helpful!

  10. Thank you for the information!

  11. Thank you, that was very helpful!

  12. Thank you so much for your videos!!

    I turned 60 this year. On January 1st, I weight in at 360 pounds. I was trying to lose some weight, but only lost 8 pounds in 9 months. Then on Oct 7th, I had a doctors appointment. He was happy that I had lost some weight, but said I needed to lose more. He ask if I had heard of Keto, I knew the name but that’s it. On the way home, I stopped at McDonalds for breakfast. While eating I looked up Keto. I started working on doing it, but it took about a month, to get it very close to right. Since Oct 8th, I have lost 25 pounds!! Plus I am feeling the best, I have felt in 16 years!!!! I hope to be able to shock my doctor, when I go in next February. I plan to be under or very close to 300!!!

  13. Anyone else out here on New Year’s Day watching every weight loss video I can find? ๐Ÿ˜‚

  14. Iโ€™ve put the pork rinds in my meatloaf instead of bread crumbs!

  15. Dr. Becky has everything right. After working through her videos to this one, I realized that her advice can be trusted – she really knows what she’s talking about. Ok, now I’m subscribing. ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. Thank you Dr. Becky… I always enjoy your videos… You seem to always answer questions I’m asking myself… Judy in Tennessee

  17. Becky…I have thoroughly enjoyed watching all of your videos. I’m trying to get in the best shape that I can, and you have helped me achieve my goals. I’ve told you this before, and I’ll say it again. You have a warm demeanor that connects with everyone. Obviously you are also very intelligent in your field. Thank you … thank you … thank you … Keep up the great work!

  18. All the recipes are wonderful, thank you for sharing them! I am allergic to dairy, the protein casein is giving me a lot of grief. Any suggestion for swapping diary especially cheese in your recipes? I love the keto lifestyle but without dairy it is difficult. Thank you again๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

  19. What helpful information! Thank you for sharing how to manage a low fat way of eating. I really enjoy any foods that are an Omega 3 source. I want to take the idea of Keto and also have a common sense well balanced menu.

  20. Thankyou Dr Becky. I find your guidance very helpful. ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘โœจ๐ŸŒธ

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