Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
10 ways to lose weight without exercise or diet.

This is part of a series of videos showing women how to lose weight after 40.

Link to Fit Over 40 intermittent fasting video:

Link to Fit Over 40 what I eat in a day video:

Link to Paul McKenna: Freedom from Emotional Eating Kindle edition:

Do you find it increasingly difficult to stay in shape now you are over 40?
Me too! and in fact, it has become very easy to gain a mountain of fat that looks like it has appeared from nowhere in places that you didn’t even know you could get fat!

And as for my belly fat, well in order to keep it in check, I feel like I have to do a ton of ab work and really pay close attention to what I eat. The minute I let slip on the diet, the belly makes an unwelcome return!

BUT did you know there is another way? Without having to count every calorie, take diet pills or spend hours and hours sweating it out at the gym.

If you don’t like the idea of any of these then I have created an awesome list of things you can do without ‘going on a diet’ or spending any time in the gym or other fitness activity. Let’s call it the lazy person’s guide to weight loss!

Read the full article on my website here:

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Follow me on instagram @msmelissaneill

#weightlossafter40 #weightloss #fatloss

It's time to ditch the old way of thinking about weight loss. You don't have to deprive yourself of exercise every day you should avoid both if you want a quick and easy way to get rid of that extra weight. In this blog post, I'll be giving you 10 different ways that will help with shedding those pounds without all the hard work. The rest is up to you!

1. Sleep more

Did you know that sleeping for 6 hours will make you eat 285 calories more than sleeping for 9 hours? It doesn't sound like much, but it can easily help with your daily calorie limit. If you aren't getting at least 7 hours of sleep every night, you should consider trying to catch up on some zzzs. For the best results try adding an extra hour or two before going to bed and aim for 8-9 hours of sleep each night. This one tip alone can help reduce the pounds without doing anything else!

2. Drink green tea

Green tea is a great little helper in getting rid of those extra pounds. It not only speeds up your metabolism but can also lower your chances of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. If you want to stay healthy and lose weight without changing your eating habits or exercising more you should give green tea a shot!

3. Eat foods that are high in protein & fiber

Foods like beans, whole grain bread, chicken breasts, salmon, and oatmeal are packed with both protein and fiber which makes them heavily satiating making it harder for you to overeat compared to other common snacks like potato chips for example. This way you can enjoy snacking while still losing weight at the same time!

4. No fast food, ever!

Fast food restaurants serve a lot of unhealthy junk that speeds up your metabolism and gives you an energy boost from sugar. However, if you don't burn off those calories by exercising they will only make you fatter in the long run. If you want to get rid of pounds as quickly as possible, try staying away from fast food completely!

5. Cut out all added sugar & alcohol

These two are probably the worst thing you can put into your body when it comes to losing weight. Sugar is packed with empty calories and makes it harder for your body to burn off the calories it consumes. Alcohol is also very fattening and can be easily avoided when you're trying to lose weight. If you want to get rid of those extra pounds, try cutting out both completely for a while.

6. Don't eat after 7 pm

This might seem like an obvious one but a lot of people tend to eat their last meal later in the evening which is a big mistake if your goal is losing weight effectively. Your body needs energy that comes from the food you eat, so skipping dinner or eating what isn't that nutritious will only make you feel tired during your day, which doesn't help at all when it comes to exercising either!

7. Cut out all trans fats & hydrogenated oils

Not only are these extremely fattening, but they're also really bad for your health in general. If you want to lose weight without exercising or eating healthier, you should keep an eye on the ingredients of everything you buy so that you don't accidentally consume some fat-filled trans fat by accident.

8. Drink coffee

Coffee will help boost your metabolism and get rid of excess water which is why it can be a great little helper with burning off those last few pounds if done properly. Warm beverages such as coffee, tea, and hot chocolate are also known to speed up your metabolism too, so if you want to get rid of those pounds as quickly as possible, try drinking a cup of hot coffee or tea right before your morning workout!

9. Reduce stress levels

Stress can be brutal when it comes to losing weight and getting rid of excess pounds. If the body perceives the environment around you as harmful, it will produce cortisol which is known as the “stress hormone”. Cortisol increases hunger levels while decreasing muscle mass which makes it rather difficult for your body to burn off calories efficiently. It becomes even more difficult when you're also trying to fight off feelings of anxiety. So if you want to get rid of fat fast,
try to reduce stress levels as much as possible.

10. Minimize cardiovascular training

Cardio exercises are great for losing weight fast but they make it rather difficult for you to build muscle mass at the same time. If your goal is to burn off excess pounds, try minimizing cardio sessions and focus on strength training instead. It will be way more effective in terms of burning off fat, plus it has even been shown that resistance training can help with reducing stress levels too!

We hope this article has helped educate you about the process of losing weight and getting into shape. And we hope it’s given you some ideas for how to start your journey! Our team is here to help if you have any questions, so feel free to contact us anytime.

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Love your videos Melissa! You are fabulously giving back to others! I have been implementing quite of few of these strategies throughout the years and I am 51 years old. I am getting more into weight training, which will help me retain more muscle as you stated in another video! Thank you again! CJ

    • That’s fantastic Cassana – well done 👍🏽 I’m glad you like the video and do let me know if there is anything you would like me to cover in the future. ❤️

  2. Perfect timing! I dislocated my shoulder last Sunday and can’t do anything but walk.

    • That’s really tough Andrea I hope it manages to heal soon ❤️🙏🏾

    • @Melissa Neill Thank you.

  3. Thanks for sharing. Great tips!. I have been doing keto for eight years. I am in a maintenance phase. I like the mental clarity, high energy, metabolic homeostasis, optimal lipids, reduced inflammation and appetite suppressant attributes. I also do 18:6 intermittent fasting daily. I have two well balanced meals daily over six hours. I avoid fruit (except berries), starches, grains, sugar, soy, refined carbs and processed foods. I have a list of healthy whole food staples but I will divert occasionally. I do a combination resistance training, crossfit and HIIT cardio throughout the week. I keep it simple so I do not have to over think it due to my busy schedule. Keep sharing and talking. Cheers!

    • Thanks Ken it sounds like you’re in really great shape and I admire you discipline for sticking to Keto for 8 years 👏🏽. And you exercise routine sounds fantastic. Keep up the good work 💪🏽👏🏽👍🏽

  4. I did the intermittant fasting, tried everything from 14 hrs to 24 for years. At first it worked, But lately it indeed got me binging like crazy when I could eat. I am back to smaller meals throughout the day like I used to ( 20 years ago that was the way to loose weight in fitness). Great tips, not really new, but great to have them summed up ☺️

    • Hi Jospepha thats interesting you found a similar experience with intermittent fasting. I have done a lot of research and the evidence is inconclusive for women over 40. Personally I have 5/6 meals a day more effective for fat loss. I think its whatever works for you.

  5. I love your videos. I turn 40 next year and I’m finding it a lot harder to lose weight than I did when I was younger. Even dropping weight after having children was easy compared to now! I have binge watched a whole heap of your videos and I’m now feeling very inspired!!! Thank you!!!!❤️

    • Thank Jana for taking time to leave a comment. Yes its quite a challenge. I am glad you found the videos useful.

  6. Best advice!!! Glad to know that you can lose weight without intermittent fasting!!!

  7. Hi I love your videos!!! I’m one who hate squats and lunges they hurt my knees, what can I do in there place?

    • Hi Gloria – there is more than one of you – this is a common problem – I there are no real alternatives to squats and lunges apart from machines in the gym like leg press, quad extensions, and leg curl machines. I explain in this video how you can work towards doing a squat if you have problems with your knees

  8. Thank you 💕

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