Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat

Watch this video for weight loss tips for women over 40. Everything you need to know about weight loss tips for women over 40 is right here!


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It's never too late to start losing weight! And the best part is, you can do it in a way that doesn't make you feel like you are missing out on anything. To help with this goal, we've compiled five of our favorite tips for women over 40 who want to lose fat without giving up their favorite foods. We hope these helpful hints will inspire you to take control of your life and ditch those pounds today!

You can still enjoy your favorite foods!

People who are 40+ tend to be very concerned about their weight. Many of the most popular diets encourage you to cut out entire food groups, which is not something over 40 women should do unless they're being medically supervised. The 5 tips below will help you lose fat without restricting what you eat or feeling deprived.

Weight Loss Tip #1 – Don't Cut Food Groups Over 40 or at Any Age

Yes, this means you'll still get to enjoy an occasional pizza, steak, cheesecake, and so on! But there's more to it than that. Cutting certain food groups from your diet usually ends up being less effective in the long run because it makes dieting harder by making you feel like you're missing out on things.

As time goes on and the number on your scale stays put despite your best efforts, eventually dieting becomes more of a chore than something that's good for you. This leads to “diet breaks” or quitting altogether because it feels like nothing is working (more details on this below). If however, you can make small changes to your eating habits, you will see how easy it is to lose weight over 40!

The old saying “everything in moderation” still holds true today. It's not necessary to eliminate foods groups entirely if losing fat is your goal (unless you have an allergy or negative reaction after eating certain foods – then by all means avoid those foods!) Because our bodies are meant to enjoy certain kinds of foods, you will feel happier and more satisfied when you eat nutritious things in moderation. Instead of cutting out carbs or sugars completely, make it a goal to reduce the number of carbs or sugar in your diet slowly over time. This way, you'll still get to enjoy them when you want but they won't be the main focus of your meals anymore.

Weight Loss Tip #2 – Reduce Carbs Gradually To Lose Fat Over 40

People who are trying to lose fat over 40 should try reducing their carb intake gradually instead of trying an extremely low-carb diet. For example, if one's baseline diet consists of eating 200g of carbs daily, start by reducing that number by 20g every few days until you get to around 60-100g per day.

This method will take longer than drastically cutting carbs out of your diet, but it's much healthier and easier because it allows you to adjust to this new way of eating as you go along.

You'll never feel deprived, and you'll still be able to enjoy the occasional carb-heavy foods that are normal parts of our diets without ruining all of your progress.

Weight Loss Tip #3 – Focus on Protein, Fiber, and Water Over 40

Foods like lean meats (chicken, turkey), low-fat dairy, and legumes (beans) contain high amounts of protein and fiber which can help with weight loss in a few ways: It takes more calories for your body to digest protein and fiber than it does for carbs or sugar, so the more protein/fiber you eat, the less room they'll leave in your stomach for other foods.

Protein helps curb hunger because it takes longer to digest which keeps ghrelin levels low, making us feel fuller for a longer period of time.

Water is great for weight loss over 40 because it fills you up while keeping your appetite at bay. Foods like soup and oatmeal can help keep you hydrated and satisfied without packing on extra calories as sodas and juice can.
Fiber also has this benefit since it absorbs water as it moves through your digestive system.

Weight Loss Tip #4 – Don't Deprive Yourself Over 40

This doesn't mean you should overindulge in everything you see without considering the consequences. However, it's important to make sure that your weight loss diet is sustainable in the long term so you don't burn out after a few weeks of hard work.

Getting rid of all of your favorite foods overnight isn't realistic because you'll only end up rebounding and overeating later on. Depriving yourself makes it harder for you to be healthy in the future (and depriving yourself is something that only obese people do! This isn't related to weight at all!) If losing fat easily is your goal, try reducing your carb intake gradually instead because it will take longer but the results will last much longer as well. You can always add more carbs back into your diet when you want a special treat.

Please note: If you feel like your weight loss goals are impossible no matter what, then it's best to consult a doctor or nutritionist who can help you come up with an individualized plan that will help move the scale in the right direction.

Weight Loss Tip #5 – Exercise and Be Active Over 40

If you're lucky enough to lose fat over 40 (and chances are good if you follow these tips!) make sure to get active! Getting active is one of the best things we can do for our bodies after this age because it keeps us feeling young and healthy, but it also improves muscle tone and energy levels throughout the day. And don't worry about feeling “too old” to exercise, just stick with something fun that you'll actually do every day instead of beating yourself up when you miss a workout.

Weight Loss Tip #6 – Reduce Stress Over 40

Finally, consider reducing your stress levels (if they're high) by taking time off from work if possible and practicing techniques like yoga or meditation. When we're stressed out, our bodies release cortisol which makes it much more difficult for us to lose fat over 40 because this type of stress encourages the body to store calories as fat instead of burning them (4). This makes it harder for us to lose weight in general but also has some serious added benefits like an increased risk for heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer.

Please note: when we feel stressed out, our brains prioritize protecting us from danger even if it's not a real threat at the moment. In a modern society with fewer predators and more safety, this mechanism is usually unnecessary which is why stress can actually make us gain weight.

The best way to lose fat for women over 40 is by following a healthy diet and exercising. You can also do things like drink plenty of water, take walks outside on sunny days or try new ways to spice up your workouts. Remember that it’s never too late to start exercising – even if people tell you otherwise! Your health is worth it; don’t let anyone convince you otherwise!

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Many thanks, been searching for “sae 40 weight oil” for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you ever come across – Viyemily Mature Mansonella – (do a search on google ) ? Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my mate got cool success with it.

  2. Thank you. This made my decision to join a gym

  3. This is glorious, I’ve been looking for “losing belly fat after 40 male” for a while now, and I think this has helped. Ever heard of – Fanlevi Immaculate Eradicator – (just google it ) ? Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my buddy got cool results with it.

  4. Just wonderful, I been tryin to find out about “losing weight at 40 male” for a while now, and I think this has helped. Ever heard of – Fanlevi Immaculate Eradicator – ( search on google ) ? Ive heard some pretty good things about it and my co-worker got cool results with it.

  5. Many thanks, I been tryin to find out about “eating healthy after 40” for a while now, and I think this has helped. You ever tried – Fanlevi Immaculate Eradicator – (should be on google have a look ) ? Ive heard some pretty good things about it and my cousin got great success with it.

  6. This is just superb, been searching for “diet plan for 40 year old woman” for a while now, and I think this has helped. Ever heard of – Fanlevi Immaculate Eradicator – (do a google search ) ? Ive heard some incredible things about it and my work buddy got amazing results with it.

  7. Sorry the “starvation mode” stuff if you don’t eat simply isn’t true and I’m testimony of that! My health DRASTICALLY improved (lab tests to prove it!) from fasting and basically NOT eating all day long! Plus it’s SO HARD to maintain a calorie deficit doing 6 small meals a day!

    However, everything they have said about the exercise using HIIT is so true!

    • Do you mean one meal a day, or just fasting one full day and then eating the next. I am new to this and you tube is overwhelming. Any info/advice if you have time would be great –

    • JK Campbell that’s true intermittent fasting is good for you. Lately I been fasting for 14 hours and I eat once a day and it doesnt harm my organs it’s helping me lose the fat quickly.

      Who are these ladies because they’re not exactly up to date on weightloss. The body actually doesnt store fat when you reach ketosis, on the contrary it burns fat.

  8. But how do you deal with the hormonal part of it when you are a 43 year old woman. The fatigue during the time of month the cravings and to top it off the insomnia? Im a vegeterian and since i turned 43 i havent been able to lose weight. Any advice on that aspect?

    • Hey Jessy –I highly recommend Keto for that. I’m vegetarian, you don’t have to do it by eating bacon grease all the time. I had a lot of hormone issues for years … without going into it, I was told by a dietician to try a modified ketogenic diet because, despite “eating healthfully” I was eating too many carbs to actually lose any weight, and my body was just not having it anymore.

      In the initial stage, you eat 80 percent of calories from fat, 15 from protein, 5 from carbs, and drink nothing but tons of water … an ounce for 3/4 of each pound you weigh. You weigh 200 lb, you drink 150 ounces of water each day.

      You’ll drop about 7-15 pounds in the first 2 weeks just from water weight, and anywhere from 1-3 pounds each week after that. After about a month, you start to lower the fat intake, raise the protein and make sure to keep as much of your veggies raw as you can. Keep a food diary the entire time.

      Stay away from dairy … It was designed to make baby cows fat, and guess what it does to you? Stay away from grains, stay away from sugar, that includes fruit … Only allow yourself a half cup of fruit each day, and it’s best right before bed. And seriously, weight training is a miracle. Do legs every day, and doubly so on leg day. I know it sounds like BS, but weight training will also help if you have any back issues because, it helps to build up the “erector muscles” that give your back its strength.

      Fell free to message me if you have any questions, otherwise, there are tons of support videos, websites and forums on how to do modified keto for vegetarians. Good luck!

    • As a vegetarian, you still need to find ways to get protein. Eggs are a good resource, nuts too. There ARE vegan body builders. I recommend you look into what they use for protein and be dogged about making sure your body is getting the right nutrients.

      As for that time of the month, it’s ok to take it a little easier. Still get to the gym but do some core or low intensity exercise instead of HIITs just for that week. That way you’re maintaining your routine and don’t feel like you’re “starting over” afterward. Find something you can use as a treat so you don’t feel deprived during those times – I use a small piece of really dark chocolate, 85-90% cocoa, and it really works for me. Find something that works for you to help keep you on track. Ultimately, people who just say, “this sucks” and dismiss it are too lazy to be constructive. Take the parts that work for you and improve on the ones that don’t. Most of all, don’t give up!

    • @The 9th Spade awesome feedback!

    • Keto and fasting is probably the way to go and moderate exercise with plenty of recovery time. Check out Dr. Sten Ekberg videos and Dr. Berg videos. Excellent information from over 50 experienced gentlemen. Dr. Ekberg is a former Olympian.

  9. I’m turning 50 and what I’ve noticed most about my health is how hormonal changes are affecting my weight. I’ve always been active and eaten pretty healthy, but when I entered the mid 40-50’s, especially since I had children, your body is simply different and I need to learn how to manage hormonal shifts. I highly agree with you and these tips will help. Thank you!

  10. Awesome 😎 this was soooo helpful…new sub!!!

  11. I fix a bunch of chicken in my instant pot on Sunday and use it through the week. It’s a huge time saver. I bake a big thing of steel cut oats with fruit as well and make egg and veggie muffin tins for the week. All of this takes me 1 hour on Sunday.

  12. Husband, Family, Children, Grand Children, preventing Osteoporosis, balanced Nutrition, getting toned, a fully rounded interview.

  13. Besides the starvation mode thing I agree with all and I am motivated to start.

  14. Ohhh my I’m a runner no wonder 😩will start on my weights. Thank you this video does help

    • Your running will improve, too, if you are including strength training and HIIT.

  15. HONEST TO GOD; I watched my wife for years run the treadmill and never lose weight. Finally she started to “Change her WorkOuts IE: Dance Classes, Yoga, High/Low, Body Strong…. I’ve seen a drastic change in my wife’s (51 yrs) body tone, weight loss and stronger!!

  16. Ok. I’m confused. I thought this was for over 40? An hour lifting?? Sit-ups? The recovery time would be brutal on both muscles and back for those over 40. Didn’t make sense to me.

  17. Hi! I’m 43 and have been doing strength training for several years to help prevent bone density loss and to keep my metabolism humming. My struggle is I keep injuring myself. I’m not lifting super heavy, but overhead presses dislocated my sterno-clavicular joint. I felt fine while I was doing it but post-workout inflammation swelled the area and I woke up dislocated. I had to rest up for 12 weeks and do physical therapy. I started back to the gym slowly, but during some low resistance TRX rows, I strained some muscles in my back. I’m still trying to recover from that. I’m terrified now of lifting. How do I prevent injuries while still challenging my body?

    • Hi Angela! Great question and good job taking action on working on your goals. I would start where you are, by listening to your body. Start with some warm-up exercises for the back. Then start with exercises that challenge the muscle group but a start in a progression of them. This will help build conditioning in that area before progressing to the next step.

  18. You all are funny & this video was very informative! Thank you 😊

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