Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
According to WebMD, our metabolism slows down by about 5% for every decade of our lives after we hit age 30. This means that, on average, women have to cut 100-calories from their diet daily just to remain in the same shape. However, there are other easier and even surprising ways to burn those calories, like turning down your heat at home.
Here are 6-efficient methods to stay thin or lose weight when you are over 30-years old.

1.Take a Daily Walk
Adding a daily walk to your routine means you’ve taken the first step toward achieving a healthier weight. Middle-aged and senior individuals have an increased risk of hip fracture, but staying active can help you burn more calories and lower your chances of suffering an injury. Research suggests that regular-exercise can reduce a person’s risk of osteoporosis, and shaving off those extra-pounds means you’re putting less strain on your joints, making it easier to prevent a fall that can keep you sidelined.

2.Up Your Omega-3s
Want to see those numbers on the scale get smaller? Try adding some fish to your meal-plan. Research published in Obesity reveals that adding some omega-3s to subjects’ diet helped them lose more weight, keep-it off longer, and limit those nagging hunger pangs. For women over-30, omega-3-rich fish, like salmon and tuna, are a particularly good choice; studies suggest that adding them to your diet may reduce your risk of hot flashes, too.

3.Skip the Sweeteners
Kick off your weight-loss today by skipping the artificial sweeteners. Researchers at Yale University have found a link between artificial sweetener consumption and an increased risk of obesity and excess belly-fat, but nixing them from your diet could help you get-rid of those unwanted-pounds.

4.Sip Some Green-Tea
A little green-tea in your cup could yield a lot of weight-loss. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition reveals that adding green-tea to subjects’ meal plans increased their fat-burning ability by a whopping 12%. Even better, green tea’s combination of antioxidants and caffeine can give you the boost you need to fend off those energy lulls that often accompany middle-age.

5.Don’t forget to rest
“Beauty sleep” isn’t just good for you skin — it also helps your body stay healthier and leaner! Research proves that sleep-deprivation fosters your brain to make bad decisions (snack-on junk-food, skip workouts) plus it messes with the hunger and fullness hormones, ghrelin and leptin, meaning you can easily overeat and not even notice!
So put away your phone and your computer before bedtime and let yourself get as much sleep as you possibly can!

6.Drink enough water
If you are prone to bloating, some people make a big-mistake and cut down on their water intake. On the contrary: drinking enough water will actually help you cope with this problem, as well as increase the amount of calories you burn.
Water also helps your body-detox. Drinking a glass of water before a meal reduces your appetite and the number of calories you consume.

DISCLAIMER: The materials and the information contained on Natural ways channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. None of the information on our videos is a substitute for a diagnosis and treatment by your health professional. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provide.

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Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
  1. nice video kèep it up

  2. # first

  3. 2nd 👍☺

  4. Hello,5 Steps To Looking 10 Years Younger, Did you know that once you hit 40 years of age, whether you’re a man or a woman, your body starts aging FASTER than normal? Studies have shown that without the proper nutrients and exercise, your body will age about 6 months EXTRA for every year that passes. Think about that! If you are 40, that means by the time you hit 44 you will LOOK and FEEL 48. And by the time you reach 60, you will LOOK and FEEL 70 YEARS OLD! We see this every day… just look around you.Read more:

  5. In america your better with omega 3 pills than farmed fish as the diet of the american fish farms means the fish have drastically lower levels of omega 3 even compared to european fish farms.

  6. Of course stay away from fish if you happen to be violently allergic like My family.

    • lharchmage well said

    • Or if you happen to be vegan. You are better off without it as it tends to contain mercury. At the present rate of fishing, all fish could be extinct by 2048, in which case we would be in big trouble because the health of the ocean is vital in production of

    • phytoplankton which produce 80% of the world’s oxygen. For more info, watch the free Youtube documentary Seaspiracy. You will never want to eat fish again.

  7. हिंदी में बताइए

  8. makeup breakfast processing challenge airline take my genetic or literary.

  9. Any one else don’t like to eat and wanted to gain weight?

  10. The audio is shocking..

  11. take a daily walk/regular exercise.
    up your omega 3. .
    skip the sweetners.
    sip some green tea

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