Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
ATTENTION WOMEN 40+: Want to lose weight FAST in 2019?
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The Balance 3H Plus® Weight Loss Program is the champion medically-supervised weight loss program for women 40+. Lose weight fast by addressing the underlying reasons why menopausal women gain weight!

It is estimated that over 50% of women in the United States experience menopause and its symptoms. One symptom that affects many women during this time is weight gain, especially around the midsection. This can be caused by several factors including hormone changes which increase insulin resistance and slow down metabolism as well as diet and lifestyle habits such as decreased exercise or increased calorie intake.

There are some things you can do to combat these symptoms so your body doesn't go through any unnecessary change! Read on for more information on how to lose menopause belly fat naturally.

Keep your hormone levels in check.

During menopause, estrogen levels are low which can cause weight gain around the midsection, loss of muscle mass, and increased body fat percentage. There are many ways to control these symptoms naturally. Including exercise, eating a healthy diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables as well as some quality protein sources will help keep insulin resistance under control while boosting metabolism. Some other great natural remedies that can help include flaxseed or evening primrose oil which helps to improve insulin function, calcium d-glucarate that metabolizes excess estrogen, and phytoestrogens found in soy products which bind with free circulating estrogen improving hormonal balance without affecting the endocrine system negatively.

Don't stop exercising.

Just because you are experiencing menopause, don't let that stop you from pushing yourself every day! Exercise not only keeps weight gain down but also increases muscle mass which can improve metabolism. It will help keep your bones strong and muscles toned, improving self-esteem as well as control insulin resistance keeping your body fat percentage low. So what should you be doing? Find an exercise that suits your needs whether it be walking or swimming or simply using the stairs instead of the elevator. Prioritize physical activity into your daily schedule just like you would take medications if prescribed by a doctor.

Eat healthy foods high in fiber.

Fiber is important for several reasons during menopause including promoting a healthy digestive system, reduction of cholesterol and blood pressure, weight management as well as balancing hormones.

Some great high fiber foods include whole-grain bread, oatmeal or bran cereal, beans and lentils, apples with the skin on (this includes applesauce), pears also including their skins, oranges (peeled), peas (fresh or frozen), raspberries (fresh or frozen) and broccoli (fresh or steamed). Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables each day is one of the easiest ways to boost your fiber intake.

Don't let menopause slow you down.

If you are experiencing symptoms like weight gain around the midsection during menopause it can be helpful to discuss them with your doctor for treatment options. There are many ways to lose menopause belly fat naturally but if these strategies aren't working there are medications that can help.

The truth is, it’s not easy to lose weight. But you can do it! And the best part of this article? You don't have to rely on pills or supplements that are full of side effects and chemicals. Instead, there are natural remedies out there for menopause belly fat loss that will help your body function better without any negative consequences. If our blog post has been helpful, please share it with others who might be struggling with similar issues!

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat

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