10 Probiotic Drinks That Will Make You Poop

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
We all know that consuming more water is good for the body. And while most people get enough fluids from drinking plain old H2O, there are a variety of other beverages available to help you meet your quota and get some additional benefits.

In general, fruit juices and milk contain sugar which can be problematic for those with diabetes or who are trying to lose weight. Coffee has caffeine in it, but many studies suggest that moderate consumption (up to four cups per day) may have health benefits including reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.

If you need something cold in order to drink more water, consider plain seltzer water or sparkling flavored water instead of soda which is high in both sugar and calories. For an extra probiotic boost try one of these 10 Probiotic Drinks That Will Make You Poop.

Kvass (A Russian probiotic drink)

Kvass, a traditional Slavic beverage, is made by fermenting wheat bread that has been sweetened with sugar or honey and flavored with ginger. The resulting effervescent drink can be served either before meals as an appetizer or after meals as an aid to digestion.

Ginger-Lemon Tea (A refreshing probiotic drink)

This simple tea combines the health benefits of lemon juice with freshly grated ginger root for a healthy dose of probiotics along with vitamin C and beta carotene which may help fight cancer and heart disease. Add some honey for sweetness if you prefer, but skip the milk which is difficult to digest.

Sour Beet Kvass (A healthy probiotic drink)

Beet kvass is a common Russian and Eastern European fermented beverage that provides a number of health benefits in addition to being high in probiotics. It can be made from either fresh or canned beets depending on which you have available, and once prepared lasts for about two weeks when stored at room temperature in a cool place.

Gingerade (A refreshing summer probiotic drink)

Refreshing gingerade with its extra boost of dietary fiber from the ginger root along with prebiotic mannitol will revive your taste buds after a heavy meal while providing excellent digestive health benefits due to the ginger and fermented jicama.

Kombucha (A probiotic drink to make at home)

Kombucha is a beverage made by fermenting sweetened green or black tea with a SCOBY (Symbiotic Colony Of Bacteria and Yeast). It contains high levels of antioxidants and b-vitamins as well as powerful probiotics which help boost metabolism, improve immune function and increase energy.

Sugar-Cured Pemmican Tea (A tasty way to boost gut health)

This traditional Native American beverage is loaded with zinc, iron, calcium, and niacin plus prebiotics due to its sugar content so you can feel good about sitting back with your favorite glass as it provides your body with a healthy dose of probiotic bacteria that will help you digest and absorb all those minerals.

Ginger Bug (A simple way to make ginger beer)

If you're looking for something more than just plain water to drink, try making some ginger beer using this easy fermented recipe. You can control the amount of sugar and the strength of the ginger flavor which makes it a versatile beverage even if you don't care much about its health benefits other than getting some extra dietary fiber.

Gjetost Cheese (A traditional Norwegian cheese made from whey) 

If you've never heard of gjetost cheese or tasted it, then brace yourself because this unusual dried cheese made from whey isn't exactly delicious tasting. Despite its bitter aftertaste, gjetost cheese is extremely high in calcium which helps promote healthy gut flora.

Sauerkraut (A traditional German probiotic side dish)

Traditionally eaten as a side dish with pork or sausages, sauerkraut is one of the oldest forms of fermented food known to man providing many health benefits due to its anti-inflammatory compounds and prebiotics that help promote the growth of good bacteria in your digestive system.

Flaxseed Kefir (An easy and tasty probiotic drink)

Flaxseed kefir doesn't require any special equipment or starter cultures because it's made from flax seed powder and water with a pinch of sugar for the fermentation process. It's full of calcium, protein and healthy dietary fiber plus probiotics with hardly any calories or fat which makes it an ideal beverage to boost your gut health.

If you are looking for a probiotic drink that will make your digestive system healthier, try any of these 10 drinks. They provide many health benefits including boosting metabolism, improving immune function and increasing energy.

No matter what kind of diet you follow or the flavor you prefer, there is something on this list to help improve gut flora while supporting nutritional needs in other areas too! So grab yourself one of our favorite probiotics-packed beverages today and get ready to poop tomorrow.

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat

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