10 Foods That Make You Poop Right Away

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat
Do you have a habit of waiting until the last minute to go to the bathroom? If so, you're not alone. Many people try and hold it in as long as they can–to avoid going during work hours or while out on a date. But this could be causing some serious issues down there: constipation and hemorrhoids (ouch!). The good news is that if you know what foods make your stomach feel like it's time for business, then you'll know which ones to stay away from. Here are 10 foods that make you poop right away:


The Huffington Post reports that eating two cups of grapes before a meal helps digestion and leads to bowel movements right away after eating. Apparently, this is because of the high water content in grapes. The article also says that any kind of fruit does the same thing (pears work too).

There is no scientific research on this one- it's more like an old wives’ tale. So if you enjoy having bowel movements immediately after eating, eat lots of fruits!


Beans, beans, the musical fruit…you've probably heard that song before. Who would have thought that eating beans could help you poop? Apparently, if you eat lots of beans, your bowel movement will be “voluminous” (according to The Huffington Post). So basically you'll need to take a lot of trips down to the toilet.


Garlic is well-known for having strong odors. But apparently, it also helps make your bowel movements come faster because it stimulates the intestines and relaxes the muscles in your digestive tract (Healthline). This means that all that food just moves through your body faster than normal.

Ice Cream

Ice cream is one of those things everyone loves but few people admit to eating. It is a rare day when I have ice cream but recently, a friend of mine admitted that she loves it for the fact that it makes her poop right away because of the dairy in it.


This veggie has been around forever and if you've ever taken a stroll through your local grocery store, you know how expensive celery can be. But apparently all that money is worth it because doctors say celery helps make “your bowel movements more solid” (Healthline). So basically, there's less chance that anything will fall out during a bowel movement.


Bananas are one of those fruits everyone knows about- whether they want to admit it or not. Apparently bananas make you poop right away because of the fiber and fluid in them (The Huffington Post). So if you're looking for something to help you poop, eat a banana!


Enjoy snacking on this delicious treat- but watch out! According to Women's Health Magazine, popcorn is good for making your digestive system move things along. If you stuff yourself with popcorn, then chances are you'll need to take lots of trips down the toilet.


According to WebMD, ginger has been known as a “carminative” meaning that it makes it easier for gas to pass through the intestines causing bowel movements. It also helps relieve indigestion which may lead people to have bowel movements more often.


I love apples- they are one of my favorite snacks. But apparently, these crunchy delights are good for moving things along in the digestive tract (Healthline). They also help to relieve constipation which means you'll be going number two very soon after eating an apple!


Oatmeal has been sold as a dietary product for years now because it is healthy and full of fiber. Apparently, the fiber in oatmeal helps make bowel movements easier too (Women's Health Mag). So if you're looking for something high in protein that will help you poop, eat some oatmeal!

Digestive problems. Bloating, constipation and diarrhea are all signs of digestive problems. These issues can be caused by many different things including the food you eat or even stress in your life. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms on a regular basis (or if they happen after eating certain foods), then it may be time to see your doctor for advice about how to alleviate them.

If your tummy is hurting, then you'll want to take a look at whether or not the foods you are eating are making your digestive problems worse. Sometimes it can be difficult to tell if certain foods are bad for you but these 10 foods make it easier to figure out what may be causing your digestive problems.

Real Cause of Excess Belly Fat

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