Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
How to avoid menopausal weight gain

You don't have to gain weight as a result of menopause, even though so many women do. Dietician and author Elizabeth Somer explains how to avoid weight gain after menopause.

Weight gain is one of the most common concerns for women going through menopause. This guide will help you avoid it by giving you tips to reduce your calorie intake, increase your activity level and improve your overall health. We'll also give you an example meal plan that will ensure healthy weight loss.

The menopausal years can be a time of significant change for a woman. Not only is it a time when you're likely to experience physical changes such as hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings, but also a period in which many women tend to put on weight.

While there's no need to panic about the pounds piling on, staying slim during this change in life is important because obesity increases your risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer. If you need to lose weight, the good news is that there are plenty of ways to cut calories without feeling hungry or depriving yourself of foods you love.

Keeping track of what you eat will help you shed pounds in the long term by allowing you to keep an eye on your calorie intake. And the right exercise plan will help you burn off calories more quickly. For best results, combine both an exercise program with a healthy diet that supports weight loss.

Furthermore, it's important to remember that you don't have to give up everything you enjoy just because you're trying to lose weight. The trick is coming up with a strategy that works for your lifestyle. What follows here is one example of how you can use these two tools in combination effectively. You can also modify this strategy based on what works for your situation and goals!
The following rules should help keep your calorie intake low while still allowing food to be enjoyable:

· Cut out high-fat foods like frying oils (e.g., olive oil, vegetable oil ) and butter.

· Stay away from processed snacks and sweet desserts.

· Avoid eating out as much as you can – stay at home or go to a restaurant where healthy options are available. At the very least, avoid the bread basket at restaurants – for between-meal snacking, try celery sticks with peanut butter instead!

Before we move on to an example diet plan that will help you lose weight effectively, let's take a quick look at what's involved in an effective exercise routine:

The most important thing is to have fun with your exercise program – there's no point putting yourself through something boring if you're not enjoying it! However, choosing the right type of workout should be based on your age and health conditions; if you have a medical problem or an injury, be sure to consult a qualified health professional before starting any exercise routine.

Aerobic activity is the only type of exercise that helps to lose weight. This refers to physical movement in which your body's cells obtain most of their energy from oxygen through small blood vessels called capillaries. By exercising your heart and lungs, the aerobic exercise aims to deliver more oxygen throughout your body, helping you burn calories at a higher rate while you're doing it. Here are some great examples:

· Dance – rock ‘n' roll, swing, tango, salsa, Victorian-era waltz … the list is endless!

· Running – whether on a or around your local park, a good pair of running shoes is essential. Going for a run will help you build endurance, get into shape and lose weight quickly.

· Swimming – not only can this be done in the comfort of your home pool, but it's also a very gentle type of exercise that doesn't put any stress on your joints unless you're going too hard. It also burns calories at a high rate!

· Cycling – whether or not you have a bicycle handy, cycling indoors on a stationary bike is an excellent way to burn calories while having fun.

Two types of aerobic activity stand out when it comes to burning fat: playing team sports and participating in group fitness classes. Aside from their cardiovascular benefits, they offer an added social benefit too. If you're not a keen sports player or are on your own, try joining an exercise group. This way you will be less likely to slack off, and social support is always valuable when it comes to weight loss.

If you can't find group fitness classes that suit your needs and preferences, then look into hiring a personal trainer for a few sessions or join a regular health club where there's sure to be something suitable available. But if money is tight, check out community resources such as local churches and schools – they might even offer free courses! With so much variety available in the world of exercise, there's no excuse why anyone should avoid getting active – especially when it helps lose fat while having fun!

Now we'll look at a sample calorie-controlled diet plan that helps with weight loss:

· Breakfast: One cup of oatmeal (not instant) and half a grapefruit.

· Snack: Twenty-five peanuts and one apple.

· Lunch: Two cups of salad, three ounces of grilled chicken, two slices of wholemeal toast and an orange.

· Snack: An ounce of unsalted nuts, such as cashews or almonds.

· Dinner: Eight ounces of boiled cod or another type of fish, one cup of brown rice, four spears of stir-fried broccoli and two glasses of red wine.

This diet contains approximately 2000 calories per day, which will help you lose about 1 pound each week if you stick to it consistently while exercising.

If you're trying to lose weight, remember that it's not just the calories in food that count. Your body also uses up energy when you digest different foods, so consuming plenty of low-calorie vegetables will help you get more out of your meal and improve your overall health and fitness levels at the same time.

As we age, our metabolism (the process which converts food into energy) slows down quite a bit. A healthy diet with sufficient carbohydrates will help keep it on track; we'll discuss this important dietary component later on in this article. Protein is another macronutrient that plays an essential role in supporting muscle mass while reducing fat storage. While protein is made up of amino acids, these are used for all sorts of functions, not just muscle growth. So consuming too much is not necessarily beneficial when it comes to weight loss. If you want to lose body fat, you need to eat the right amount of protein for your muscles and any other vital systems or organs in your body.

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. such beautiful people!

  2. Try gaining 100 pounds- my mom, my seven aunts, my female cousins (6) have all gained weight after menopause. I work out, run, consume 1,200 cals a day, and can not loose it.

    • Do you work-out with weights? She suggests going to a Personal Trainer. It’s worth it and they can nail what the problem is.

  3. WoW! It sounds like you are doing everything you can to keep the weight gain under control. Have you talked to your physician to see if there is an underlying condition or deficiency that may be the root? Just a thought. But I truly understand your frustration.

  4. LOL! You kinda have to chuckle about it or you can get depressed over it. It is very true though.

  5. We kinda got the short end of the stick on this deal! 😉

  6. nice dialogue. In any cases, good diet and proper exercise will do to maintain best health and desired body.

  7. Thanks for sharing this video. It helps a lot

  8. Losing weight is hard to deal even at young age, what more when you get older.. Anyway, thanks for this. It helps 🙂

  9. Well done and very informative. Good job!

  10. Amazing, how it appears you think this can be resolved by certain parking spaces in a parking lot. Think about it, how our scheduling, the construction changes that keeps us away from each other. My prize and trophy is solely you. For some people it’s so easy to talk negatively behind someone’s back, but odds are they’re the most merciless, and I’ll let you guess the rest when it comes to them being in a critical situation. This is as serious as a heart attack.

  11. PHENOMENAL Video Man I always like you

  12. So menopause doesn’t cause you to gain weight IF you change your lifestyle, vigorously exercise an hour a day, totally change your diet… seems like menopause DOES change things. You can battle the weight gain if you change up your lifestyle. Duh.

  13. whole vs. refined grains…anything else? I Think some people need that explained better.

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