Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Feel like all the weight loss rules changed when you hit 40? ๐Ÿค” You're not alone! Find out what makes it more challenging to lose weight after 40 and where to start!

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It's no secret that losing weight can be a challenge for people over the age of 40. It is not so much about being able to lose weight, but rather maintaining your goal once you have reached it. This article will provide insight into some aspects of weight loss after 40 that you may not have considered before. The tips are meant to help maintain your progress and help prevent stress, which could lead to even more pounds packing on. Let's get started!

One of the biggest misconceptions about weight loss after 40 is that cardio alone will help you reach your goals. Cardio has its place as part of a good workout regimen; however, we often neglect to think about resistance training or weight lifting. If you've been working on your cardio and find that you're not seeing results like you'd like, consider adding some strength training into your routine. This means more than just doing curls and lifts with dumbbells during commercial breaks (although those have their place).

Strength training for women over 40 might also mean utilizing weights or bands during exercises such as lunges or squats so that you can gain muscle mass and tone up. It doesn't matter if you're focusing on the upper body, lower body, or both; the important thing is that you are doing something to help increase your lean muscle mass.


Getting enough protein is another important factor in weight loss after 40. Protein helps us maintain our lean muscle mass and keeps us feeling satisfied longer. If you feel like you don't consume enough protein each day, consider adding whey protein shakes into your diet. Whey protein supplements are low-calorie, yet high protein snacks that are easy to make and can help keep hunger at bay. Be sure to mix your shake with water only (not milk) if possible; this will make it lower in fat and calories. Another benefit of consuming a whey protein supplement (especially before bed) is that it will help your muscles repair themselves overnight.

Although it might not be fun, another aspect of weight loss after 40 is cutting down on alcohol consumption. Alcohol contains extra (empty) calories that can easily be converted into fat if not burned off. Also, the more you drink, the less likely you are to make good food choices later in the evening. Since alcoholic beverages also tend to lower inhibitions and encourage poor decisions regarding overall health, cutting back on your weekly intake is recommended for all ages (it's never too late or early to start practicing better health).

One final point that should be mentioned about weight loss after 40 concerns stress levels. Stress can wreak havoc on your body and cause it to retain extra water instead of releasing toxins through perspiration. When you are stressed out, your body is also more likely to crave fatty or sweet foods that provide quick energy boosts (which can lead to weight gain over time). Try some of the stress relief suggestions provided here if you're finding yourself stuck in an unhealthy rut due to stress.
Don't forget that exercise isn't the only factor in weight loss after 40. Your diet plays a huge role in whether or not you will achieve results and stay healthy. Don't let this discourage you, however; there are realistic dietary changes you can make so that you don't feel deprived while enjoying healthier meals. And remember, moderation is important when it comes to everythingโ€”even moderation!

Your fitness level with age as long as you stay active and eat a relatively healthy diet. Body shape changes and muscle mass declines with age. Staying active can help to maintain an ideal weight as well as induce positive hormonal changes that prevent diseases such as osteoporosis and arthritis.

The more you know about what your body needs to maintain a healthy weight, the easier it will be for you to achieve and maintain that goal. This blog post has provided some great tips on how to lose weight after 40; now all thatโ€™s left is for you to put them into practice! We hope this information helps make your journey towards healthier living an easy one.

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Thankyou Godbless happy 2020

  2. Iโ€™ve always had a problem producing saliva. It has improved after lower my carbs, higher my saturated fats and stopped using vegetable oils.

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  3. If you want to loose weight stop eating. Why is this so difficult to understand, especially for US Americans?

    • Thatโ€™s ridiculous. All that does is destroy your metabolism so you put on even more rebound weight. Our bodies have millions of years of survival programming to hold onto fat when they sense a significant calorie reduction – it helped us survive famine periods. There are healthier and more sustainable ways to lose fat and KEEP it off (very important) than starving yourself.

    • Funny, I visited a beach in Eastern Europe and saw many obese older women. The cool thing was that they didn’t seem to care they were overweight and were wearing bikinis.

    • @YouTubeName Fasting heals your metabolism.

  4. Amazing content. Thanks for sharing.

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  11. ๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ’™ i definitely noticed the change at 41 now…much harder to get my weight down….noticed way more stress & anxiety

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