Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Lose weight after 40!

If you are a woman in your 40's and 50's, chances are that you have had to deal with some weight gain. If this is the case, then it can be frustrating because when we get older our metabolisms begin to slow down leading us to gain more weight even when we eat healthily and exercise. In this blog post, I will explain how women in their forties and fifties can lose weight despite their slowing metabolism.

First, it is important to understand why we pack on so much weight when we get older. The simple answer is that our metabolism slows down and this makes it harder for us to keep the same amount of weight off than when we were younger. However, there are things you can do in your 40's and 50's to minimize the effects of a slowing metabolism and start losing weight again.

One of the most important ways to lose weight after 40 is by doing resistance training. When our bodies begin changing into menopause they go through what is known as a progesterone shift which changes how much testosterone and estrogen our body produces. This shift causes more fat to be stored around hips and thighs instead of on your stomach where it was once stored. To combat this, we need to do exercises that build muscle and burn fat.

To lose weight after 40 we need to focus on building muscle and doing resistance training regularly is one of the most effective ways to help with weight loss. Resistance training will help you increase your metabolism and it will also improve your overall cardiovascular health as well by increasing your metabolism even more than cardio alone. It gets even better though because resistance training has been proven to boost bone density which makes it easier for women in their fifties and beyond to avoid conditions like osteoporosis later on in life.

Another great way for women over forty to lose weight is by eating breakfast. Mornings are usually rushed so sometimes we skip breakfast thinking we can make up for it later on. This is not the case at all! Skipping breakfast can make you feel grumpy, be more prone to drinking soda/coffee with calories, and can also cause your energy levels to crash. There are also medical issues that come along with skipping breakfast including insulin resistance, diabetes, low blood sugar, increased cholesterol levels, and heart disease just to name a few.

If our bodies don't get fuel during the day they go into ‘starvation mode' which slows down metabolism even further causing us to store fat instead of burning it off. Studies have shown that people who eat breakfast are leaner than those who skip it so try eating eggs or drinking fruit juice before you head out the door in the mornings.

For a final way to lose weight in your forties and fifties, try eating more protein. It may seem counter-intuitive since we tend to associate foods that are high in protein with unhealthy processed meats but eating lean meat can help you lose weight. This is because protein keeps us feeling full longer which means we are less likely to snack between meals or eat desserts.

Different people respond better to different types of diets so experiment until you find one that works well for you. The three methods I mentioned above should give anyone who is over 40 some insight into how they can lose weight despite their slowing metabolism. As long as you make healthy food choices and exercise regularly, it will be easy for women over forty to manage their weight.

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat

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