Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
*Going through menopause? Pre-menopausal? Then exercise MUST be a PRIORITY in your SANITY PLAN! Find out more in this video with Coach Tonya.*

The Key to Eliminating Joint & Back Pain, Anxiety & Looking Fat


If you are going through menopause right now or are pre/ peri-menopausal you may be feeling like your body is a completely foreign entity! Don't despair! While this can be a very frustrating time in a woman's life, it is a NATURAL transition and there are things we can do to navigate THE CHANGE feeling a bit more in control and limiting the sometimes EXTREMES that can blindside us.

Now menopause is a very unique and specific experience from woman to woman. Even though we will all go through menopause, what we experience, how extreme our symptoms are, how long they last is very individual. You may breeze through menopause with barely a blip on your radar. OR . . . you may feel like you are constantly riding a rollercoaster of extreme ups and downs with not belt or safety bar in place.

So it's important to keep in mind that YOUR experience is YOURS and have tremendous body awareness so that you can make some lifestyle changes is going to work very much in your favor. We cannot eliminate menopause from our AGING PROCESS, however we can take some control over certain decisions we make, to help reduce the intensity of some of the most unpleasant symptoms.

Now we all know that exercise is good for us. Well if you've never been one for regular physical exercise and you find yourself in the throes of menopause I STRONGLY RECOMMEND you get started. You do NOT have to train like an athlete, but you do need to start moving your body on a regular and consistent basis.

Again, exercise is not going to eliminate menopause or your symptoms, but it may help alleviate or reduce the severity of some of the symptoms you are experiencing. For example, menopausal women often complain about weight gain that doesn't seem to want to move. Well start moving YOU . . . it's a start!

Tips? Absolutely!

Find something you ENJOY! Do you like talking walks? GREAT! Walk more and don't stroll . . . WALK! Get your heart rate up. Biking? Super! Do that 4-5 times a week and try to go a little further each week. Finding it hard to get going or stay motivated? Perhaps joining a class is a good fit for you, plus it makes it more social.

Just find an activity or activities that you really enjoy doing and do those on a regular basis!

Here are some other benefits to doing regular exercise when you are in menopause:

Helps to support healthy cardio function
Supports weight loss/ ability to maintain a healthy weight
Helps to decrease risk of bone density loss
Helps to reduce back pain
Helps to reduce stress
Helps to increase your mood
May help decrease intensity & frequency of hot flashes

Best exercises? Well again, find something you enjoy. However here are my TOP 7 BEST exercises for menopausal women to participate in:

1. Qigong – focuses on breathing and posture

2. Weight lifting – will help with fat loss and bone density

3. Walking & Hiking – supports healthy cardio function as well as improved mobility, flexibility and weight loss

4. Pilates/ Yoga – helps to improve flexibility and better balance

5. Cycling – supports cardio health and weight loss

6. Belly Dancing – supports core strength, increases flexibility, helps support better posture, great for cardio health

7. Mini Band/ Resistance Band Training – easy, cost effective way to incorporate resistance training anywhere

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The hormonal changes that happen during perimenopause and menopause can take a toll on the body. Exercise is an important part of fighting against these changes, but it's not always easy to figure out which exercises are best for you. This blog post will provide 7 different exercises to help with common symptoms of menopausal women.

1. Walking

Walking is one of the most effective forms of exercise for both losing weight and staying fit. It can be done anywhere, at any time, with no special equipment required (unless you want to count your shoes!). A brisk walk helps reduce stress by clearing your mind and helps lower blood pressure. If walking alone isn't exciting enough for you, try a walking program instead! There are many benefits to walking programs such as walking clubs, walking trainers, and even apps that track your progress for you! The American Heart Association recommends walking 5 days a week for at least 30 minutes each day.

2. Swimming

Swimming is an excellent low-impact exercise that works for all major muscle groups without putting much strain on the joints. It's also a great way to learn how to control your breathing during exercise and trains the diaphragm to improve exhalation. As you get more comfortable, swimming exercises can be performed at varying levels of intensity by altering the kick rate and stroke length. This translates into fewer joints and muscles affected when compared to other aerobic exercises such as running or cycling. Swimming is one of the best things that menopausal women should do because it helps alleviate symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats while strengthening bones and improving flexibility as few other workout routines can!

3. Yoga

Yoga is an ancient science for achieving health, happiness, and peace which involves various methods (including meditation) for training awareness, breathing techniques, and postures for achieving a balance of the mind, body, and spirit. Yoga is both a workout routine as well as a way to relax. It's one of the best exercises that menopausal women can do because it helps build muscle tone while improving flexibility, improves blood pressure and cardiovascular health by strengthening muscles, reducing stress and weight management. So go ahead…grab your yoga mat!

4. Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are flexible loops or rubber bands used to strengthen muscles through resistance training. They are far easier for women to use than weights because they take up less space in the gym, don't require any spotters (great for those who want to work out solo), can be easily hidden under clothing when needed and are inexpensive compared to other weight equipment. Resistance bands can be used to increase strength and build lean muscle mass in your upper body, arms, chest and back as well as improving balance and posture. They come in many different resistance levels ranging from light (or “beginner”) to heavy (or “advanced”). Once you've mastered the basic exercises with a lighter band, try progressing to a heavier one for more challenging workouts!

5. Barre/Controlled Kettlebell Exercises

Barre and kettlebell exercises help strengthen the muscles of your lower body by training them to work together instead of against each other like most traditional weight lifting routines do. This helps elongate muscles rather than shorten them which is especially important during menopause when shortening of the hip flexor muscles is common. Barre and kettlebell exercises are also great for increasing strength in all major muscle groups of your upper body. Plus, they make you look good!

6. Cycling/Walking

Cycling or walking around a track or path for 30-45 minutes at least 3 days per week helps to strengthen leg muscles while improving cardiovascular health by improving heart rate, circulation and breathing techniques. It can be used as both an aerobic workout routine as well as a weight training program depending on how fast the person walks or rides their bike. One downside to cycling is that it can be dangerous if proper precautions are not taken such as wearing a helmet, riding with traffic instead of against it, avoiding congested streets while walking and remaining within a bike lane when walking.

7. Diet/Weight Management Program​s

Good nutrition plays a vital role in maintaining overall health, energy levels and weight management which are especially important to women during menopause when the body's metabolism tends to slow down slightly leading to weight gain. It can also trigger other menopausal symptoms such as headaches, irritability, mood swings…the list goes on! For best results combined with diet and exercise routines, people should consider enrolling in a healthy lifestyle program that incorporates cardiovascular workouts into everyday life for improved heart health involving both aerobic activities (such as brisk walking) and resistance training exercises (like weight lifting). These programs have been proven to produce lasting results while being easier than trying to do everything on your own! Something else I like is that you can get personalized workouts done at home if your budget won't allow pricey gym memberships!

If you are experiencing symptoms of menopause, here are 7 exercises that may help. The article provides a list of the best exercises for menopausal women to do at home or in the gym to reduce some common symptoms. All these exercises can be done without any equipment and they don’t take long so it is easy to fit them into your daily routine.

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. Good info as usual! STRESS IS MY BIG ONE! I have not had a piroid sence 2000. I Love Lifting weights and Training.! I have Osoarthrits -Ostoprosis. Bad hip broke Fumer in 2008.just got back in the Gym and I Feel Alive again. My husband is on dialysis. And I take care of my Father who just turned 80.and my step mom who has Dementia and on Oxygen. I also have a bad back infact it killing me right now. But I’m unstoppable Now! Going to the gym today to Release Stress and anxiety issues. Stronger by the day. NO EXCUSES ♥ 💪

    • Thank you for sharing, Michele! Stay strong and make the best out of life in spite of all challenges 🙂

    • @Critical Bench Compound
      Thank you. 💕 💪. That is my motto 💪 When life gets you down. Land on your back, So you can look Up 👆 Get Up and Try again. M. D. R. MAKE DREAMS REALITY 💪 ♥.

  2. Sorry my Father is 90 not 80.♥ 💪

    • You have a lot on your plate Michele . . . remember to take care of yourself too while looking after others ~ Coach Tonya

  3. 💪 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄 𝐄-𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 – 𝟔 𝐖𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐓𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐞 & 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬:

  4. I’m menopausal and I exercise 3 days a week have the best sleeps

    • Awesome! Keep at it! 🙂

    • @Critical Bench Compound thanks yep I’m losing weight too 👍🇦🇺😊

  5. I never had menopause symptoms… I’m 71 and no symptoms….

    • Wow, that is so great to hear! Feel free to share your self-care tips for menopause, Fran 👍

    • Critical Bench Compound I ate soy products… I read in some Asian countries the word hot flash does not exist… they attribute it to soy products…

  6. Exercise does prevent back pain… most days I do wake up a little stiff… after I exercise my back is fine….

    • Absolutely … and keeping a strong core will be an added benefit too 😊

  7. I walk and jog a lot… Fitbit is over 10:000 – 15,000 a day…

  8. When starting out, what kind of resistance bands should I get?

    • Thank you. And thank you for watching

  9. Yes, I am 62 yrs old and I do yoga…

    • Wow, that’s impressive! 👏

  10. Gods, what a gorgeous-looking woman you are!

    • Thank you … and thank you for watching 😊

  11. Sheri easterling

  12. All such great information! Keep sharing you knowledge i love this channel ✨❤️❤️

  13. Very nice information ….I am 46 years..can I do HIIT workout

    • As long as you have no pre-existing conditions that prevent you from doing HIIT and as long as your doctor has not advised against it you should be fine to do HIIT.

    • @Critical Bench Compound thank you

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