Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
How to Lose Weight for Women Over 40.
It's still hard to accept that this is really how I look now. It takes some time to get used to your new body after a big transformation.

However, I am super happy with the way I look and am very proud of my body and my accomplishments.

In the past I didn�t look exactly the way I wanted and wasn�t able to keep the unwanted weight off. I would always gain and lose 20 pounds every year. It was depressing, frustrating and exhausting.

The Venus Factor Program is created in a smart, but simple to understand and follow way; it�s based on science and math, no BS.

The community is amazing too. I made so many friends there that I lost count; we talk all the time and hang out a lot.

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The program will transform your body and if you have any questions you can ask me or some other girls on the forum for help and we will give you the best tips we know. – Kelly H.

Losing weight as you age is difficult, but not impossible. Several factors affect your ability to lose weight and keep it off, such as hormones and metabolism. This article provides information on how to lose weight for women over 40 by understanding these factors and making changes in your diet and exercise routine that will work for you.

Make a Plan for Weight Loss

A weight-loss plan that includes diet and exercise is the best way to ensure success. If you have tried other diets in the past without success, try making a new lifestyle plan rather than going on another crash weight-loss program. There is no magic pill or secret formula for losing weight. You must eat less and move more to lose weight. However, there are certain eating habits and exercises that may prove more effective for targeting abdominal fat loss. Abdominal fat not only reduces your ability to look toned and lean but also carries a greater risk for heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers.

Women's bodies naturally go through menopause between the ages of 45 and 55, during which hormone levels fluctuate wildly, causing weight gain and loss. According to the National Institutes of Health, perimenopause begins when a woman's ovaries start making less estrogen, causing irregular periods or even stopping them altogether. At this point in a woman's life, it is common to experience major changes in her body shape. Hormonal imbalance can also cause women to store more fat around their waists rather than on their hips and thighs before menopause.

Aerobic exercise is one of the most effective methods for blasting belly fat fast. To get the most out of your cardio session when trying to lose weight for women over 40, be sure to incorporate interval training into your routine. Research conducted at Laval University found people who performed HIIT cardio lost nine times more fat than people who performed moderate cardio at a consistent speed.

Weight loss in women is also affected by age because muscle mass decreases with age, while fat tends to increase with age. For every decade after 40, the body's ability to metabolize food for energy slows down by about 5 percent, according to The Huffington Post. This means that even if you are eating healthily and exercising regularly, you may be getting fewer of the nutrients your body needs.

You can reduce this decline inability by engaging in strength training exercises like weightlifting three days per week. Although most doctors recommend 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise five days per week, strength-training activities like weightlifting burn more calories post-workout than aerobics do.

Weight loss for women over 40 is possible, it just takes more time and effort than for someone younger. The key to successful weight loss at any age is diet and exercise. Commit yourself to a healthy lifestyle plan that you can follow long-term rather than another crash diet because these types of diets are difficult to maintain in the long run. Eat healthy wholesome foods and exercise to increase the amount of lean muscle in your body, which will speed up your metabolism. This combination will help you lose weight for women over 40.

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. The bummer, at this age, is that when one loses weight, one looks older — sometimes a lot older. I am starting to think that the best way to go, at this age (I am 52) is to keep the fat and exercise to firm that up. I would rather keep my boobs and the wrinkles at bay with some fat and then firm that up to have a nice shape.

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