Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
It's no question that we have to live a healthy lifestyle no matter what age group we're in. We need to eat healthy food and spend a few minutes to exercise everyday if we want to stay at the prime of our health.

But even if we live a healthy life, aging is not something we can stop. We just have to find ways to make sure that we find ways to make our lifestyle fit our needs.

Today's workout is something we've come up with that is perfect for women over 40s. When you reach this age (and beyond), you may start to think what kinds of exercises you can do that are safe and effective for you.

Well, today we have the right answer for you! 🙂

Side Bends
Knee Tuck Crunch
Reverse Crunches
Donkey Kicks
Back Turns
Fire Hydrant
Bird Dog

Follow along this workout video and do it on a daily basis. It's super safe for you since all the exercises are very easy and you can do them at home, too! No need for any fancy equipment or hardware!

Good luck and be sure to subscribe to our channel to receive workout videos everyday, Monday to Friday!

Let's get started!❤️💪

If you are over the age of 40, get ready to feel like a kid again. The best news is that you can do anything that your younger counterpart can do, and more! You just need to know which exercises work best for women over 40s. We can maintain our fitness level as we get older with these 8 exercises:

1. Walking: A simple, inexpensive, and easy-to-do form of exercise that can be done anywhere at any time is walking. Whether it's strolling in the park or taking a stroll around the neighborhood, you'll get your heart rate up and burn calories. Don't forget to carry your water bottle with you so you stay hydrated!

2. Swimming: Swimming is one of the least impactful exercises that allow you to work all major muscle groups of your body while improving flexibility and cardiovascular endurance too. If you're not familiar with swimming strokes yet, then check out these 3 most basic swim strokes for beginners.

3. Walking Lunges: This exercise targets your quads and glutes while also helping to improve your balance and coordination. The walking lunge is a great cardio exercise that you can do just about anywhere.

4. Stair Climbing: Stair climbing engages your entire leg, including your hamstring, glutes, quads, and calves. It also works the major muscles of your heart – the left ventricle and interventricular septum. And it helps to strengthen your bones too!

5. Running: For some women over 40s, running can be daunting at first because of past injuries or other physical issues they had when they were younger runners. But if you can run without pain or injury, then start small with shorter runs instead of trying to keep up with marathoners on day one.

6. Bicycle: The bicycle exercise not only works your core, but it also works the muscles of your lower and upper back as well as those in your arms and shoulders. Once you're comfortable riding a bike, start slowly increasing the resistance to further increase the intensity and calorie burn.

7. Water Aerobics: This is one of my favorite exercises because it doesn't put any pressure on my joints like other forms of exercise do so I can still train hard without pain or injury! Plus, water aerobics workouts are tailored to every fitness level so whether you're just getting started with an exercise routine or already fit and looking for something new, then keep reading below for four fantastic water aerobic exercises that will be perfect for you.
8. Lunges: Lunges are a great exercise that targets your butt and legs, plus they work your core too! When you do a lunge, make sure to keep your knee above the ground as you bend. Keep your chest up and eyes straight ahead as you go down into a low lunge position.

The 8 exercises are designed to not only help maintain a healthy body but also improve mental health. With the right routine of physical activity and diet, you will be able to live your life with more energy and positivity! If you're looking for some quick tips on how to stay active as an adult woman over 40 years old, this post is perfect for you. Check out these eight simple moves that can make all the difference in your day-to-day life!

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Good job
    Am over 40

  2. I have backache I hope I can do this exercise

  3. thanks alot

  4. This seems a good work out for the mid section. I am gonna start from today and will let you know the progress after a week

  5. Great for grandmas like me😂

  6. you should definitely check out *myfatdestroyer .com*

    • It’s up to you if you don’t want to use it 🙂 But a lot of people think that if they take longer on their exercises ignore the rest times, it will be more effective and they will lose weight faster. I’m afraid it doesn’t work that way. It may do more harm than good. The rest time is carefully calculated in coordination with the workout moves. They’re there to be used so that you will have enough break from the intensity of the workout to cool down a bit before the next rep. Good luck! ❤️💪

    • Allows the body to avoid a stress response with a cortisol spike, which would signal the body to store everything you eat as fat.

    • Roberta’s gym…..will these workouts help in broadening the shoulders and maintaing good shoulder shape even after 45 years of age for women ?
      Pls reply

  7. Amazing work out! I will definitely try this out%💯💚
    Thank you for sharing 🕶💤

  8. Stay fit everyone

  9. Thank you. I will try it 😊🙏🏻

  10. One of my hand is short after breaking when i was a kid,is it possible for me to do it

    • I don’t see any reason why not but if you’re unsure, you can always check with your physician first. Good luck!❤️💪

  11. I’m 77 years​ and​ two ago I had knee replacement,do you think I can do these exercises, I really liked watching it.tkns

    • No it is not advisable so please try to avoid this workout

  12. thank you for this vedio..i feel better bcz have belly fats

  13. I can do it! I’m 42

  14. Wow!

  15. Géniale grâce à vos vidéos je me suis remise au sports ❤❤😘😘😘😘

  16. Amazing

  17. Thanks my lovely Roberta for sharing this beautiful exercise.🥰👌🍒🙏

  18. good video with little talking which I like! Easy to learn for those that seem challenged.

  19. Between every exercises there’s 30 second rest…really, 40 years old is that old😁

  20. Thanks for useful exercises ✌❤

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