Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
OPEN ME to learn how I lost over 50 pounds.

I recently lost over 50 pounds through diet and exercise. Exercise is so important in anti-aging. It keeps us healthy, strong and youthful as we age. Eating well also important and when combined with exercise can give you the body your always wanted in your forties and beyond.

The first step to losing weight and keeping it off is to set a goal. A good way to start this process is by asking yourself the following yourself what you want your life to look like. Do you want more energy? Would you like some time for yourself without feeling guilty about staying in bed all day? By setting goals, not only will your journey be easier but the outcome will be much better as well.

Once you have decided on a goal, break it down into smaller achievable tasks that can help you get there and assign deadlines accordingly. If your ultimate goal is to lose 50 pounds then break that down into 10-pound increments with deadlines attached or 5-pound increments with weekly deadlines instead of monthly ones. This makes the burden feel lighter because it seems less.

By keeping a diary or a journal you can keep track of your weight loss and stay motivated. Use this as a tool, don't just write down your food intake for the day – because if you have nothing else to do it becomes a chore – but focus on what activities helped you achieve that goal. For example, after every workout, describe the intensity of that workout and how it made you feel afterward. About dieting, write about how your body felt before and after eating certain foods.

To start this process, you need to detox from bad habits whether they are emotional ones like comfort eating or physical ones like smoking and drinking too much alcohol (or soda). Detoxing is different for everyone but it's recommended to question: “Do I want to lose weight or do I just want to change my eating habits?” Although they both seem the same, there is a difference. When you just want to change your eating habits, you are making changes that will help you lead a healthy life. Someone who wants to lose weight has the ultimate goal of becoming smaller than they are now.

Let's first start with one of the most important parts- your diet! The first thing you need to do is identify what healthy food means for you. For some people, it may mean spending more money on organic foods, while others feel that it is all about calories and carbohydrates. There are thousands of diets out there that work for different people, but no one can tell you which one will work for you. Don't be afraid to try out new recipes, dine out at different restaurants, and try new foods. When it comes to managing weight, you need to remember that “moderation” never works because there is no balance in life. The key is making small changes that are sustainable for your lifestyle, not just until the weigh-in day.

One of the hardest parts of losing weight is the aftermath when achieving your goal. Let's face it – all diets have their ups and downs where they either get easier or harder over time. This means that if you are having a hard time sticking with your diet plan, don't think of it as something wrong with you rather the fact that this stage hits everyone.

The first step would be to find a new diet that you can comfortably follow and not obsess about it or feel guilty for slipping up now and then because the moment you do – it will become an endless cycle of “failures”. Congratulations, you have reached your goal! Now comes the hardest part: staying at this weight. This is one area where many people slip up- they stop going to the gym and go back to their old habits like skipping meals, eating too much junk food, and feeling discouraged when they don't lose as much weight as before. Remember that changing your lifestyle is never easy but once you reach your goal there's no looking back. It takes time for change to sink in so keep doing what you're doing and remember that your body is not a weight – it's a lifestyle.

To keep that motivation going, why don't you try joining some new groups or sign up for that race you've been wanting to do? Keep yourself busy with things that will help motivate you and give you the satisfaction of living a healthier life! In addition to this, make sure your ‘why' is strong enough so if obstacles were to pop up, they won't defeat you. It's important to have a goal for your health and wellbeing.

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Great video!

  2. Winner of a video, I’ve been looking for “kick start metabolism after 40” for a while now, and I think this has helped. Ever heard of – Fanlevi Immaculate Eradicator – (should be on google have a look ) ? Ive heard some unbelievable things about it and my partner got cool success with it.

    • This is glorious, I been tryin to find out about “how to increase metabolic rate after 40” for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you ever come across – Fanlevi Immaculate Eradicator – (just google it ) ? Ive heard some awesome things about it and my partner got amazing results with it.

  3. This was great, thanks, I been tryin to find out about “weight loss calculator calories” for a while now, and I think this has helped. You ever tried – Viyemily Mature Mansonella – (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now ) ? Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my m8 got excellent success with it.

  4. This was great, been searching for “46 year old female weight loss” for a while now, and I think this has helped. Ever heard of – Viyemily Mature Mansonella – (search on google ) ? Ive heard some incredible things about it and my friend got amazing success with it.

  5. Thank you for your common sense approach. I like seeing videos of someone my own age. Have you had problems with saggy skin? I worry my arms won’t “snap” back. What has been your experience?

    • libbylibbi You have to strength train while you are losing the weight.

  6. This is glorious, I have been researching “healthy diet for women over 40” for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you ever come across – Fanlevi Immaculate Eradicator – (should be on google have a look ) ? Ive heard some unbelievable things about it and my friend got amazing results with it.

  7. Hi Kristy! Love this video and your story. (We’re fans of My Fitness Pal too) We’re also passionate about inspiring women over 40 to be happy, healthy and fit. Let’s support each other…maybe a collaboration? Let us know what we can help with for you and your community. XO, Amy & Rachel

  8. I love this. You are a huge inspiration. I have so much trouble staying motivated and encouraged. HIIT and intense group activities like that are so hard for me, I get really discouraged in the midst of it and just want to walk out. How do you keep going when its so hard all you do is cuss a lot and maybe cry (kidding not kidding). Its so hard I eventually stop going because its just not fun and I’m not seeing any results except pain in my entire body for days afterward. I want to lose 30 lbs and wish I could stick it out to reach my goal.

  9. Truly informative and motivational video 👌🏻👍

  10. Hi, Kristy! I just happened to catch your video while looking for personal weight-loss motivation. Thank you for sharing. I’m in my mid 40’s and need to lose up to 60lbs. I’m struggling, to be honest, So your video is helpful. Thanks again!🤗

  11. Finally somebody is being truthful

  12. Baby beautiful

  13. Great video😃😃💐🌹

  14. Great job Kristy

  15. I have always linked word ‘diet’ with starvation, until I discoverd website *Next Level Diet*. With their diet plan, I am never hungry and I am still losing weight. Amazing!!!

  16. Thank you for your advices,😍💐 I love exercising…your video motivate me more👍🤗

  17. I like riding bike, walking, swimming cuz its fun. Some told me my feet is to heavy for jump rope, i didnt believe it. But he was right, feet n legs too heavy, breathing heavy. Relized i need to do wats fun n not think of it as exercise or work out. Ppl brings the fun out when call it exercise. I need to work on diet, diabetes n cholesterol n thyroid is challenging.

  18. Ur encouragement to me about wat n ideas wat to eat. Lov ur video

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