Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
How to lose post-pregnancy fat. In Hindi. प्रेग्नेन्सी के बाद वजन घटाने के टिप्स. in this video we talk about the right time to start weight loss after pregnancy, your diet immediately after pregnancy, and there on till you get back in your pre-pregnancy weight.

0:40 – When to start weight loss / Right time to start
2:40 – month-wise weight loss phases. / 3 phases to lose post-pregnancy weight.
2:54 – phase 1 (first 45 days after delivery)
3:06 – Phase 2 (2nd month to 6th month after delivery)
3:22 – Simple tips to lose weight after pregnancy
4:22 – Phase 3 – from 7th month to 12th month
5:02 – exercises to lose weight after pregnancy

0:40 – डिलीवरी के बाद वजन
2:40 – डेलिवरी के बाद वजन घटना कब शुरू करे ? / 3 PHASES
2:54 – phase 1 ( डेलिवरी के बाद जापा वाला phase )
3:06 – Phase 2 (डेलिवरी के बाद 2 से 6 महीने तक )
3:22 – वजन घटाने के लिए सिंपल टिप्स
4:22 – Phase 3 डेलिवरी के बाद 7 – 12 महीने तक वजन घटाने की डाइयेट
5:02- डेलिवरी के बाद एक्सर्साइज़स कब शुरू करे , कैसे करे और क्या करे

#losepregnancyweight #pregnancyweightloss #pregnancyweight

Important links mentioned in the video:

►Indian diet plan after Normal delivery in first 45 days (PHASE 1 DIET CHART)

► Indian diet plan after Cesarean delivery in first 45 days (PHASE 1 DIET CHART)

► Indian diet plan for lactating mothers to lose weight in the first 6 months after delivery (PHASE 2 DIET CHART )

►Indian diet plan for weight loss (PHASE 3 DIET CHART )

►To get your personalized diet plan

►To Check Our Online E- Book store

WEIGHT LOSS diet plans For Non – Breast-Feeding Mothers
►1200 calories diet plan for weight loss

►GM diet plan for weight loss

►Intermittent fasting diet plan to lose weight –

►Indian diet plan for weight loss

►Indian diet plan for Fat loss

►Blood group diet plan for weight loss –

►1400 calorie diet plan

►Liquid diet plan

►How to lose weight effectively

►Low carb diet

Don't forget to visit us at for more information on health.


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You may have been blessed with a new bundle of joy and now you're ready to get back into shape. It's not as easy as it sounds, but there are ways that you can lose weight after pregnancy. Here are some tips for getting your body back!

* Work out regularly. Workouts should be no longer than an hour and you will want to avoid strenuous activity that puts too much pressure on your stomach, like sit-ups or crunches. You want to work out regularly but don't overdo it!

* Include lots of lean protein in your diet. Eating lean proteins can help you feel full and satisfied so you don't eat as much during the day.

* Eat 5-7 small meals a day instead of 3 larger ones. If you eat smaller meals more often, it helps prevent bloating and keeps your energy up throughout the day without feeling sluggish.

* Drink lots of water throughout the day! Drinking water not only keeps you hydrated but also aids in digestion and keeps you feeling full.

* Avoid processed carbs and sugars. Don't eat a lot of white bread, crackers, or pasta as these will cause bloating and water retention.

* Keeping a food diary will help you stay accountable for what you're eating throughout the day so you can keep your diet consistent! If you have trouble remembering what you ate throughout the day, set reminder alerts on your phone to go off every 3-4 hours so that every time it goes off, it reminds you to write down everything that's happened thus far.

* Exercise even if your body feels too tired at first. It takes about 8 weeks post-pregnancy to feel normal again but exercising will help speed up this process! Start slowly with walks around the block and work your way up to a full workout.

* Get enough sleep at night! You will need 7-9 hours of sleep most nights and it might be difficult to get all of this sleep while trying to take care of your baby so ask for help from friends or family members whenever possible.

* Avoid comparing yourself with other moms who have lost their baby weight quickly after pregnancy. Everyone has different body types, strength levels, genetics, etc. It's not realistic to compare yourself to someone else because you'll only end up feeling miserable about the progress that you're making in terms of losing that extra baby weight. Also, realize that just because mom A can lose weight quickly doesn't mean has a perfect body! There's no such thing as a perfect body, everyone has their struggles and you shouldn't compare yourself to others.

* Try not to stress about it! Stress can lead to even more water retention and bloating so try your best to stay calm whenever you can. You might feel like excuses are constantly coming up but remind yourself that these are only temporary obstacles that you will eventually overcome with time so don't let them bring you down too much!

In the end, it’s not about what you eat or drink. It’s about how much time and effort you put into making healthy choices. When we talk to our clients, they often tell us that their weight loss journey was made easier by using a food diary app like MyFitnessPal. These apps allow them to track every morsel of food that goes in their mouth so they can see where there might be room for improvement on days when eating habits are less than stellar. If your goal is weight-loss after pregnancy, this article may have helped get you started down the right path!

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Hi

  2. My friends tel me not to eat aubergine and bittergod while i am trying to conceive…. please help me clarify 😊

  3. Mam,plz intermitten fasting diet for thyroid with when take thyroid tablet with excerise explain because I am suffering from knee surgery. So help me or u can suggest me other diet during thyroid

  4. ►Indian diet plan for weight loss (PHASE 3 DIET CHART )

    ►To get your personalized diet plan –

  5. Before knowing Tht am pregnant I had thrice hot drinks Weelky once nw my period date over if I get positive wt to do mam plz urgent reply

    • i did not understand your question. can you please clarify

    • @dietburrp mam I drunk 3″ tyms last month and this month but knw am pregnant is there any problem plz ans

    • yes dont worry , dont drink now.

    • @dietburrp tq so much

  6. Mam meri beti 20 month ki ho gai h Or mera wight 75kg h mai apna wight kaise kam kru pls help me mujhe personal diet plans chaiye plss

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