Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Why is losing weight after 50 so difficult? What most of us may not know about losing weight after menopause is that, over the years, we have likely amassed a significant inflammation problem. And if we want to finally lose weight, reset our metabolism and gain energy, we need to drastically reduce the inflammation in our body. 2nd Act Expert Bonnie Gayle is back with great advice on anti-inflammatory eating and weight loss after menopause. Simply put, her Body Reset 7 Day Challenge is a protocol that combines specific anti-inflammatory foods along with 20-minutes a day of exercise to kick-start your body’s ability to lose weight, and eliminate the excess puffiness and bloating that comes with menopause. An added benefit, many women experienced a significant decrease in chronic pain!

Bonnie Gayle, known as a Body Liberator, is a healthy body image and sexual health advocate. She educates, speaks, and writes on how to feel comfortable and confident in your body, and live an anti-inflammatory lifestyle. For more information about Bonnie, click here:

To sign up for the Body Reset 7 Day Challenge (a one time fee of $21 – this price has increased since the $14 special we referenced in the video) and receive your free e-book 8 Ways to Reduce Inflammation, click here:

For more videos on taking charge of your sexual health with Bonnie, click here:

2nd Act TV is a resource full of motivation, inspiration and information for men and women over 50! Our content is focused on helping you get the most out of your 2nd half of life.

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If you've been feeling run down, struggling with weight gain, or just haven't been your usual self, it might be time to consider an anti-inflammatory diet plan. Recent studies have shown that this type of diet can help improve energy levels and overall health. So if you're looking for a way to feel better, an anti-inflammatory diet may be the answer. Keep reading for more information on this type of diet and how to get started.

What is an anti-inflammatory diet?

An anti-inflammatory diet is one that helps to reduce inflammation in the body. This can be helpful for a variety of reasons, including reducing pain, improving energy levels, and promoting weight loss.

There are a few different ways to follow an anti-inflammatory diet. One way is to focus on eating foods that are known to help reduce inflammation, such as omega-3 fatty acids, turmeric, ginger, and green tea. Another way is to avoid foods that are known to contribute to inflammation, such as sugar, processed foods, and saturated fats.

Whichever approach you choose, the goal is to eat mostly whole, unprocessed foods that will help your body function at its best.

What are the benefits of an anti-inflammatory diet?

There are many potential benefits to following an anti-inflammatory diet. Here are some of the most well-established benefits:

Reduced pain:

Inflammation is a major contributing factor to pain, whether it's from arthritis, migraines, or other conditions. By reducing inflammation, you may be able to reduce your pain levels.

Improved energy levels:

Many people who follow an anti-inflammatory diet report feeling more energetic. This could be due to the fact that inflammation can lead to fatigue and reduced motivation.

Weight loss:

Inflammation has been linked to weight gain, so by reducing inflammation, you may be able to lose weight.

Reduced risk of disease:

Inflammation has been linked to a variety of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer's disease. By reducing inflammation, you may be able to reduce your risk of developing these diseases.

How do I get started with an anti-inflammatory diet?

If you're interested in following an anti-inflammatory diet, there are a few things you can do to get started. First, try to focus on eating whole, unprocessed foods as much as possible. This means eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats. You should also limit or avoid processed foods, sugary foods, and saturated fats.

In addition to changing your diet, you may also want to consider taking supplements that can help reduce inflammation. These include omega-3 fatty acids, turmeric, ginger, and green tea. If you're not sure which supplements are right for you, talk to your doctor or a registered dietitian.

Following an anti-inflammatory diet can be a great way to improve your energy levels and overall health. So if you're feeling run down or struggling with weight gain, it might be time to give this type of diet a try.

If you’re looking for a diet plan that can help with weight loss, energy levels, and overall better health, consider switching to an anti-inflammatory diet. This type of diet is based on eating foods that help reduce inflammation in the body. There are many delicious recipes that fit into this type of diet, so it’s easy to find something you’ll love to eat. Contact us today if you want more information or help getting started on an anti-inflammatory diet plan!

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Anthony William has a hot new book about the liver. He focuses on cleansing the liver, saying the American diet heavy on protein and fats is a key burden to detox. Fruits are supposed to be given more credit than currently……..

  2. So it was $14 for a lifetime. Then is was $21 2 years ago. Now it’s $38 (but regularly priced at $99) and an ADDITIONAL fee for the full program?

    I don’t mind paying for your time or knowledge. What I can’t stand is outright greed.

    • Michelle LaLonde, hi Michelle, this is Silke. Just to clarify, I have nothing to do with the pricing or profit of this program. I recorded this about 2 years ago, so it sounds like rates have increased. I produced the spot because I got such incredible results, both in terms of weight loss and reduction in pain and inflammation, that’s it! In fact, I will be doing it again next week. I wanted to share this info because it works! This is not a source of income for me!

    • @2nd Act TV Thank you for the reply. Sorry that my comments were misdirected. I feel that the program probably works and was willing to try it, even for the $21 since it seemed a reasonable price – akin to a good book. But when I found that the price had skyrocketed and an additional high fee for a second tier was added, I felt as if

    • I was being manipulated and taken advantage of, not to mention extremely disappointed. There are many, many programs out there. I’d rather pay a higher price that was revealed up front and deal with a company and person of integrity. Again, not directed at you, but if you have access to this company, perhaps you can pass along the message.

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