Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Losing Weight After 50: 4 Ways to Get Rid of Belly Fat After Menopause

Losing weight in your 50s or 60s is no joke! In fact, it's no secret that many of us struggle with belly fat after menopause. And, I'm certainly not an exception to this rule! 🙂

So, today, I would like to share a few tips from one of our fabulous bloggers regarding how to get rid of stubborn fat in your 50s, 60s and better!

I hope that you enjoy the show!

Did you experience any weight gain in the years during and after menopause? What have you done to get back in the shape that you wanted to be in after menopause? Let's have a chat!

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Women are lucky in the sense that they get to experience menopause. This means, among other things, many years of freedom from worrying about pregnancy and not having to worry about getting pregnant for at least a couple of decades. However, after menopause women will start experiencing another set of changes in their body that can be equally troubling (if not more so) than when they started menstruating or went through puberty: weight gain. The good news is there are ways to lose belly fat after menopause; here are four tips on how you can do it too.

Eat a Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet is known for being rich in heart-healthy omega 3 fats and antioxidants that can help fight the signs of aging. In addition to reducing inflammation, these nutrients can also enhance your immune system which means you'll get sick less often. This will be helpful since belly fat tends to increase after menopause because you're more prone to illness. Eating a Mediterranean diet is easy: instead of thinking about foods in terms of calories and grams, you should think about food as if it were medicine: what would make your body feel its best? What does it need right now? You can come up with this by assessing how different foods make your body feel; we all know we feel bad when we eat something high in sugar or saturated fat. The beauty of eating a Mediterranean diet is that it's based on real foods so you'll never be left wondering which food is the best for you; if its natural, unprocessed and not made out of refined sugar then it will help you lose weight after menopause without feeling like your body has been hijacked by malnutrition.

Take your supplements

If you're over 50 you must take a wide variety of vitamins and supplements to make sure you get the most out of your body. You already know this, but most people don't bother doing it. While food is often superior to taking supplemental forms of essential nutrients (because the right foods will contain everything you need) if adjusting your diet isn't enough then make sure to include supplements too. Some older women won't be able to lose weight after menopause because their bodies are deficient in certain nutrients like vitamin D since they may not spend as much time outside as they used to when they were younger; even if there's no way for them to change their lifestyle, taking vitamin D or a multivitamin can help the body lose weight after menopause so you don't have to worry about being sick all the time.


Even if you think that exercise won't make a difference because you're over 50 there are countless good reasons why it's even more important now than when you were younger. For one, muscle mass tends to decrease as we age and this loss of muscle mass leads to decreased endurance which means it takes longer for your body to do routine tasks like climbing stairs or carrying groceries from the car. This means that taking a walk every day is even more beneficial now since it will take less time for your body to become winded and fatigued; going on a diet isn't going to solve all your problems if you're out of shape too. Secondly, it's never been more important to take care of your bones especially since osteoporosis becomes much more common after menopause due to the decrease in estrogen levels. Doing weight-bearing exercises will make sure that you keep your bone mass which means it'll be harder for you to break a bone when you fall over.

Quit Smoking

Smoking has an odd effect on women: it tends to increase their estrogen but also decreases metabolism leading many women to gain weight around their midsection. If this sounds like you then quitting smoking is one of the most important strategies for losing belly fat after menopause because it's better to have healthy estrogen levels that are associated with less weight gain than smoking. After menopause, it becomes even more important to avoid cigarettes because the decrease in other hormones makes you even more susceptible to health problems that are caused by cigarette smoke including lung cancer, heart disease and stroke.

If you want to lose weight, know that getting rid of belly fat is possible. There are four ways in which you can do this after menopause. It’s important for women over 50 to understand these options so they don't feel discouraged by what may seem like an impossible goal. We hope our article has been helpful and informative! Which one of the 4 strategies mentioned did you find most appealing?

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. After 60 u are gorgeous

  2. I have either whole wheat bread of good quality – one slice – with a think slice of cheese or muesli with almonds, some raisins, and some fresh fruit either hot or cold with tea or coffee for breakfast. I try to drink a liter of water in the hour or so after i first get up and before eating breakfast for cleansing. I love listening to your positive and wonderful ideas which helps me to focus on being more positive about my life. Thank you for being there. Meera

  3. Hi Margret… Lakritz is German and means licorice… have a nice weekend..greets from Germany

    • may i please ask how to say “house of” in German? Haus Von? As in House of Charlie

  4. The media has us convinced we lose muscle due to age…perhaps we lose it sitting down all day watching the media? Studies have shown our sit-down all day jobs & lifestyle have sickened us…

    • You are so righ. We need to weight train each day to increase our muscle mass and therefore increase our metabolism which will help keep fat off us.

  5. Being vegan and living the lifestyle, I find that eating plenty of fruits and fresh veggies, sweet potatoes (and others), all types of legumes, and grains, along w/ seeds and nuts—works well for me—-
    I have the walking down—need to up the weights!
    Thanks, Margaret, for all the inspiration!

  6. Simple carbs is what makes belly fat.If you read the book Wheat Belly then you will understand the concept more.I have stopped eating wheat,pasta,rice,grains and of course sugar.I eat whole foods and most of my shopping in the grocery store is done around the perimeter.I have completely lost my belly fat and I feel so much better.I am on no mediation ,I take Cod liver capsules.Hope you try this because I know it worked so well for me I know it will work for you.

  7. Started the Whole Food 30 will see if I am successful

  8. Green leafy vegetables are real good to eat every day.

  9. I find swimming is a great exercise

    • I love swimming too and its a great way to keep healthy and fit

  10. Thankyou for this video. I found it very helpful xx

  11. Margaret, great program!
    I want to recommend yoga, for mind and body.

  12. Thank you margaret x Hugs

  13. After going thru menopause I needed to revamp my eating habits. I am going 4-5 hours between meals with no snacking. Meals are hearty each one with a lean protein and either complex carbs or healthy fat. This is my second month with no sugar or substitutes – after a week my sugar cravings subsided. I have not lost much weight ( gained 30 this year) but my moods have been more stable then ever thanks to the healthy meals and no sugar.

    • Road Wonder. Don’t feel bad….I gained about this also recently. I have mobility issues n I enjoy my beer….Thus, lack of movement n carbs. I am 62 n I was at my perfect weight until this gradual horrific change. Try bending over-belly gets in the way. I am planning to try apple cider vinegar to burn fat n I will attempt to force myself to take 15 min walks if possible.

  14. Great advice! Thank you. I am 68 years old. I lost my belly fat and some weight by reducing carbs, and switching from vegetable oils to olive oil for salads and avocado oil for cooking.

  15. Thank you Bonnie…l definitely will try your advice..

  16. gravity settles in after 60 and the skin goes to the lower parts of the body, including the knees. I weigh the same today at 71 1/2 as when I was 20. 120 lbs. but I never really cared for chocolate either and I dont keep packaged sweets in my home.hope this is helpful 🙂

    • Connie murphy – enjoyed your comment. You must be very physically fit since you maintain your ideal weight for years. Do you exercise often? Do you pay close attention to your diet? I do. These are so important as we age. Your comment is very inspiring to me. Susan

  17. The back ground settings are very thought out very elegant and now.

  18. You are always spot on! Thank you!

  19. Thank you for the good tips. I try to incorporate as many fresh vegetables and fruits as I can into each meal. Also, stretching exercises and that is something anyone can do. Hope you have a wonderful day.

  20. Walking and intermediate fasting..

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