Eat These Foods To Clean Your Stomach Instantly

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Most of us have the misconception that stomach problem is only caused by what we eat. And while it is true that many illnesses can be remedied with diet changes, there are also other factors at play here. For example, lack of sleep and stress can lead to serious stomach problems like ulcers or acid reflux. So if you're suffering from chronic pain in your abdomen, heartburn or nausea on a regular basis, then these three things will help you get some relief: exercise regularly; change your diet (e.g., cut out coffee); and practice some relaxation techniques (e.g., deep breathing). You'll feel better in no time!

Today we'll look at one simple dietary alteration that could improve your health. We all know the unpleasant feeling of bloating and discomfort in our stomach after eating a big meal, but did you know it can also affect what we eat and when? Bloating is caused by excess gas and fluid in your digestive tract. But since everyone's system is different, there are many factors that may cause gas – including certain foods!

So if you've tried an elimination diet (removing specific foods from your diet to determine which ones might be causing symptoms) with no success, then try adding these three things to your routine: yogurt; probiotics; apples. These three items contain fructans, a type of fiber found in some carbs that can cause gas in some people.

Yogurt is actually one of the best sources of calcium, protein, and vitamin D. But for those who are lactose intolerant, you can buy lactose-free versions that contain live cultures to help improve your digestive health. You can replace high-fat or sugar yogurts with plain low-fat yogurt – just be sure to choose organic yogurt without added sugars or artificial sweeteners. You can then sweeten it with fresh or frozen fruit.

The main ingredient in yogurt is probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that support digestive health and boost immunity. These tiny microbes are found naturally in fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, miso soup, and kefir (a tart yogurt-like drink). You can purchase these types of items at your local health food store – they're great to have on hand for a quick meal!

Probiotics are the live bacteria that you also find in other fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi (which we'll talk about another time). They're naturally found in our gut and they work by controlling bad bacteria and encouraging the growth of good bacteria. Just remember that while eating yogurt is a great source of probiotics, you need to make sure the product contains live cultures. This means it must say “contains live cultures” or “made with active cultures.” Good brands include Activia (available at most supermarkets), Yoplait (light versions are lower in sugar), and any Greek yogurt (higher in protein than regular yogurts).

Lactobacillus acidophilus is a type of probiotic bacteria found in yogurt and other cultured dairy products. It helps promote the growth of healthy gut flora, which reduces gas – making you feel better!

Apples contain natural prebiotics – these are non-digestible fiber compounds that feed our healthy bacteria. They ferment in your bowels and help increase levels of good bacteria like Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria – which both encourage proper digestion! You don't have to go crazy about this one – eating an apple a day is perfectly fine. Just make sure to remove the core and seeds, which contain small amounts of cyanide!

There you go – three simple dietary changes that will clear your stomach and make you feel better in no time. Just remember: eat smaller meals, avoid dairy products (if you know they cause indigestion or heartburn), and be mindful of the foods you eat.

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat

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