Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
*This video is EXACTLY What Women Over 40 Need when it comes to FITNESS. Don't skip over this one because it COULD change your life.*

#1 Program to UNLOCK Your Tight Hip Flexors


By the time you've reached your forties, one of two things has likely happened: You've found a go-to fitness routine, or you've completely given up on your goals. Either way, it's time to shake things up, because this is the time when differences between the fit and unfit really start to show.

The decrease in muscle and bone mass that begins in your thirties and continues and gets worse if you don't exercise. Fat-burning muscle is critical to keeping your weight balanced. It will not only prevent you from going up a few dress sizes but also help you fight off serious stuff like heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and cancer.

Even if it has been months or years since you worked out last, your muscle fibers can fall back on your past experience for support and can be ready to go in a short notice. And your heart and lungs need to stay healthy too and this routine can help with that!

One change you will begin to notice in your forties is that recovering from workouts takes a little longer. It's because your levels of hormones like estrogen and testosterone usually drop slightly during this decade and this drop can speed up the aging process if you allow it to, this isn't a good thing.

This video is EXACTLY What Women Over 40 Need when it comes to FITNESS. Coach Tonya gives you exactly what you need to do in order to stay healthy even if you don't feel like you did in college!

Other ‘Over 40' videos that will be helpful for you to watch:

FULL BODY Dumbbell Workout:

STRONG CORE Workout for Women:

FAT LOSS Workout For Women Over 40

If you have any questions or comments, please post them now below! Thanks for watching and have an awesome day.

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If you're a woman over 40, you know the challenges of training and exercising. You might have to deal with joint pain, scar tissue buildup, or other issues. But there's no need to be discouraged! This blog post has some great advice for getting in shape without stressing out your body even more!

It may seem like a great idea to jump right into the gym and try every workout under the sun. However, this can hurt your joints or even cause injuries that will bring your training progress to a screeching halt.
So, if you're a woman over 40 and just starting, then these tips will help get you started on the right foot.

Tip #1: Focus On Joints

Joints are often what hold us back from getting in shape. Now we can say there's no such thing as “too old” and that we should train until we die. But, for some people (especially women), their joints just aren't up to snuff anymore. They need to take it easy on them!

If your joints feel weak or creaky after a workout – even when using proper form – then it might be time to try something else. You could always add weight, but it never hurts to start lighter than usual and do more reps instead.

Tip #2: Focus On Rep Ranges

Rep range is another thing to consider when you're over 40 and training. If you've been doing the usual 3 sets of 10 reps, then it's time for a change! This can lead to burnout early on in your workout program because you don't have enough muscle mass yet.

The best thing to do is to focus on building strength so that you can push yourself towards growth later on. The best rep ranges for beginners are usually around 1-3 with heavier weights. That will give your muscles time to adjust before you start adding more weight or dropping back down into lower rep ranges again.

Tip #3: Try LOW-Intensity Cardio First

Low-intensity cardio is the perfect way to prepare your body for high-intensity routines later on. You can even do it every day if you want, but it's recommended that beginners only use low-intensity cardio 3 times a week.

Since these types of workouts are at such a low intensity, they don't give you much of a calorie burn. However, that's not the point! These small bursts of movement will help warm up your joints and keep them mobile while also giving you time to recover between intense weight lifting sessions. Eventually, you'll be ready to switch over to HIIT or other types of cardio after sticking with it long enough!

So if you're a woman over 40 and you want to get started on a new fitness program, then try these tips. They'll help you avoid injuries while also giving your body time to adjust to new movements. There's no need to rush into things! Always start lighter than usual and go from there.

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. I’m 49 & I love going to the gym.
    I’m up at 5am 6 days a week to be at the gym for 6am to do the classes & weights. Then I’ve got the rest of the day to do my business. Health is wealth.

    • That’s awesome! Rock on!!

    • same here and there are waiting lists to get into some of the classes —-good to see people (even older folks) getting physically fit.

  2. Great video! You lived in Canada? Cool…I am Canadian too.

  3. Thank you so much for sharing this video:) I myself will be turning 40 very soon.

  4. I’m 53 and I go to the gym 6.30am as soon as I wake up and the gym opens. I do a power class once a week using really heavy weights. Then I do weights on my own 3-4 times a week followed by a yoga stretch down. I use cardio only as a 10 min warm up. I used to do the hours of cardio but I found that weight lifting is my thing and I get more out of breath and sweaty with weights than I ever did with cardio.

  5. this is great!! please keep doing this or let me know if there’s another channel dedicated to this! thank you

    • Thank you. We will be posting videos like this and you may also want to check out our other channel
      Critical Bench Compound for more videos like this as well.

  6. Hey Tanya! Great information! I like to ” celebrate ” after my gym sessions with a few home made protein balls or an apple ☺

  7. When i start working out,i want to lose some weight,but now i love my workouts,i learn so much and i’m still learning,working out it’s my life,i’m 41 and it’s so nice to know i’m not alone,thanks Tanya❀

  8. I love that there is a workout for woman over 40 but what about if we are just starting, this workout seems hard. What can you show me for beginners

  9. I was looking for the place to request the Report β€œTaming Your appetite and Cravings”. Couldn’t find a box to request? Thanks

  10. do you actually do any full body dumbell workouts on your channel to follow along with

  11. Thank you for this excellent information! Exactly what I needed to get me going!

    • So glad you found this video! πŸ™‚

  12. Fitness for women for over 40. Please more updates. Thank you for sharing xo

    • Check out our channel for more great exercises for women over 40. πŸ™‚

  13. Thank you. I’m 68 and I’m moving. Legs up the wall, squats, leg lifts, dumbbell arm workouts. I also changed my diet for the better. I do intermittent fasting daily. I’m down over 20 lbs. and feel great!

    • Love hearing this. Keep at it, Ms. E!

  14. Thank you!!

  15. Thanks for this…i will start today!!!

    • Best of luck and let us know how it goes πŸ™‚

  16. Thank you so much!! β€πŸ™πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ’ͺ🏼

  17. πŸ˜†πŸ’― 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄 π–πŽπ‘πŠπŽπ”π“! πƒπŽπ–ππ‹πŽπ€πƒ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 πŸ“-πŒπˆππ”π“π„ 𝐆𝐋𝐔𝐓𝐄 π–πŽπ‘πŠπŽπ”π“ ππŽπ–…

  18. πŸ–€β€οΈ

  19. Loved this. I will be turning 50 in a month. I have been doing mostly cardio the last 2 years. I know I need to do more strength training. This was exactly what I needed.

  20. You lost me at The Body it’s a Machine…..hell noooooo

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