11 Home Remedies For Constipation

Constipation is a common problem that affects many people. It can be caused by not getting enough fiber in your diet, dehydration, or just a lack of regular bowel movements. If you have been dealing with constipation for a while and are not sure how to get it under control, here are some home remedies for constipation.

1. Lemon juice

Lemon juice is a natural way to help your body stay healthy. The acidity in lemons has been shown to make the digestive process more efficient, increasing nutrient absorption by 60%. It can be added as part of an ongoing health regimen or used when you have food poisoning for quick relief from symptoms like nausea and vomiting that come with getting sick!

2. Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a common natural remedy for all sorts of things, from soothing cuts and burns to calming irritated skin. However, this plant also has benefits inside the body as well! Drinking aloe vera juice or adding it into your smoothies can help with digestive issues such as constipation and IBS because both those conditions have been shown to improve when consumed orally – not just taken externally as most other supplements would do on their own.

3. Coconut water

Drinking coconut water has been shown to be a great way for those who want their body and intestines clean. The increased kidney function, as well as the stimulation of the digestive system, will make you feel more energized than ever before! Coconut also contains natural magnesium which helps move waste out through urination or bowel movements; this is perfect if your goal is good digestion throughout every inch of yourself!

4. Vitamins

The Digestive System relies on a healthy balance of the body's systems, including blood circulation and nutrients that are needed for normal functioning. One way to ensure your digestive system stays in check is by eating foods with vitamins C & B-5 which can help reduce inflammation in this area – contributing towards better digestion! Get all these important vitamin supplements through diet or supplementation if necessary because nutritional needs change over time due to our lifestyle changes like stress levels changing.

5. Milk and ghee

Warm milk is a traditional remedy for those who experience constipation. When ghee, which has been used as an ancient healing tool in ayurvedic practices and can be added to warm milk at night time to encourage bowel movements without risking harmful side effects like diarrhea or dehydration from other laxatives.

6. Fennel

Fennel is not only a delicious herb but also an effective natural laxative. Roasted fennel can be added to warm water and drank at night time, or seeds from the plant increase gastric enzymes in your digestive system which helps with stool moving through your colon effectively!

7. Prunes, figs, and raisins

Plums, prunes, or dried pluots are a common remedy for constipation. They're not just enjoyed by seniors! Dried fruit can be equally beneficial and does offer more fiber than drinking juice made from fresh apricots; however, both will provide that natural laxative effect you need when it comes to regularity issues in your body's plumbing system (i.e.: bowel movements).

8. Honey

For those who suffer from constipation, consuming honey can be a great way to relieve their symptoms. This is because the natural sugars found in this sweetener feed good bacteria and activate your gut's flora so it produces more fluids for you.

9. Molasses

Blackstrap molasses contains vital vitamins and minerals that can provide constipation relief. One tablespoon in the evening plain or added to warm water, one teaspoon mixed with juice for breakfast – this technique relieves symptoms of dry mouth overnight by binding up excess fluids while you sleep!

10. Omega-3 oil

Fish, flaxseed, and hemp seed oils are beneficial for the integrity of your diet because they lubricate intestinal walls. Salmon is one fish that can be incorporated into a healthy lifestyle since it has omega-3 fats which help with digestion as well as keeping you regular! You may also want to consider taking supplements if consuming these foods isn't enough on its own or just isn’t tasting right due to taste preferences – there's always some form available at any grocery store today like capsules/tablets, etc.

11. Baking soda

Baking soda is a natural cleanser for the colon. Make an eco-friendly solution of 1 teaspoon baking soda mixed with enough warm water (a cup) to fill in your sink or tub, then sit back and watch as this humble little household staple cleanses you from head to toe!

Constipation is something that affects many people, but it doesn't have to be a chronic condition. These 11 home remedies should help you feel better in no time at all!


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