Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Over the last 2.5 years, I lost 40 pounds. Do you want to know how to lose weight? Today's video shares my personal story and strategies around losing weight, in a consistent and sustainable fashion. You will learn my four pillars of weight loss:

1) I love my "dad bod". While most people think of dad bod as a bad thing, in my case it's a good thing. Now that I'm a dad, I have been more active and busy than ever before. I spend many hours each day playing with my son. My dad bod is a reflection of my active lifestyle. Being a father has helped me personally lose 40 pounds!

2) Learn how my brand new diet has transformed my life. The result of an emergency room visit (due to chocking), I learned that I have acid reflex issues and need to remove all acidity from my diet. Thanks to my brand new diet, I lost a ton of weight and feel better than ever before. I rarely drink anything other than water, and love my new diet.

3) I now have two major exercise routines per week. I run 6-8 miles on Mondays, and swim 1,500-2,000 yards on Thursdays. Learn how I have made exercise a routine in my life, and how it is contributed to my weight loss and lean muscle gain.

4) Throughout the week, I enjoy short, impromptu workouts. I will take breaks from work to get in a few pushups, sit-ups, or jump lunges. Impromptu workouts give me that extra activity and exercise that keeps me in the best possible shape.

An important note: I did not implement all four pillars at once. My transformation was a slow, gradual process. It was all about taking baby steps over the years. Losing weight this way is sustainable, in my opinion.

I hope today's video inspires you. Regardless of your current situation, remember to focus on yourself. If you told me 2.5 years ago that I was going to lose 40 pounds, I would have said no way. However, look at what happened. Anything is possible!

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Wow , Nice transformation , Thanks for sharing

  2. Great job Ian!!! Thank you for sharing.

  3. Well done Ian!!

  4. Congratulations on the weight loss Ian! 💪🏻

    • Thanks, Dontee! I truly appreciate all of your support and kind words.

  5. Wow great advice and congrats my friend!

  6. Thanks for sharing, Ian. Does your healthy lifestyle influence how you invest? Would you still invest in Coke, McDonnald’s or Altria?

    • This is a really great question. In general, I believe in the power of choice and wise moderation. So, I currently do not limit my universe of stocks.

  7. I had some extra time so I scrolled back to some of your older podcasts and came across this one. I am so happy 4 u that you recovered from that episode. That must have been so Scarry! And congrats on your weight loss. Yahoo! That alone is Such an accomplishment. You look great!

    • Kathy, I cannot thank you enough for the kind words! Truly means the world to me. That night in the hospital was truly frightening, indeed. That said, it was a real turning point for me. Thanks so much for the kind words. 🙂

  8. Hello Ian! Wow, I’m surprised to see this kind of video from you. I knew you about your dividend investing content… But congratulation! This is also a great achievement! 🙂 … I’m a runner for since 2010, but skipped last year and gained 15 kg of extra weight unfortunately. Now I run again since January, and I enjoy it about as much as dividend investing. 😀
    I really like your channel, you make it honest, simple, and always with very clear message. Thank you.

    • Thank you so much, Istvan, for the kind words! From time to time, I like to mix in some videos about topics other than dividend investing, especially when I think they may benefit others. This is one of them! Glad you liked the video. And, wishing you huge success with your running and dividend investing. I have to agree that I enjoy running/swimming as much as dividend investing too. Great to have such healthy activities in life! Thanks, again!

  9. Very motivating! If someone can’t resist eating unhealthy stuff, maybe this person can resist buying these stuff 😉

    • Fabulous way to look at it. And, thank you so much for the kind words. That self-control definitely applies to both health and budgeting!

  10. Based on all of your previous videos that I have watched, I would never have guessed you were EVER overweight. Good Job! Have you ever considered going vegan?

    • Many thanks, John! Really appreciate it. Have not really thought about going vegan. Wishing you all the best!

  11. rule one of investing stay alive

  12. I’ve noticed I’ve been commenting on your videos a lot recently. I feel like we have a lot in common. I also lost 40 pounds over the last year-and-a-half. After losing the weight, I look at my life, and realized I might actually live longer than I thought I would. That’s when I started to really consider Investing For My Future. And that’s my founder Channel 🙂

    My weight-loss Journey truly began when I had knee surgery in the beginning of 2017. The doctor said if I don’t get weight off my knee, I will likely need a knee replacement in my 50s. Artificial knees only last about 10 to 15 years before you have to replace it again. This would mean continuous knee surgery for the rest of my life. In other words, my doctor put the fear of God in Me! When I went in for my last check-up, she was shocked that I actually followed her advice and lost the weight. I still have about another 20 to go. So keep up the good work! And keep the videos coming.

  13. Hey Ian, i lost 3 kg since June this year bg switching from 3 to 2 meals a day with within the last and first meal at least 12-16 hours of not eating. I also do some calishenics basics just like you haha. 1 meal a day i dont like. Have a nice day!

  14. I stumbled on this, and since I’m just dropping comments everywhere, I wanted to say this is awesome. In the past year, I’ve lost 50lbs myself.

    This story really resonated with me. Your number 1 key factor is what helped me too. And while I never chocked on my food, I had sort of that same realization with my diet and a warning from my doctor. Working in tech, I was addicted to energy drinks. I gave up all beverages Dec 4th, 2017 and have just been drinking water for the past year. Built a standing desk and completely changed my diet as well. And after reading the book extreme ownership I started lifting weights 4 times a week and waking up at 4:30 am to do so.

    Great videos, keep on keeping on man!

    • Thanks so much for sharing your story, my friend! Love this comment. 50 pounds – way to go! Also, 4:30 am is very commendable. I have a copy of Extreme Ownership and you have totally piqued my interest to read it. Wishing you all the greatest!

  15. Ian you are truly an inspiration whether it is sharing tips on investing or your life experiences. You got a new subscriber , look forward to your videos.

  16. Curious which book did you’re wife recommend? thanks.

  17. Great message. Thank you!!!

  18. Excellent video. Having a “dividend mindset” also helps when working out and losing weight. Losing weight isn’t a over night success story. Losing inches is like collecting a quarterly dividend. You have to wait to see the results. Perhaps the challenge of losing weight was what made you a better and more mature dividend investor?
    edit: Greetings from Poland!

  19. Can you make a video from your Ian to thug life Ian transformation?

  20. Hello Ian, I really enjoy your videos they have helped me a lot:):):):):) I’m getting into D investing and weight loss so we have a lot in common…Want to try the running…I’ve been riding bike mostly but want to switch or include running…Thanks for the honesty and sincerity…Your journey is assisting others!!!!!:):):):):) Bill Owen, Portland Oregon

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