Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Can't lose weight after 50 or during menopause?
Energy & Weight Loss block #1:

Living in a Calorie In Calorie Out Mindset

Calories, points, tracking how many calories you’ve burned, whether you’ve earned an ability to eat or need to exercise more to burn off, as if no matter how exhausted you are you need to follow the dogma that if you eat less and exercise more you will ultimately lose weight.

In fact, you won’t. Science has proven over the last 10 years the mistakes we made with non-fat and low fat, with sugar vs. fat and most recently ignoring that hormones not calories control both fat storage and fat burning.

It’s also proven that if you eat the right foods you can eat up to 300 calories a day more and not gain weight.

Then there’s the exercise part of that equation. If you believe if you burn it off or you “have” to go workout because you ate so much and you “feel gross” (comments I’ve heard so often over 36 years mostly from women) you’re getting it right and wrong. Yes, exercise makes you feel better. You’re also setting up a binge-purge relationship with food and exercise.

You’ve seen the evidence on the treadmill or elliptical. I’ve seen it on a bike after a 4-hour bike ride and even that is disappointing.
You may burn 100 calories for walking (or running) a mile. You’re still going to eat 300-500 calories easily for breakfast after. After a 4-hour bike ride, that includes at least one bar and sports drink I’ve already really balanced my calories in calories out.

Exercise and a healthy eating approach do both of course matter.
So how do you find the hormone balancing approach to both and give up the method you’ve used for so long? By first looking at the evidence what you’re doing isn’t working.
Do this

Exercise (non-calorie burning!):
Assess the signs that your body is not at its healthiest equilibrium. These all, either directly or indirectly, have to do with your food and or your exercise.
Do you sleep well? Wake rested?
Have any hair or skin issues?
How is your digestion? Elimination?

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck? Like despite your best efforts, you can’t seem to make any progress with weight loss or energy levels. Chances are, there’s some blockage standing in your way. In this blog post, we’re going to show you how to clear your energy and weight loss blocks. Are you ready? Keep reading!

1. Identify your blocks.

The first step to clearing your energy and weight loss blocks is to identify them. What exactly is standing in your way? Is it stress? A lack of motivation? Unhealthy eating habits? Once you know what your blocks are, you can start to take steps to counter them.

2. Address your stress levels.

If stress is one of your energy and weight loss blocks, then it’s important to find ways to reduce it in your life. This might mean making time for relaxation and self-care, saying “no” more often, or simplifying your schedule. Whatever works for you, make sure that you’re taking steps to reduce stress in your life.

3. Create a healthy lifestyle.

If unhealthy eating habits are standing in your way, then it’s time to make some changes. This means eating more whole foods, cutting out processed and sugary foods, and making sure that you’re getting enough nutrients. It might seem like a lot at first, but trust us – it’s worth it!

4. Get moving.

Exercise is key for both energy levels and weight loss. If you’ve been feeling sluggish, make sure to get moving and get your heart rate up. A brisk walk, jog, or workout session will do the trick!

5. Stay motivated.

One of the most important things is to stay motivated throughout your journey. This means setting goals, celebrating small victories, and surrounding yourself with positive people. When you’ve got your motivation levels up, anything is possible!

6. Seek professional help.

If you’re struggling to make progress on your own, it might be time to seek professional help. A therapist, counselor, or coach can help you identify and overcome any blocks that are standing in your way.

7. Be patient.

Last but not least, it’s important to be patient as you work on clearing your energy and weight loss blocks. Progress might not happen overnight, but if you keep at it, you will eventually see the results that you’re looking for!

8. Visualize success.

Whenever you feel doubtful or like you can’t do it, close your eyes and visualize yourself at your goal weight or with boundless energy. What does that look and feel like? Let that image inspire and motivate you to keep going!

If you’re carrying around any extra weight, it’s likely that there are energy blocks in your system that are preventing you from losing those pounds. And if you’re feeling drained and stressed out, it’s probably because your body is working overtime to keep up with the demands of your life. Luckily, both of these issues can be addressed with some simple energy clearing techniques. So what are you waiting for? Contact us today and let us help you clear your energy so you can finally lose the weight you want to lose.

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. I want to gain weight!!! I don’t want to be frail. I am 130 lbs but 135 is my best weight. I am also trying to build muscle.

  2. It’s SO exhausting all the tings You have to do. It was så easy to keep the right weight before,
    and now it’s totalt impossible no matter what I do. 😔😩

    • I totally agree. I’d have to starve myself and workout a few hours a day to get it off and keep it off. Menopause has ruined my body. I don’t even care anymore if I’m fat. I’m just done.

    • @Jo D I can relate as well. Don’t give up. Take good care and love yourself. Kindness and self love means more than what that scale says. Make healthy choices, exercise when you can, and focus on that smile in the mirror!

  3. What is lite exercise?

  4. Thanks for explaining…I had ovarian cancer and had a hysterectomy in my late 30’s. I have gained weight and I have insomnia. I exercise for 30 minutes a day.

  5. Excercise Early, great information!

  6. Have had rheumatoid for 35 plus yrs. But since getting over 50 and hormone imbalance has put on weight. Past 5 to 7 yrs was lethargy. But trying to control weight is difficult. Cos i was ona rigid diet cos of the arthritis.

  7. What is some advice you have for the person who wants to lose the weight from my belly and hips? What worked best for you/did you find it easier to lose the weight?

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