Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Hi, I'm Dr. Carissa. In this video I explain EXACTLY how to lose weight after menopause. My goal is to help you safely lose weight fast, and balance your hormones naturally (especially while on menopause). Losing weight is not always easy. I often say that it IS rocket science. Luckily, my science background helps, as well as my own weight loss transformation.

Yes, I was overweight and depressed, until I took matters in my own hands and lost many pounds. More importantly, I gained confidence, motivation, and empowerment as a woman. Basically, I turned my life around and you can too.

You can see my body transformation on my website.

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Please note that the information found on my videos or on is intended for educational purposes and is not medical advice. You should consult your physician or other medical provider before starting this or any other weight loss, hormone, exercise or supplement program. These programs are meant for healthy adults and should not be used by pregnant or lactating mothers. The author and affiliates disclaim responsibility for any adverse effects resulting from this information.

The best way to lose weight after menopause is through a combination of diet, exercise, and healthy lifestyle changes. One of the most important things you can do for your health is to create a plan that works for you! You don’t have to change everything overnight, but if you make small sustainable changes then it will be much easier for you in the long run. Read on for our suggested tips:

1. Drink plenty of water

Staying hydrated is one of the most important things you can do for your health! Drinking water will help to flush your system, cleanse your body, and give you more energy. It’s also great for maintaining a healthy weight because it keeps you feeling full longer. It’s recommended that you drink about 6-8 glasses of water every day – but if you find yourself still feeling hungry then try increasing this amount even more!

2. Workout at least 3 times per week

Not only does exercise improve the way your skin looks and feels (especially when you lose weight), but it can also relieve stress, reduce anxiety, boost mood, increase confidence & self-esteem, and so much more! You can always start with a simple workout routine, such as walking around your neighborhood every day and working your way up from there. And remember to break a sweat by working up a good lather – you should be out of breath by the end of your workout!

3. Cut out processed foods & sugar

One of the best ways to lose weight is to eat healthy, nutritious meals. If you’re not thinking about what you’re putting into your body then it will reflect on the size of your waistline! Your body has been through a lot during menopause (hormone changes, stress, etc.), so make sure that it's constantly getting the fuel it needs to remain strong healthy. Try cutting out processed foods, alcohol, sugar, and anything else that might be unhealthy. Replace these with more natural options like vegetables & fruits to reap the healthiest benefits!

4. Eat breakfast every day

Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day – it helps to kickstart your metabolism! If you skip out on breakfast then you’re giving your body the chance to store fat because it’s not getting all of its required nutrients at once. Eating a healthy meal in the morning prepares your body for what it will be consumed throughout the rest of the day. And try to include protein in each meal so that you keep feeling full much longer.

5. Keep track of everything you eat/drink

Another great way to track your progress is through journaling! If you write down everything that you consume throughout the day then it will be easier for you to see what’s unhealthy and maintain a healthy, balanced diet. If nothing else, at least keep track of how many calories you’re consuming each day – this is especially helpful if you like eating out because often these foods are extremely high in calories.

6. Remove temptation

The last thing anyone wants to do is declare war on their favorite foods – but they can do more harm than good if they cause weight gain! For instance, if your favorite snack happens to be chocolate donuts then try removing them altogether so that you won’t feel tempted when you pass by them in the grocery store. If you go for a walk every day then keep the Oreo packages out of your home – this way you won’t be able to see them and feel tempted to eat them!

7. Get plenty of sleep

Menopause is known for causing fatigue, so if you’re lacking energy throughout the day it might be because you didn’t get enough sleep last night! Try going to bed an hour earlier each night so that your body can recharge itself during its required hours of rest. Staying up too late can affect your metabolism too – so make sure that you fall asleep at a reasonable hour!

8. Workout with weights 2- times per week

this will help you build lean muscle mass which boosts your metabolism – so that you burn more calories even when you’re not working out! If you have trouble finding the motivation to work out then try getting a workout buddy who can keep you accountable.

9. Take a Zumba class

not only are dance workouts fun, but they also help tone your muscles and increase your calorie burn by almost 400%! They’re extremely popular in places like Brazil & Columbia because of their popularity – so why not give it a shot yourself?

10. Do cardio before breakfast

This might sound crazy, but doing cardiovascular exercises first thing in the morning helps jump-start your day AND rev up your metabolism for hours afterward! It’s a great way to start your day feeling energetic instead of sluggish. And if you have trouble waking up in the morning then try exercising at night – this will help get you ready for bed because you won’t be so exhausted once it comes time to hit the sheets!

We’ve talked about the physical effects of menopause, but what are some ways to combat those changes? Though it may not be easy or quick, there are steps you can take that will help your body return to its natural balance. This article has provided a list of tips for managing these issues and getting back on track with weight loss after menopause. Hopefully, something in this list resonates with you—maybe even more than one tip! You should feel encouraged by how much control we do have over our health during this stage of life.

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Thanks for this…well done!

    • Thank you. I appreciate the comment. 🙂

  2. Thanks so much ! Informative and enjoyable !

    • Thank you Jennifer. I’m glad you enjoyed the info.

    • Dr. Carissa Alinat you responded 2 years later 😂 I’ve missed your videos !

  3. If you cut out sugar completely …..even blueberries will seem sweet and they can curve your sweet tooth .Dates too👍🏻

    • I couldn’t agree more. It’s absolutely right. When you cut out sugar, everything tastes better, and you can start enjoying fruits even more. Have you cut sugar out completely?

    • Carissa Alinat yes

    • Awesome. Let me know if you’re interested: I’d interview you on my blog or in a video. Your experience can help so many people.

    • Carissa Alinat chocolate cravings gone as well! Too rich now lol.My go to is: 1 cup dates, 1/2-1 cup pecans ( can add almonds if not enough pecans on hand) ,sea salt. Blend in vitamix using plunger. Roll into balls as is, or roll in unsweetened coconut. There’s soooo many varieties but these are simple and quick! We have 7 kids so it’s all about keeping it simple lol.Look up if you’re a chocolate fan…..she makes ones that taste like truffles ! I’m not interested in chocolate anymore but she has good options for people trying to get off sugar

  4. Hiya, I’m 47, haven’t been well for a few years now, Dr put me on steroids and I gained over 50 pounds😭😞! I’ve lost 15 pounds by LCHF FIIT weight lifting 6 days a week. Yippee! But my progress seems to have come to a standstill, I cut out carbs, all sugar, nothing white goes in my mouth but milk! So why can’t I lose more weight. And I have underactive thyroid. Help pleeeeaaaase

    • Hi, it sounds like the combination of steroids and your underactive thyroid might be the culprit. Do you take anything for your thyroid? You might want to ask your doctor.

      (This information is intended for educational purposes and is not medical advice. You should consult your physician or other medical provider. The author disclaim responsibility for any adverse effects resulting from this information.)

    • Hi Andrea. Yesterday I released an article that could interest you: How to beat a weight loss plateau.

  5. Thank for the video and infos

  6. Thank you.

  7. Why is this teeny bopper talking about menopause? No thanks…

    • Snow White thats a very ignorant comment 🙁

    • What a stupid, jealous comment!

    • @Carissa Alinat well..yes, perimenopause and she is in that age group.. and can speak to that for sure.

      I am 50. Missing several periods then having one once in a bit.
      I really felt different after about 48..even though I was railroaded into the Peri by crazy heavy bleeding from excessive estrogen at 42, the hormone thing didn’t affect how my body looked until about. 48.. Probably will be at full menopause at 51.
      The advice is good for any age..cut sugar, starches, anything that will mess with blood sugar metabolism and mess with your hormones.
      Good advice is good advice.

    • Essentially This She’s a medical professional.

    • That’s right. Thanks. 😉

  8. As a menopausal woman trying to lose weight I enjoyed watching this! Thank you!

  9. We don’t actually know that coconut oil is good for you. I know it’s mostly saturated fat and I know that saturated fat is in fact BAD for me. I’ve also never heard anything to indicate exactly WHY coconut oil is purportedly good for me.
    Also, why doesn’t this PA refer to lack of standardization of OTC supplements. Studies of OTC melatonin supplements show the range from well under 1mg to over 9mg, despite what any label might say. 9mg would be an overdose of melatonin.

    • 1. Saturated fat is not bad for you when it is in moderation, because it boosts HDL cholesterol (the “healthy” cholesterol) up. Coconut oil boosts HDL cholesterol, which helps combat the negative effects of LDL cholesterol (the one you don’t want to boost, the one that clogs your arteries). Coconut oil also has antioxidants. Keep in mind that it’s not simply fat that causes cholesterol problems. It’s the “bad” fats (such as hydrogenated oils) and highly refined carbs and sugars. That combination is not good.
      2. Melatonin supplements are often too high a dosage. Too much taken at once can cause headaches, nausea, dizziness, or irritability, all of which can disrupt your sleep. Between two tenths of a milligram and five milligrams 60 minutes before bedtime is a typical dose for adults, while children should take a smaller dose. Start with the lowest dose you can find first.

  10. lol

  11. Wonderful job by you and your husband, using this info for my mom who is 60, thank you

  12. I don’t think you should keep sugar sweets and soda as a reward treat for the kids, it creates a path for a bad habit once old of self indulgence including those said treats because they have their own job and every day is a treat, my parents chose nuts and smoothies and although I love sweets and soda, my intake is minimal and I think of nuts or sweets and something that brings good memories, treats I used to have as a child

    • Point taken. To be honest though, we don’t even have sodas in the house (or candies). Our kids actually prefer water.

  13. Great info…thank u for the excellent tips.

  14. Hello, you are right. At first I thought, ” what can she know about menopause?” But your talk was so intelligent and very information dense. I really enjoyed it. The only thing I would change or add is that for women in menopause or post menopause, I’d say to avoid or go easy on the bacon, full fat dairy, etc. The healthier plant based fats e.g., nuts, seeds, avocado, olive oil, etc are a better option. Great video overall and love that French accent , haha. Thank you so much.

    • Well thank you susan. I appreciate that. I’ve had a few nasty comments mainly because of my age. But I’m almost 40 with 5 children. And my clinical research is quite extensive. I’m also a doctor and own a clinic where I treat women on menopause all the time.

  15. I’m doing great with my weight after menopause, but my brain 🧠, not so much.

    • That is great to hear about the weight!
      Falling levels during menopause can make it difficult for your brain’s estrogen receptors to meet their requirements, causing brain fog, forgetfulness, and a lack of focus. Our brain also ages, which means that the most important parts involved with higher cognitive function, such as the frontal lobe and hippocampus, shrink. We also slow down production of important neurotransmitters (chemical messengers) and lose some of their connection points. In addition, the protective coating of our nerve fibers (myelin sheath) deteriorates, slowing down brain processes. The best things you can do is exercise to increase blood flow to the brain, keep it active by socializing, reading, learning new things. I also recommend any of these supplements: Fish oil, acetyl-L-carnitine, ginkgo biloba, resveratrol, B complex, and vitamin E.

  16. Great information

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