Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat

You may have thought you were done with your weight loss battle when you reached the 40s. But, in reality, this is just the beginning of a new chapter in your life. At this point, many factors can contribute to weight gain including hormonal changes and stress levels. So what do you need to know about battling weight loss in your 40s? We're here to help!

1. Start small if needed

Begin with small manageable changes. If you are currently not active, try walking or light jogging for 10 minutes each day. This will increase your heart rate and help you lose weight. Move up to 30 minutes of exercise daily as your body adjusts. Try to eat more meals throughout the day rather than just 3 large ones since smaller portions are easier to digest reducing stress on your digestive organs especially after 40! Be sure to eat more veggies, fruit, lean protein, and fiber-containing foods like whole grains instead of empty carbs that contribute to insulin resistance during weight loss efforts.

2. Weigh yourself at least once a week

Weighing yourself regularly can be an excellent tool to track your progress. You can try stepping on the scale once a week or more often depending on how much weight you want to lose. Tracking your progress will also help keep you motivated during times of challenge!

3. Don't get discouraged

Keep in mind that weight loss is not an overnight process. It will take time, effort, and consistency to see results so don't get discouraged if it takes longer than expected to see the numbers on the scale go down!

4. Take supplements

Speak with your physician about taking vitamin D, calcium, and magnesium supplements especially after 45 when bone loss begins putting one at higher risk for osteoporosis over time. Be sure to eat foods rich in these important nutrients as well and include weight-bearing exercises in your daily routine.

5. Start a blog

Writing down your goals and successes will help keep you accountable and motivated! Plus it can be a great source of encouragement for family and friends who want to know how you're doing on this health journey!

6. Get active with kids

If you have children, encourage them to play outside more often jumping rope, riding bikes, or playing sports like soccer or baseball. Being more active with kids can help inspire the whole family to get moving instead of turning on the TV when they get home from school!

7. Try new things

As we age, there is no reason why we cannot try things like rock climbing, yoga, or hot yoga. New activities are fun and offer different benefits for the body so why not give something new a try? It's also another great opportunity to spend time with the kids!

8. Watch out for chemicals

You may be doing everything by the book correctly but still, have trouble losing weight. This could be due to hormone changes, environmental toxins, or even certain medications you are taking that affect your metabolism making it harder to lose weight despite regular exercise and caloric intake in check! Be sure to watch what you eat including artificial sweeteners, preservatives, dyes, or MSG since these ingredients can all contribute to weight gain over time. Ask your physician if there are other alternatives available for whatever medication you are taking if weight gain is one of the side effects.

9. Give yourself time

Remember that weight loss takes time and patience so try not to get discouraged when you plateau which is normal! Stick to your healthy habits, stay hydrated and make time for exercise even if it's just in 10-minute segments throughout the day or week. Be patient with this process to achieve lasting results that will allow you to feel better than ever before.

10. Learn more about supplements

If you are looking for one of the best supplements to help aid in weight loss efforts, be sure to look into Garcinia Cambogia extract. This natural fruit extract helps in reducing fat storage. There are many other natural ingredients available on the market today but be sure to purchase a reputable brand so you know exactly what you are getting!

The article has given you the information to make the best decision for your lifestyle. You can now use this new knowledge to make a better choice when it comes time to lose weight in your 40s. A calorie-controlled diet will be successful if you are willing to give up certain foods and snacks that are high in calories or sugar, drink plenty of water, exercise regularly, and maintain healthy relationships with food. This advice should help you start making progress toward meeting your goals!

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Why keep showing men?

  2. nothing new same thing at any age

  3. This video is so good. i have a weight loss journey of my own and i have kept the weight off for 5 years now and i feel better now then i have ever felt. i feel young again. @t

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