Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Hi everyone! I'm sure many of you struggle with how to lose weight during/after menopause. Today I'm sharing my success story. Why not start the year off losing weight! I know how frustrating it is to yo-yo diet without getting results. I am NOT an expert so please talk to your Dr. before you start any new diet or exercise program. I'm just sharing my success story and how I managed to take the weight off and during menopause and keep it off! Menopause and staying fit over 50 may seem impossible. But I promise you it's not. You have to find the right program and that's how to stay fit over 50. One of the hurtles I had to overcome was my addiction to sugar. My consumption of sugar like desserts, chocolate and any sweet treats kept me from staying fit. Let me know in the comments below if you also have an addiction to sugar. If you have a success story please share that as well. This is a two part video in the next segment I'll talk about staying fit over 50 and how I exercise to stay healthy and in shape.

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💋My main focus is on makeup application on mature skin. For reference I have combo oily/ dry skin. I share makeup that I use and genuinely enjoy which is purchased by me. On a rare occasion a company may send me a product which I will always disclose. I give my 100% opinion no matter if I purchase a product or if it's sent to me which I always disclose. 💋

S N A P C H A T- ( User name) whitelacectge26
I N S T A G R A M –

Hi I'm Anne and welcome to my channel. I love makeup and I love teaching. I use luxury makeup because that's what I enjoy using.💋

Weight gain during and after menopause is a common problem. Unfortunately, the amount of weight gained can be frustrating to deal with. However, there are many things you can do throughout your life to maintain a healthy weight and help prevent unwanted pounds from piling on. This article will cover some of these tips for both losing weights while going through or after menopause as well as maintaining a healthy lifestyle that helps control your body's needs so you don't have to worry about gaining too much weight in the first place.

1. Be sure to control your eating. If you have a small appetite, try eating at least three meals a day plus a few snacks throughout the day. Try to avoid eating too much junk food or fast food as it can take away from your overall health and not provide enough nutrients that are needed by our body for daily functions.

2. Drink plenty of water every day. While many people drink water with their meals, try drinking more throughout the day as well as before and after each meal if possible (preferably 2-3 glasses). This will help keep your metabolism going and also flush out toxins from your body which can be harmful if they build up over time.

3. Don't eat all the time – chew gum often: Many people find that they are eating more to satisfy their cravings. Try chewing sugar-free gum instead. This will help control your appetite and keep you from gaining too much weight over time, especially when you get busy or stressed out it can be easier to eat an extra snack without realizing it!

4. Stay active throughout the day: Be sure to get regular exercise daily even if it is just a short walk around the block. The more active you are, the more likely you are to burn off calories while being able to do things that keep your body's functions in good working order. 5. Sleeping at least 6 hours per night is also important for proper health maintenance.

6. Keep stress levels low by getting plenty of rest before bedtime. If you have a hard time sleeping, try eating something small before bedtime to avoid waking up with hunger pains.

While maintaining a healthier lifestyle is the key to staying fit and healthy, many people struggle with weight gain during/after menopause for various reasons. If your body is trying to process too much estrogen it can lead to gaining weight even if you are trying your best at sticking to regular exercise routines or drinking plenty of water each day. Talk with your doctor about what's causing the issue so you can find the best way to deal with any problems that may arise during this time in your life and come up with a plan for success.

Weight gain during and after menopause can be attributed to many factors, including changes in hormones. Stress is also a factor that contributes to weight gain as well as mood swings. A healthy diet with plenty of protein, fiber-rich whole grains, fruits, and vegetables will help reduce the risk for overeating which may lead to obesity or diabetes. There are many ways you can improve your health through lifestyle choices such as increasing exercise levels or changing eating habits. If these tips have helped you lose weight please share this article on social media so others who are struggling with their weight have access to this information too!

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. *Hi everyone! It’s so good to be back. I filmed this before Christmas. I wanted to save this video for after the holidays because I know how hard it is to even think about getting healthy during the holidays. In the next video I’m going to talk more about what I eat. As I said in the video I’m not an expert I’m just sharing what works for me. I’ve been able to keep the weight off. The biggest change is making this a lifestyle change. I hope that you find this helpful. If you did please share this as I know how frustrating it is the lose weight and this would be helpful to many. Next week I’ll be starting my new series. I hope you all enjoyed celebrating the holidays. I hope this year brings you good health and happiness.*

  2. Anne I’m 63 and have always struggled with my weight but these past 3 years it has been awful! I am the highest I have ever been and I KNOW I have a sugar addiction so I am listening carefully to what you say. I have always likened myself to an alcoholic in that a little chocolate is too much and chocolate all day long is not enough. I will be waiting to hear more about the way that you handled this addiction. That’s truly what it is for me.

    • Sugar addiction is real.I struggled for years and I could not stop until I hit rock bottom. And I knew that if I didn’t change my health would decline. I love desserts, sweet treats and chocolate. I could not go a day without it and I skipped meals to eat it. When my sugar high would subside I’d eat more, and more. Giving it up wasn’t easy but I was ready to make that commitment.

    • I read your comment and looked at your picture, I can’t believe you are 63!! You look amazing!!! I’m right with Anne, BIG sugar addict here. It just takes one bite and I’m right back on the sugar train. sigh. xo Laurie

    • Pride In Photos BEAUTY very sweet of you to say. I really work on my skin but dang I want my body back!😀

    • I’m 53 and I can’t shed this weight either. I’m trying really hard. Keto is difficult for me because I get tunnel vision and can’t seem to succeed.

  3. Wow Anne, this lipstick looks stunning on you!!!! I love your whole makeup in this video. Tutorial please 🙏❤

    • Thank you so much💖💖I created this look in a video just before Christmas😘

  4. I agree 100% Anne. I’m a chocoholic. I have to have chocolate and sweets every day… and a lot really A LOT! For now my body somehow burns all these calories and I stay slim but I know that’s so unhealthy. It’s like I’m disrespecting my body. I remember I stopped one day (it was many years ago and I didn’t eat a single cookie for 2 years and I didn’t crave sugar anymore) but then one day I started again. (It was because I was with a friend and … etc. But my point is that you’re absolutely right. The only was to stop is to STOP and not eat even one little piece of chocolate… I have to push myself to stop again. Awesome video!!!

    • Thank you so much Angela. I agree even if you’re fit it’s important to eat healthy. My daughter has always been skinny and she eats but she avoids eating junk. I wish I learned that at an early age.

  5. Thanks for sharing your story. Yes, you have to be ready to make the change in order for things to really happen. I’ve lost 60 pounds in the past year and a half – in menopause. High protein and low carb under the care of an endocrinologist have been the trick for me. I have 60 more to go. So happy that you found what works for you. Happy New Year, Anne. – xx, Carla

    • That’s awesome Carla!!! I bet you feel amazing as well. Yes, absolutely under a Dr.’s care 100% agree!

    • Carla can you do a series on your Channel on your weight loss journey I would love to watch that and maybe it can help a lot of us, I’m 66 and oh that belly fat has crept on and I never had it before.😘

    • @BlingBea Sure! Thanks for your interest. 🙂

  6. I chose to give up sugar on Christmas. First few days was challenging with Christmas sweets everywhere around me. Over a week later I feel amazing. No sugar cravings. We can do this! ❤️

    • That’s awesome!!! Yes, it can be done. I never thought I could give up my sweets but I don’t miss it. When I decided to do this it was in September 5 or 6 years ago. I knew it would be hard with Halloween and the Holidays but I did it! Thank you so much for sharing and congratulations🎉🎉🎉

  7. Absolutely Annie! When you stop the sugar and in my case sugar and carbs you DO NOT CRAVE them….and when you do have sugar for like a special occasion or something it’s like an explosion for your body with the bloat and GI discomfort….which in turn just clarifies to me that sugar is literal poison for the body turning on an inflammatory response…..If I eat a pasta dish(which I love) I feel sooo bloated for the next 24 hrs…it’s CRAZY….
    I just stay away from that stuff for the most part….when I eat chocolate it’s 70% or higher dark chocolate….I really like it and it staves off any sweet tooth I may encounter(sugar/carb addiction is a real thing) Thanks for your experience sharing❤️❤️❤️
    Happy New year too!!!

    • Yes! I love pasta but I always feel sick after I eat it so I rarely do. Thank you so much for sharing your journey💖Happy New Year to you as well🎉🎉🎉😙

  8. Hi Anne, I’m addicted to carbs and sugar as well. I’m not over weight, but it’s something I do have to be conscious of. I’m curious I live here in central Florida too, how do you manage to walk in the heat?

    • LOL I walk in every weather. Believe it or not I prefer it when it’s hot than when it’s in the 50’s or 60’s I’m freezing 😂 I’m such a wimp! But yeah even in the summer I walked. I do walk in the morning when it’s not as hot and that helps.

  9. I just started a Keto diet, it’s tough but seeing results. Sugar and carbs were my vice 🤨

  10. Hi My Name is Tammy and I am a SUGAR ADDICT….I am the same, one piece starts the binge….I cannot have it in the house…SUGAR is my trigger food. I do enjoy my berries and apples…these do not set me off.

    • Hi Tammy, sugar is evil! It truly is! It’s a drug that I cannot have because if I do I will lose control. I can’t even do the sugar substitute because I know I will just go for the real stuff. Berries and apples are good. Yes they have sugar but apples have fiber and berries have great antioxidants.

    • So am I

  11. I so get you. Alcohol and sugar are the same substance metabolized in the body…both are sugar!! One is a plane and one is a train leading to the same destiny. I was a sugar addict for most of my life. I am 62 and don’t like it anymore. I don’t crave it at all. If I am at an event and do eat something with sugar, I feel terrible several days after. I think in 2019, I hate sugar 3 times. The cleaner I eat and better I feel, I run from it. I do get Trader Joe’s 100% cacao bars with zero sugar. No one in my family likes it because it is bitter. I really enjoy it. Never want or could go back to eating processed junk food. My health is my wealth.

  12. This video brought back good memories when you and I collaborated on this same subject a year ago!!! We both are such sugar addicts and the pain is real my girl!!! Happy Friday. xo Laurie

    • I think it was 2 years ago but time goes by so fast!

    • AnneP makeupandmore It was 2 years ago??!! Wow 🤩

    • LOL yes! I know time goes by fast!

  13. I definitely applaud you!! I’m definitely a sugar addict!! I’m trying to do better it’s a constant battle.

  14. I have been addicted to sugar my entire life and also a binge and emotional eater

  15. Anne! So proud of you on your recovery from sugar. I work in the field of addiction and have been 24 yr sober and clean. It’s not an easy task at all, once again your honesty and willingness to speak on issues women don’t discuss often. I applaud you. Happy New year and thanks for your posts. Glad your back. 🙂👍

    • Thank you so much Sam😙💖Happy New Year🎉🎉🎉

  16. Menopausal weight gain is hard! I am having to make some adjustments to my diet. I have never had a belly and it creeped up slowly. I saw a picture of myself from Christmas and I looked pregnant. I made the decision to start taking care of my body regain strength and eat healthier. Sugar had to go I said goodbye to it a few days ago. But do not try to take my cream away with morning coffee ☕️

    • Hi Debbie, I never had a belly either but when I started gaining weight that’s where it went. I stopped eating sweet treats and my belly fat went away. Yes I still add cream in my coffee. Very little and the one I use only has 3 grams of sugar? I know it’s pretty minimal.

    • AnneP makeupandmore which creamer do you buy, I have to have stevia and my creamer with my coffee, is Stevia ok?

  17. Just a pinch of sugar flips a switch in my brain and I will eat sugary treats till I feel sick. To avoid this…every day, sometimes twice a day, I add cocoa powder and soy or almond milk to my pot of decaf green tea. It’s a tasty treat that satisfies me and has helped me turn my nose up to sugary treats for the last five months. There is zero sugar and zero fat in cocoa powder. I have always walked and tap danced, but due to injury, had to give up dancing for the time being. I still walk almost daily, strength train 2x/week. I must have accountability so I pay a personal trainer for a 30 minute session one time each week. This has helped to keep me honest during the rest of the week. Thank you for sharing AnneP. Peace.

    • Hi Stacy, thank you so much for sharing. Personal trainers are the best! I used to go to one but haven’t checked into it since moving here. Eventually I may just so I can safely do some toning exercises without hurting myself. Hope you have a fabulous weekend😘💖

    • Almond milk. ❤

  18. I couldn’t agree more. I cut out sugar and processed carbs and dropped 30 lbs. Age 54.

    • That’s awesome Marla! Thank you so much for sharing.

  19. Oh Anne, you look stunningly beautiful. I love this look on you! I too am addicted to sugar. I’ve managed to lose almost 20 pounds in 18 months due to lifestyle changes, but I still eat some sugar (and I need to lose 5 more pounds). Like you, it zaps me of my energy. I desperately need a change but I can’t imagine life without chocolate (thus the addiction). Thanks for giving me some renewed motivation. PS I just had Lasik eye surgery so if my spelling is wonky, this is why.

    • Hi Stacy I was a chocoholic. I could not imagine never eating it ever again. But once I stopped eating it I no longer crave it. Oh yes the sugar highs and lows I remember those. Thank you so much for stopping by and visiting. My Mom had Lasik surgery and she can see so much better now! Hope you enjoy your day😘💓

  20. I love walking also, however my Dr. said the older we get we have to incorporate some type of muscle training and stretching too. Loved the video!

    • Thank you so much Kim💓😘I’m glad you enjoyed it. Happy Sunday!

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