Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
My one simple tip to help every woman get off the diet roller coaster and lose the weight for good!

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The 40s and 50s are a time of life that many women dread. Those extra pounds we gained during our 20's and 30's seem to be harder to lose as we age into the next decade. This blog post will teach you how to lose weight over 40 – for women. It will provide tips on diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes that can help you get back in shape.

Don't cut calories too quickly – This is not a free pass to eat anything you want. It just means that you should be more conscious of what you are putting in your body when trying to lose weight after 40. Limit meats or dairy products if they don't agree with your system and increase low-carb vegetables like spinach and mushrooms instead. Get rid of the gourmet coffee drinks loaded with sugar and cream and switch to herbal teas if caffeine is an issue for you.

Exercise – If you sit at a desk all day this will undoubtedly affect how well your body can burn calories throughout the day, so get moving! Take two-minute breaks every hour where you walk around the office or take a quick lap around your neighborhood. At home, you can get off the couch and go for a 15-minute stroll instead of sitting in front of the TV watching your favorite sitcom.

Lifestyle changes – You may think that there is no way to lose weight over 40 if you continue in the same lifestyle, but it all depends on what you consider to be normal. Do not eat fast food every day because it's convenient. Cut out snacks between meals and make sure that everything is healthy before putting it into your body. Just taking these steps alone will help to shed some pounds, but you should try adding an exercise regimen as well for best results.

Sleep more – Getting enough sleep each night is extremely important in helping your body lose weight and otherwise remain healthy. It also helps to keep stress levels down and improves mood, which can help you make better decisions when choosing what food should go into your body instead of taking the easy route with fast food or other unhealthy meals.

Watch out for hidden sugars – Beverages like fruit juice are often advertised as healthy, but they're loaded with sugar that will cause weight gain if consumed too often. Check the ingredient list to make sure all items are low in carbohydrate content before buying anything at the store.

Eat smaller meals more frequently – Instead of eating three large meals each day spread them out so you never feel overly hungry for very long (such as breakfast, lunch, dinner). If you can't seem to put off eating until mealtime tries snacking on a small portion of healthy food every few hours. Apples and peanut butter, string cheese and whole-grain crackers, or carrots and hummus are all good choices for quick snacks that can tide you over until your next full meal.

Limit fruit – Fruit is another food source that is often advertised as being healthy but does have its drawbacks if eaten in large quantities. Particularly those types with high sugar content should be limited because they still contain a great deal of calorie density that will cause weight gain when consumed regularly. Try blackberries or blueberries instead of bananas if you want a sweet taste without the extra calories.

Be mindful of your portions – Overweight people tend to eat whatever they want, whenever they want it because it's easy to go back for seconds when the food is right in front of them. Consider eating off a smaller plate so that everything looks like leftovers in comparison and you'll automatically cut down on your meal sizes without even trying.

Simplify your meals – If you don't have time or money to prepare complex dishes consider eating the same thing every day until you lose weight over 40. To make things easy try chopping up some veggies ahead of time and having them ready to go in the fridge then throw together quick salads or soups with chicken or fish over rice when hunger strikes.

Use low-calorie condiments – Ketchup, mayonnaise, butter, salad dressings, BBQ sauce, etc. are all items that can add unnecessary calories to your meal plans so consider using something else instead. Mustard is one of the best alternatives because it doesn't contain any sugar or carbs while providing a similar consistency and flavor.

Don't skip meals – When you get hungry don't try to push through the hunger pains by picking at cookies in the break room or having low-calorie snacks like carrot sticks; eat regular meals to keep your metabolism up and avoid binging on unhealthy food later on.

Drink more water – Water will fill you up faster than soda or juice then give you an energy boost if you're feeling tired (this should be especially helpful during work hours). Don't drink too much though or you'll have to run to the bathroom all day long.

Unwanted weight gain might seem inevitable as more and more people cross over into their 40s, but there are steps you can take today that will help prevent this from happening by keeping some basic best practices in mind such as eating healthy food, exercising regularly, and keeping portion control in mind at all times. There are no magic tricks or secrets to losing weight over 40 you just have to be willing to make the necessary lifestyle changes for your body type instead of trying things that don't work.

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Great reminder! I’ve never been into counting calories and after having gestational diabetes through my pregnancies I have relied on the nutritionists advice of ‘balance’. 😉 Indulge once in a while, don’t make it a habit, and notice how you feel after what you eat. That makes it easier to make healthy choices.

  2. Your advice spoke to my heart. I am 49 and have been so obsessed about a certain number on the scale to get back to where I was in my 30s (forget the number in my 20s!)- 5 to 7 pounds less than I am now. My body doesn’t want to budge. Thank you for your common sense advice and encouragement. Feeling good, being strong, happy and active is where it’s at! Life’s too short to be miserable for an arbitrary number.

    • Thanks for sharing Jennifer and I am glad I could help!! 😘

  3. You’re speaking the truth PJ thank you for being so honest.

    • Thanks Laura and thank you for watching!

  4. I remember that competition PJ. What you were putting yourself through at the time looked like torture.

    • 😂 Yes and LH was not happy living with me either.

  5. Love this advice. Makes my whole body sigh with relief.

    • Love this advice. Makes my whole body sigh with relief.

  6. I have lived by 80/20 for years, for 90% of the time. Love you PJ!

  7. Perfect 👌 timing. I needed the motivation to keep going. Slow and steady to get healthy and feel good! Thanks PJ!

  8. Always great advice. Common sense that works!

  9. Being perimenopausal has made weight loss feel impossible. I’ve been doing your videos and others and I feel great. Eating better and not getting on my scale has helped tremendously. Thanks for all you do.

    • Thanks for sharing Peggy and I so happy you are feeling awesome!!

  10. Thank you! I needed this today. I’m just headed into week two of the 21 day plan and I’m loving it!

  11. I have never publicly comment on a forum before but need to let you know how much your site has helped me. I have been active in sports all my life in some form or another. When I hit my 40’s I kept trying to workout like I was in my early 20’s and would feel so discouraged and beat myself up, recently to the point that I stopped. I found your site and it has given me back something that I really love and enjoy. Thank you for your commitment to the site, your tips and advice and giving me someone to workout with everyday! Speaking as a mom and wife trying to stay healthy and women who also would like to “recapture her tush from her 20’s” you give me a reason to show up everyday. So for that I just want to say thanks for walking this virtual path with me. I hope to keep seeing more of your videos. Please know, they do have an impact on people, especially at this isolating time. Beth

    • Wow Beth… and thank you for that beautiful comment. You actually brought tears to my eyes. I am glad that I can help and I hope our paths cross again. Consider joining us on Patreon. It would be amazing to have you as a part of that community. 😘

    • You are welcome, PJ. I know it seems so strange but I consider you a friend that I welcome into my home each day! It had been really lonely doing this before I found your site. I did sign up as a Patreon and look forward to having a new community to work out with. I just got out for summer break as I am a special education teacher so I’ll have more time to commit to videos! I’ve told my sister and friends about the site so hopefully you’ll have more members from Colorado logging in soon. Beth@Fitness with PJ

    • you snatched the words from my mouth, girl!!

  12. That’s right! Healthy and Happier is more important. Love you PJ!

  13. thank you so much for this. I just saw what Kelly Ripa eats and does and i started feeling guilty. She is all about never taking a break from exercise, never eats anything that has fat and never drinks alcohol ever ha ha. Well i do and in very much in moderation. If i don’t then i would be kind of sad.

  14. Your advice just make my day.. really inspired…👍.lots of love…keep going

  15. I just recently discovered your videos, and I love them! Thank you for inspiring me to live a healthier lifestyle.

    • 😘 Aren’t you the sweetest. Thanks for joining me Vanessa!

  16. Thanks PJ for your valuable time & tips, I really appreciate your efforts.
    State of mind is very important for all of us women, once a person understand that than she/ he will be very grateful for every movement that their body can make.🌷

    Quote: Wellness is a kingdom

  17. I’m definitely going to try this plan…thank you. Love it

  18. I appreciate this information. I have about 20-30 pounds I’d love to lose. I think losing the weight would help my knees hurt less (they bother me most in cold weather) and I have a TON of stairs at my house. I started another program with friends in May and they’ve had excellent results but I haven’t been able to find the time or desire to put in as much effort as they have to actually lose the weight. I’m happy for them but it’s been a frustrating journey to log and eat less (with minimal results) and still have energy to do anything after working all day – mostly sitting at a desk. I appreciate your knee friendly exercises also. I’m barely in my 40s but exercise is tough.

  19. Oh my goodness I need this in my life! I love your channel!! I have been struggling yet I eat plant based and workout 5-6 days a week. I don’t get it. I workout for at least 1-1.5 hours and I’m still stuck even with strength training and HIIT. My poor habits, I stay up too late and don’t drink enough water. Oh…and my stress – arrrghhhhh!! I just found magnesium & now I’m finally sleeping all night again.

    • Sleep is so important Michelle!! Try some easy stretches before bed too, to help unwind you.

  20. Thank you so much for a great dose of common sense! I really, really needed to hear this. ❤

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