Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
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Risa Lynch
Certified Holistic Health Coach ~ inspiring YOU to get healthier

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Women often experience weight gain during menopause due to hormonal changes. This article will explore the causes of weight gain, as well as how to lose weight during menopause.

1. Hormonal changes

Studies have shown that during menopause, women tend to have an increase in fat storage. The main factor for this is hormonal shifts. During menopause, the ovaries slow down the production of estrogen and progesterone, which causes a change in leptin levels, ghrelin levels, and insulin resistance. This causes weight gain.

2. Poor eating habits

Another reason why women are gaining more weight during menopause is that they are not eating healthy foods. It has been noted that menopausal women tend to eat less protein and more carbohydrates, combined with a sedentary lifestyle; weight gain can be the result.

3. Negative self-image

A negative body image can be another reason why women gain weight during menopause. When a woman goes through some sort of change in life, such as puberty changes and pregnancy, she tends to focus on the negative and may experience some sort of body image problem. Studies have shown that women who go through menopause tend to not weigh themselves as often, but when they do they are more likely to see themselves as bigger than what they are. This can result in depression and could cause them to eat unhealthily.

So how can you lose weight during menopause?

1. Feel good about yourself

One way is by taking care of your mental health first. Feeling good about yourself and having a positive self-image will help you want to make healthier choices when it comes to food and exercise.

2. Eat healthily

A healthy diet is a key to losing weight during menopause. Make sure to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean protein in your diet. Avoid processed foods and sugary drinks.

3. Exercise regularly

Regular exercise is also important for weight loss during menopause. It can help boost your metabolism and burn calories. Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes most days of the week.

4. Weigh yourself regularly

Weigh yourself regularly so you are aware of what you are putting on. This can help keep you motivated to stay on track with your weight loss goals.

5. Get plenty of sleep

Getting enough sleep is also crucial for weight loss during menopause. Not only does it help you feel awake and alert, but it will improve your mood and can help you make healthier choices.

Don't let weight gain get you down! There are many ways to lose weight during menopause if you focus on a healthy lifestyle. Remember that being happy with yourself is the most important thing!

As we’ve reviewed, there are several ways to cope with the symptoms and effects of menopause. Menopausal weight gain is one of the most prevalent issues women face during this time in their lives. There are many different things you can do to help combat it—from eating healthy foods and exercising regularly to talking about your thoughts and feelings with others or attending support groups for other people who have gone through what you're going through now. We hope that by reading these tips you feel more empowered than ever before!

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. I must say ur very inspiring m 23 n I hav a terrible body

    • thanks so much! Work on your health – it’s worth it!

  2. We must make ourselves a priority

  3. I’m an emotional eater, so I have to work on that. That’s been key. But, nutrition and working out I
    Already know what to do

  4. i have tried the shakeology  and I broke out in hives with an allergic reaction. I tried 3 types and I wont try it again (its not worth the hospital stay) . so that said what can I replace it with? none of the people who work with this company can tell me. do you have any advice?I follow the 31day program in all the other ways.

    • Jean Lee go vegan! look it up on youtube,eat only Veggies,fruits and legumes en you will lose the weight and get your health back! good luck.

    • Jean so sorry to hear that shakeO didn’t work for you. Can you work on eating all whole foods – not sure how you eat now – you can make your own shake – it won’t have as much in it, but you can still add some great things, like chia seeds, flax, fruit, veggies etc

  5. No sugar, no grains, no dairy, balancing my hormones (including vitamin D, progesterone and DHEA), dancing, yoga has been working for me. I must say though, all the discipline I had did NOT take away my mushiness and muffin top UNTIL I balanced my hormones. A very important fact to consider. But then, every woman is different. You’re right though, you have to WANT it!

    • That is true Gina! What did you do in order to balance your hormones? I work to get my ladies to get off sugar and try some of the other No’s 🙂

    • Gina look into your gut health – learning that everything stems from things being out of whack there – have a friend who had hashimoto/thyroid stuff and they worked on her gut health – she had leaky gut which i think that most americans prob have – she’s since lost 30lbs – heal the gut and you can probably heal or totally improve your health

    • Sorry Risa, I can’t even list all of the numerous things I take and what I do for my health. Yes, included in the mix are prebiotics and probiotics I take. If you can name it, I either take it now or have tried it and retried it. Also, forgot to mention ashwaghanda for adrenal fatigue and vitamin b5 b6 and b 12. In addition, I also eat a few tablespoons of sauer kraut and or kim chi (recommended by my holistic doctor) for my belly. Lots of good probiotics in fermented foods. Maybe that’s why I’m bloated with so much gas? You win some you lose some right? Yes, you are right about the gut thing.. Gut issues go hand in hand with thyroid disorders which is why I stick to grain free, sugar and dairy free. I look at it this way. I might not ever get down to my former premenopausal prethyroid weight but at least I am trying to be healthy.

    • Gina – you’re doing awesome :)! I hope it keeps working for you! You look great in your videos!

  6. Intermittent fasting is the only thing that works for me. I eat chocolate, cake, & cookies after eating mostly fresh vegetables & some protein. I refuse to deprive myself. I only work out 20 minutes a day, 5 days a week. The trick? I only eat for one hour a day, every day.

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